Friday, July 2, 2010

1 July 2010 - Psalm 8

“Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth”
You deserve our praise from the time of our birth
“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers”
The sight of the moon and the stars still lingers
When I think of man’s place in your eternal plans
“You made him ruler over the works of your hands”
You gave us authority over all living things
Including animals, fish, and the little bird that sings
So when I reflect, I find I must proclaim
“Yes, Lord, how majestic is your name”

Yes, God's name and His work are to be praised
There are so many things at which I am amazed
When I take time to look at the world around me
The beauty of a flower, the flight of a bumblebee
Looking at things of nature fills me with awe
And that is only based on things I actually saw
But at the same time there is an onus everpresent
For us to look after this planet must be God's intent
For with authority comes responsibility
There really is no other possibility
So I thank God for all he has created and done
And I know that my work has barely begun

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