Sunday, September 24, 2023

24 September 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the “how’s your SQ” series today
Referring to Genesis when Adam and Eve went astray
In large part because with the serpent she did engage
The sermon title was “Breaking Free From The Cage”

Joey started by asking what’s freedom got to do with it?
Per Genesis two, it is a command that God did transmit
It is a daily decision whether to follow God, our free will
Love involves having that freedom which God does install
Freedom is powerful but quite dangerous it can also be
For along with great power comes great responsibility

He steals your freedom by perverting your freedom
It is clear in Genesis three the serpent is far from dumb
Temptation, deception, and accusation are his tools
Then we surrender our freedom, following his rules
We start building a cage with unrighteousness and guilt
Add in self-righteousness and shame - the cage is built

So how then we can regain our freedom is the real key
We must confess our sins, as in First John one we see
Per Second Corinthians five and also in Romans eight
That when we are with Jesus, we avoid our sinful fate
Per Galatians five, it is for freedom that Christ set us free
So stand firm, do not be burdened by the yoke of slavery

Sunday, September 17, 2023

17 September 2023 - ENCS

About Spritual Quotient, Pastor Joey did today continue
Talking about “The Thief” that in John ten we did view
Our struggle is versus spiritual forces, per Ephesians six
So we pray that the eyes of our hearts on God do affix

Per Isaiah fourteen, the thief is called the morning star
God thwarted his attempted coup and said au revoir
Per Revelations twelve, his name is Satan or devil
Also several other names that we should not revel

About one-third of heaven's angels on his side fought
But omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent he is not
God lets him live so that we can exercise our free will
But his future, per Revelation twenty, torment will fill

God made us a bit lower than angels, per Psalm eight
To overcome the devil, God’s power we can activate
This is very clearly stated in Hebrews chapter two
Jesus will destroy Satan, in First John three we view

The enemy’s names tell us what he is trying to do
As he did with Eve, the serpent will try to tempt you
The devil tries to deceive, telling us all sorts of lies
Satan accuses us - so listening to him is unwise

To stop the enemy from stealing submit to God
For God’s armour Ephesians six gives the nod
Pray against temptation, meditate over deception
Proclaim the gospel, fellowship over accusation

Sunday, September 10, 2023

10 September 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the “How is your SQ” series today
“In the heavenly realms” many times Ephesians does say
Spiritual forces of evil our earthly struggles often disguise
Today’s sermon was appropriately titled “Open Your Eyes” 

For those with closed eyes, the spiritual realm is not real
Per Psalm fourteen, the fool says God is not the real deal
Ones with closed eyes are fearful, insecure, powerless
Pastor Joey said they are also bold, blind, and clueless

The spiritual realm is real for those whose eyes are open
Per Colossians two, due to our sin Jesus was roped in
Supreme is the power of Jesus, in whom our faith rests
For He is above all, Ephesians one more than suggests

So to keep our eyes open, PMPF we should implement
Pray without ceasing and Meditate on His word frequent
Proclaim your identity and with God’s people Fellowship
Per Romans eight, the love of God is always in our grip

Sunday, September 3, 2023

3 September 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey started a series “How Is Your SQ?" today
Following on “Foundations” and “Maturity” he did say
In Ephesians, five times ‘heavenly realms’ is referred
There was a clearly a reason this phrase Paul preferred

In the heavenly realms is where all our blessings are
Per Ephesians one, God’s blessings form a reservoir
The heavenly realms are where power actually resides
And from where manifold wisdom the Lord provides 

From the heavenly realms physical struggles emanate 
Against dark world powers, as Ephesians six does state
Spiritual manifestation in the natural, seen in Daniel ten
Daniel’s humility and prayer helped him time and again

It is quite clear that Spiritual Quotient starts with prayer
In Matthew six, the Lord’s Prayer we are made aware
First Thessalonians five says to pray without ceasing
Matthew eighteen encourages joint prayer increasing