Monday, May 28, 2018

20 May 2018 - ENCS

A new series titled “Being Church”, Pastor Josh did undertake
Relationships and community, all humans endeavour to make
Josh said that in order for people to make a quality connection
They look for availability, affirmation, acceptance, and affection

Community was mentioned seventy times in the Old Testament
But only twice in the New, as ‘church” was much more frequent
Church comes from Greek words meaning “called out people”
People called to assemble, not just the place under a steeple

We are all living stones in a spiritual house, per First Peter two
Knowing that whatever we suffer, Jesus already lived through
When we read the Bible, we need our Lord God to bring it alive
By praying for guidance, we glean wisdom and therefore thrive

“I will build my church, said Jesus in Matthew sixteen eighteen
And “the gates of hell cannot prevail” it is subsequently seen
God accepts us as we are but He continues to with us work
Becoming who we can be is an objective we should not shirk

God builds his house with dressed stones, per First Kings six
Serving to remind us that each has different flaws He can fix
In the same way, we each have unique talents and abilities
With a place in His house, the opportunity we should seize

Relationships come from trust, love, dialogue, and forgiveness
Trust takes time to build but only with God do we not guess
With love we show grace and dialogue leads to discipleship
We should be quick to forgive, a sign of good stewardship

The church establishes community with a common mission
Into a royal priesthood and a holy nation without condition
This allows us to bless others and proclaim His goodness
Helping all of our interactions with others to be a success

Per Ephesians four, the whole body is joined, growing in love
Like interdependent ligaments and bones, as Paul did speak of
Pastor said that as long as we focus on God, we should know
Being around those who differ from us actually helps us to grow

Monday, May 14, 2018

13 May 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey spoke on “Wonder Women” this Mother’s Day
He first highlighted what Proverbs one fourteen does say
Her own house, the wise woman builds with her own hand
The foolish one tears hers down, we read and understand

He spoke about Zechariah and wife Elizabeth, per Luke one
They were righteous despite what the Herodians had done
But despite praying and walking blamelessly in God’s sight
Elizabeth was barren, so their future did not look so bright

Once entering the temple, to Zechariah an angel did appear
The angel’s first words to the pious priest were “do not fear”
He told Zechariah the couple’s prayers would be answered
They would have a son because their pleas had been heard

In order for Zechariah to have the promised gladness and joy
He must name his son John and give no alcohol to the boy
This was because into John the Holy Spirit would instead fill
So he could turn many to God, according to God’s divine will

Zechariah unfortunately doubted the message that God sent
So until his son's birth his vocal cords were completely silent
This reminds us that our words carry a huge amount of clout
It is better to be quiet than to God’s promises verbally doubt

Eight days after the boy was born, he was duly circumcised
Their family wanted to name him Zechariah, it is surmised
But Elizabeth intervened in order to protect the boy’s destiny
Naming him John, which Zechariah supported for all to see

Remember that with the world, God’s ways don't always align
But if we incubate them, His plans will inevitably turn out fine
Be like Elizabeth and do not be afraid to apt objections raise
Then, like Zechariah, we can speak and to God send praise

It is interesting that Elizabeth had more faith than Zechariah
She was the hero, saving her husband from being a pariah
So on this second Sunday in May, all mothers we celebrate
Thanking them for prayers and support which never abate