Sunday, July 30, 2023

30 July 2023 - ENCS

About living life to the full, Pastor Josh did speak
Per John ten this is what Jesus wants us to seek
Jesus said to find and follow Him, per Matthew four
And then very importantly to go fish for even more

Josh said Second Peter three has words to cherish
The Lord is patient, not wanting anyone to perish
For God wants everyone to come to repentance
So that nobody has to face their due sentence

So per Charles Colson, now how shall we live?
Lots of answers Second Peter three does give
Saying to make every effort to be found spotless
At peace with God as well as being blemeless

That passage says to add to your faith, goodness
In the original Greek meaning excellence, no less
Then come knowledge, self-control, perseverance
And godliness, mutual affection, love adherence

Love is actually the sum of all of those attributes
There is no fear in love, as First John four imputes
As per First Peter two, if those qualities increase
Our effectiveness and productivity will not cease

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

23 July 2023 - ENCS

The Firm Foundations series Pastor Joey did complete
Hebrews five shares six elementary truths not obsolete
The last being eternal judgment, as per Revelation five
So at the title The Glory of the Last Lion Joey did arrive

The significance of God’s justice is where Joey started
It is the foundation of God’s throne, never departed
Psalm eighty nine, righteousness and justice are key
While love and faithfulness go before us, we can see
God’s justice also ensures fairness and impartiality 
Post restitution and retribution, restoration there will be
It puts in us a holy fear, also known as a reverent fear
For God judges our work in First Peter one we do hear

So then what does eternal judgement actually entail?
It is for everyone, both old and young, male and female
Per Hebrews nine, we all die and then judgement face
Our entire life is known, there is nothing we can erase
Per Hebrews four, nothing is hidden from God’ sight
It is a time of accountability, everything comes to light
Per Second Corinthians five, all appear before His seat
Since God sees all, His judgement we can not cheat
Ephesians two says we are created to do good works
But we should do these out of love, not for the perks
Joey said that eternal judgement is also a test of quality
Our foundation is in Jesus, per First Corinthians three

Our rewards will then be crowns that last for eternity
In First Thessalonians two, crowns of service we see
The crowns of devotion, as per Second Timothy four
But to Jesus, we give all the crowns and even more

Monday, July 17, 2023

16 July 2023 - ENCS

The Firm Foundations series Pastor Joey did continue 
About elementary truths in Hebrews five we can view
Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands we see
Today Joey focused on resurrection, Embracing Eternity

To start, we must have an understanding of physical death 
For it is just a matter of time before we take our last breath
As per Second Corinthians four, we waste away outwardly
Our days are finite, in Psalm ninety and James four we see
Ecclesiastes three states that there is a time for everything
When we are born or when we die, control we cannot bring
The verse goes on to say everything is beautiful in its time
That God has set eternity in the human heart is a paradigm

Pastor then said we must understand Christ's’ resurrection
After Jesus died for our sins despite having no imperfection
As per Mark twelve, God is for both the living and the dead
So many resurrection witnesses could not have been misled
Acts seventeen says we are God’s offspring and should obey
Meaning that we should repent and in His name act and pray
This clearly has implications for our lives each and every day
We have God's power to resurrect any part of life, Joey did say

First Corinthians fifteen talks about our resurrection spiritual
The body that is sown is perishable but is raised imperishable
Similarly, the dishonourable becomes glorious thanks to Christ
The weak become powerful, in eternity for what He sacrificed

Sunday, July 2, 2023

2 July 2023 - ENCS

The Firm Foundations series Pastor Joey did continue
Reference to cleansing rites in Hebrews six we do view
Such cleansing is now called baptism, Pastor did say
Thus :Laundering Your Soul” is the sermon title today

There are several reasons we need baptism, Joey stated
The first is that with sin we have all been contaminated
We have all been corrupted even if we are courageous
And to make matters worse, we have become contagious

The instruction to be baptised is important to remember
It is an act of faith, whether done in July or December
It is a picture of your new life, for the rest of its duration
And about your faith, it is an evident public declaration

So then what is baptism, Pastor Joey did try to convey
It is an immersion into a relationship with God every day
Baptism is also God’s way of cleansing you from your sin
As well as His way of of ensuring you let the Holy Spirit in