Sunday, February 22, 2015

22 February 2015 - ENCS

Concluding the series, Nate Curtis spoke on "Spiritual Family"
To describe family, some pictures and diagrams we did see
About our family, four concentric bubbles reflect our perception
The inner one is of course ourselves, there is never an exception
To the immediate family our understanding then does grow
Then local and global spiritual families we come to know
Family is very important to God, as Nate did very adroitly distill
In Matthew twelve, Jesus' family includes all who do God's will
Per First Corinthians twelve, the church is one body, many parts
From those two concepts, knowledge of a spiritual family starts
A family, natural or spiritual, provides an identity and destiny
Remember that within any family, differences there will be
But since Jesus is coming back not for a harem, but for His bride
That means that the church must work together and not divide
For those who believe in Jesus, this includes all, not just some
Whether Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, or Coptic they are from
Spiritual families are important as they form building blocks that are key
The kingdom of God, our identity, as well as a stable and safe society
Spiritual families multiply, teach, train, exercise knowledge, and love
This is in keeping with biblical teaching which comes from God above
First Corinthians twelve also states that if one part suffers, all parts do
Likewise if one part is honored, every other part rejoices with it too
About the Coptic Christian martyrs, a powerful poem Nate did then read
They were praying and singing hymns to God right until ISIS' ugly deed
The twenty one refused to deny Christ even when facing certain death
They remained true to God and the Christian faith until their last breath
Nate proceeded to tell us how we should fit into the family
Dive in and do good in whatever role we have is the key
God's blueprint for the family can only in Genesis be found
The linkages between God, us, and others are quite sound
Per Hebrews ten we should meet and encourage each other
In that way, toward love and good deeds we spur our brother
Romans twelve talks about being devoted in brotherly love
With passion, joy, and patience serving our Lord God above
In conclusion Nate said we should join in, jump in, and stay in
God's family is open, always waiting for another next of kin
We should strive to make a difference in whatever way
Thus in God's presence and family we will always stay

Monday, February 16, 2015

15 February 2015 - ENCS

On Relationships did Pastor Josh the "Family" series continue
About three primary boy girl relationships he did first us imbue
Between friendship and engagement, there is a Biblical gap
But that doesn't mean God won't provide us with a road map
By letting convictions drive the entire relationship
And of course Acts fifteen provides a strong tip
Josh said to beware of legalism which causes rebellion
We should instead let relationships drive communication
From engagement to marriage the same holds true
Sexual immorality is something we should not do
For if God provides a principal, we should pay attention
But Jesus can make us whole if we fail at sin prevention
Josh then shared how to build relationships of health
Community and friends are worth more than wealth
The first step is to have a foundation built on trust
Hard to build but easy to break, Josh discussed
For a deep relationship, the trust must also be deep
Your own trustworthiness is something you can keep
Per James five verse twelve, let your yes be yes
Then about your words nobody will need to guess
Per Ephesians four, we are to speak the truth in love
Building others up so we can all work for God above
The second point from Josh is that love is the real substance
Feelings come and go, but love motivates, even in advance
The best description of love in the Bible is easily seen
In First Corinthians thirteen verses one to fourteen
For love must be shared with thoughts, words, and actions
And love can thus overcome all challenges and distractions
The third point is the communication is how love grows
A lack of communication is when death's face shows
Josh said it is critical to keep communication lines open
And to respond to God rather than to any hostile men
From James chapter one verses nineteen and twenty
Comes a reminder that should be repeated a-plenty
Be quick to listen, slow to anger and slow to speak
Is consistent with our two ears, one mouth physique
The fourth point is that forgiveness is akin to a reboot
It allows a relationship to restart after any dispute
To Hebrews twelve verse fourteen, Josh did then refer
Strive to live in peace with all and all bitterness deter
Per Matthew chapter six verse fourteen, Jesus did state
If we forgive others, God will forgive us without debate
But if we do not forgive others for their sins of any kind
Then for our many sins, God will be similarly inclined
Although with our eternal life this may not be messing
In some areas of our life, it will block God's blessing
The final point is perhaps the most important one
Without God, none of the others can really be done
For He alone knows when we need some fixing
And then into our heart, His grace will be mixing
From Acts chapter one, Pastor Josh did then read
For us to do His work, the Holy Spirit we do need
John three verse sixteen notes God's amazing love
He sent His only Son to save us from heaven above
Both Psalm nineteen and John ten verse four
Talk about shepherds lead rather than implore
And finally, from Colossians chapter one
God's redemptive work in us is never done

Monday, February 9, 2015

8 February 2015 - ENCS

The family series was continued by Pastor Josh and his wife
Nani and Josh spoke on "Parenthood", rather central to life
Nani said moving from single to married to parent, issues grow
But God uses these to make us better, she has come to know
As God's children, into the world we should want to bring others
An open heart for God's plan should have all fathers and mothers
But remember that from parents' action children take their cue
And that children tend to build upon what their parents do
Josh read from Deuteronomy chapter six, verses one to three
God teaches parents, who teach future generations, we did see
By sharing with children, parents can impart knowledge and lore
Our Lord God can build on this by imparting knowledge even more
Josh opined that fathering is increasingly in today's world a lost art
With healthy marriages and parenting, many issues would not start
The next six verses of Deuteronomy six then came into sight
We should love our God with all of our heart, soul, and might
In that vein, with diligence parents should their children teach
And if they love God so much, into all areas of life He will reach
As parents change and consistently show that love is key
Then their children will notice and begin to act accordingly
Josh then talked about discipline, using a couple of equations
For some discipline and rules are necessary on most occasions
Rules without a relationship lead to rebellion, Josh did say
Which then leads to extreme behavior on too many a day
And yet a relationship without rules leads to recklessness
If parents do not provide guidance, children end up a mess
But the same approach does not work with Christians young
We need to encourage them without rules or a sharp tongue
Josh referred to Hebrews chapter twelve from verse five
The Lord's discipline actually helps us in the end to thrive
He only disciplines those whom He accepts as a son
Per Proverbs three this discipline we should not shun
We should respect disciplining fathers, Hebrews continues
Ditto for God, whose discipline into our hearts does infuse
The third equation Josh shared -  with a bit of zing
Was that relationship plus rules equals understanding
Children will ask for advice if relationships are in place
Josh then said that for discipleship, this is also the case
But even the best parenting can lead to bad results
Per Luke fifteen, the prodigal son who said insults
But just as lost sheep need a shepherd to find them
Strong foundations help the prodigal, not condemn
His father felt compassion when the son did return
For the foundations had helped the son to discern

Thursday, February 5, 2015

5 February 2015 - Psalm 37: 1-9

At times, from day to day I just seem to lurch
Except on Sunday, when I get to go to church
I wake up to the sound of my phone's alarm
And thank God that I have come to no harm
But then I often ask, "what day and what time?"
For my cobwebbed brain is far from its prime
Then after I ascertain the right time and day
I arise from bed and go forth on my way
I feed myself a devotional and a cup of joe
Then I am ready to get on with the show
Laughter and a couple of short naps do help
Otherwise the tired body really starts to yelp
Although this is not what I would like to admit
It is tougher to address the issue of the spirit
But this is when the Word of God I must rely
For His loving wisdom is never in short supply
Today I was drawn to Psalm thirty seven
David said "Trust in the Lord" in heaven
"Do not fret because of evil men", per verse one
"Or be envious of those" who wrong have done
"Dwell in the land and...delight yourself in the Lord"
"He will give you the desires of your heart" as a reward
David said to "be still before the Lord"
"Wait patiently for him" and his Word
"Do not fret when men succeed in their ways"
Using "wicked schemes" all of their days
"Refrain from anger and turn from wrath"
"Do not fret"; it only leads to an evil path
"For evil men will be cut off"
At this we should not scoff
"But those who hope" in our God
"Will inherit the land" with His nod

So I will be still and wait patiently but not fret
And with evil men I will try not to get upset
Instead I will focus on giving thanks to Him above
For He is the source of eternal and unfailing love

Monday, February 2, 2015

1 February 2015 - ENCS

Pastor Josh started the "Family" series at Every Nation
For the enemy will attack our families, our foundation
He said that marriage is where every family should start
In Matthew nineteen, Jesus said "let no man take apart"
The Pharisees were testing him for no good reason
Focused on divorce not marriage, looking for treason
Jesus said that divorce only arose due to hardness of heart
He referred them to Scripture before a rebuke he did impart
Pastor Josh then focused us on Genesis chapter two
And read from verse eighteen what God did say and do
God said it was not good for man to be alone
From Adam, God made Eve from a rib bone
She was to be his helper, or 'ezer' in Hebrew
As a 'neged', she was to be his opposite too
So together their union would make a whole
That was God's plan; each had an equal role
Josh said not to look at what actually did occur
For that is not how God's plans we should infer
To attain God's standards we need His grace
The cross bridges the gap to the right place
As woman was created to be by man's side
There should be openness and trust, no pride
But per the beginning of Genesis chapter three
Eve was misled and confused by the enemy
He twists truths and empowers compromise
Leading us down paths wrong and unwise
When on our own understanding we do trust
Into fear, shame, and trouble we are thrust
In Adam and Eve's case, in any Biblical translation
They were cursed with competition, not cooperation
Husbands and wives, therefore, must focus on love
As per First Corinthians thirteen, like God above
In order to love others, we must love the Lord
Mirroring that love so marriage can be restored
For the old has passed and the new has come
God's love ensures there is no reason to be glum