Sunday, March 31, 2013

31 March 2013 - ENCS

The "Back to the Future" series today Pastor Larry did close
Talking about various resurrections, Bible stores everyone knows
With the Easter service more than filling the movie hall
He told us more about the greatest resurrection of all
For without Christ's resurrection, our lives would be pointless
But today He is alive, so we are thankfully not in that mess
Pastor read from Luke 24, verses one to three and six to seven
The women heard that "He is arisen" from angels down from heaven
The story is repeated in each of the gospels four
Thus reminding us of Christ's power and more
He can change us and heal us, Pastor did then say
No matter how much wickedness there appears today
The time we live in often seem wicked and dark
And doing the right thing is no walk in the park
We may not have all the answers all of the time
But that is to be expected, it is not a crime
And so when we want to complain about how we feel
And we ask God "why does it take so long for me to heal?'
Remember that our God is both the beginning and the end
When the time is right, answers and healing to us He will send
Pastor referred to Luke chapter eleven, verse twenty nine
Which talks of a wicked generation looking for a sign
As with Jonah and the Ninevites before, there would only be one
For this generation, it was the death and resurrection of God's son
In Ephesians 5 verse 16, Paul's strong feelings on this we can see
"Because the days are evil, make "the most of every opportunity"
In the same way, we need to firmly say
"Jesus is alive and so am I" every day
A powerful and moving testimony we did then hear
The lady's sons were both very sick for many a year
Isaiah 60 verses two and three talks of darkness covering the earth
The lesson learned is that God's light will prevail, bringing great mirth
For God wants us to be filled with faithfulness and joys
We will see the difference in our lives, just like her boys
Pastor reminded us again that in His time, God answers our prayers
For through it all and despite our sins, for us He truly always cares
Pastor said that it was time for believers to rise up in unison
Per Philippians 3:10, sharing in Christ's suffering as one
In that way, we can Christ's power know
And attain eternal victory over the foe
He asked us to be Christians by action, not just by name
Believing that our prayers can heal and change and tame
Pastor referred again to one who did so much, the apostle Paul
And asked if we would do likewise, willing to face abuse and all
In Acts 4:13 we read about courage that was clearly heavenly sent
Despite a lack of education, the disciples' bold words were so evident
Remember that Jesus did not come to make bad people good
He came to make dead people alive in every neighborhood
Pastor then also spoke of Isaiah 60 verses one to three
We must rise up to allow God's shining light others to see
We should listen to Romans 8:11 and the clarion call
By doing so, others can see that hope is available for all
In the same way that Jesus rose up to give life, Pastor did state
We should open our hearts and rise up to avoid a deathly fate
In each of our hearts, God's spirit can dwell
Thus giving us power and a story to tell

31 March 2013 - PLMC

At Sunrise service this bright and sunny Easter Day
"Do Not Be Afraid" is what Pastor Lynette did say
She said that there is a thief lurking through the year
We feel it at night and when darkness is near
It stops our actions because of its words we do hear
Stealing our joy and courage - its name is fear
Although this fear is not something we actually see
It often tells us to swap our integrity for popularity
It taunts us, saying we are unloved and unwanted
Through fear of failure and death, it persists undaunted
Fear's objective is to turn us into cowardly, joyless souls
Removing smiles and taking eyes off Jesus are its goals
Pastor then read Matthew 28 verses one through ten
The word "afraid" is repeated again and again and again
"Don't be afraid" appears 365 times in the Bible, it is said
Like a daily reminder from God, call it our daily bread
Pastor pointed out that although Jesus' guards seemed so strong
When the Lord's angel appeared, the guards did not last very long
Meanwhile the two Marys, despite being considered among society's worst
Were given the honour of hearing the angel and then seeing Christ first
They were given this very important part
Because of the attitude within their heart
Pastor then highlighted parallels between Christ's resurrection and birth
The circumstances and the words, they must have double the worth
Angels appeared both times, saying "do not be afraid"
We should not live in fear, God's love will never fade
Psalm 46 says "He is our refuge and our strength"
"Our help in times of trouble", no matter the length
Faith gives us strength and comfort, we should not fear
That is the phrase from Lynette we continued to hear
An author said to keep our fears to ourselves, with others courage share
Lynette said to give fears to God in exchange for courage anytime, anywhere
Pastor said to remember that the cave is not the end of the story
This is important, especially when things seem dark, dismal, or gory
At both his birth and resurrection, from the cave Jesus did come
We should remember this, for Jesus is waiting for us in His kingdom
For all of us, Christ Jesus went to the cross
That was a transforming event, not a loss
With those still in caves, we need this message to share
Making sure that nobody can say that "God does not care"
We may come to Him with fears that do not seem to fade
But remember that Jesus often said "do not be afraid"
He will deliver us to a world of hope no matter how bad things seem
Pastor said that there is no tragedy from which He can not redeem
Easter is about new life, with Jesus leading the way
No matter how good or bad things are on the day
So although we may all at times be gripped by fear
"Our Savior lives, we should not be afraid" we did hear

Saturday, March 30, 2013

30 March 2013 - Black Saturday

In sermons, this is a day rarely talked about
Not much has been written either, no doubt
It is referred to as Black Saturday or Easter Eve
The full day when the disciples surely did grieve
From the Scriptures we can not really tell
If Jesus actually did descendeth into hell
I happen to believe it is true, for what that is worth
As Matthew 12:40 mentions "the heart of the earth"
We do know that from God Jesus was separated
That was a circumstance both obviously hated
But we never have to suffer that horrible feeling
Because Jesus died for our relationship's healing
God is available to us every minute of every day
All we need to do is to close our eyes and pray
He can then provide us with what we need
Comfort, strength, guidance we should heed

Friday, March 29, 2013

29 March 2013 - Luke 22:47-23:49

At night they arrested our Jesus so dear
He intervened to restore the centurion's ear
Three times Peter denied Him before the cock did crow
What was happening to Jesus we don't entirely know
But we do know that he was mocked and beaten
We also know that his last meal has been eaten
He suffered thirty nine stripes for our sake
All this happened before its was daybreak

In the morning, to the Sanhedrin he was then taken
He was the Son of God, they were not mistaken
Then to Pontius Pilate, Herod, and to Pilate once more
Who couldn't understand what Jesus was being charged for
He washed his hands of making a brave decision
And has since been the target of perpetual derision
Release Barabbas not Jesus, said the crowd
The angry mob's voices were very very loud

So our dear Christ was then nailed to a cross
We ended up gaining from His sacrificial loss
Above His head was a "King of the Jews" sign
He suffered for sins, both yours and mine
"Forgive them, for they know not what they do"
His love for others was more than we ever knew
The soldiers and people continued to Jesus deride
Meanwhile lots were cast for his clothes to divide
In mid-afternoon, the sky did turn very dark
Jesus died, the curtain tore - a sign very stark
Mixed messages and feelings abound this day
His loss, our gain - there was no other way
Our sins forgiven and no longer causing a stain
But that does not stop me from feeling pain
That He did all that for me is so amazing to know
My relationship with Him I want to continue to grow

Thursday, March 28, 2013

28 March 2013 - Matthew 26:36-46

On the eve before his crucifixion, which we call Good Friday
Jesus took eleven disciples to Gethsemane Garden to pray
Jesus took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee
He was sorrowful and troubled, they could see
He said that his soul was overwhelmed with sorrow
Knowing that his body would face death tomorrow
He asked them to "stay here and keep watch with me"
How difficult a task that eventually proved to be
Jesus prayed that if it was God's will, the cup could be taken
He returned to the three disciples whom he had to awaken
"Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?"
For Jesus knew that he needed a lot of prayerful power
This scenario played out not once, but thrice
Disciples sleeping on the job, not very nice
By the end, God's will Jesus did clearly know
And towards Judas the betrayer he did go

Like Peter, James, and John I often let Jesus down
Sleep overcomes prayer at times; He must frown
My actions inconsistent with words that I write
With the enemy's temptations I have to fight
So as into the Holy Weekend we do now head
I think back to the meaning of the wine and bread
The blood of the new covenant and his body
Shed out for the sins of many, including me
That thought makes me humble and contrite
As I reflect on this Maunday Thursday night

Sunday, March 24, 2013

24 March 2013 - PLMC

On this Palm Sunday Pastor Jonathan Seet did speak
Into Song of Songs 1:8 to 2:6 we did more than peek
"Let Him Embrace Me" was the title of the sermon
The reason was clear by the time Pastor was done
On the fragrance of spikenard, chapter one verse twelve talked
Mary later used spikenard on Jesus' feet that so far had walked
Intimacy with others comes from praise and affirmation
That is why we worship God with a loud proclamation
In the passage, there were many references to praise
In order to remind us that there are so many ways
The rose of Sharon is ordinary like a crocus
But that was not the bridegroom's focus
In Christ, we can become lilies among the thorns
Becoming more beautiful as His presence adorns
For us, the basis for a godly relationship
Must surely start and focus on the worship
Myrrh is then mentioned in chapter one verse thirteen
A long list of its attributes from Pastor were then seen
An expensive painkiller with a smell so nice
It symbolises Christ's suffering and sacrifice
So when we feel like giving up in times of trouble
Remember His sacrifice which turned evil to rubble
In Christ, we can turn our sinful smell
Into one that is pleasant and swell
Our pain is diminished with His myrrh
Because of what He did, that is for sure
Chapter two verse six talks of the right and left hand
Each symbolises something, Pastor let us understand
The two arms and hands provide the divine embrace
Letting us gently rest looking at His loving face
The right is for things God has done of which we are aware
The left is for the unseen things, which are far from rare
Pastor then showed a video of "Footprints in the Sand"
Reminding us that we are always safe in God's hand

Monday, March 18, 2013

17 March 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Larry continued the "Back to the Future" series
Which is focused on several resurrection stories
Although the death was emotional in the story today
Remember that God wants to set us free, Pastor did say
For us to be discouraged is what the enemy wants
As a result, we should not listen to his many taunts
In 1 Samuel 22:1, David went to the Adullam Cave
He ran from Saul, trusting that God would save
For God, David was extremely zealous
Unfortunately King Saul became jealous
David and his family, Saul wanted to destroy
Despite David's loyalty since he was a boy
When we go to a cave, it is a dark dead end
Remember to trust God, for He is our friend
For David, God had a lesson he wanted to teach
In God, complete hope and trust we can reach
God answered David's prayers yet again
This was evident to the four hundred men
Similarly, God wants to heal our heart
On this topic, Pastor did his views impart
The title was "How to Manage Dead End Situations"
For all of us, there are often many complications
David led those in distress, debt, or discontent
From that stronghold cave to which he went
"Dead End Distress" involves anxiety and pain
If we rely on God, He frees us from this bane
But this requires that we rely on Him completely
In the passage, that was quite plain to see
We might run to a cave as a means of escape
But God draws us in to get us back into shape
Taking this further, Pastor Larry did then suggest
That without being healed, we will not get blessed
In Second Corinthians 1:8-10, this can also be seen
Paul escaped the hardship because God did intervene
Hardships and trials, we will definitely all face
But we can survive them thanks to God's grace
In Psalm 18 verse 6, to the Lord David did cry out
In distress, he needed God's help without a doubt
And that is the end of today's poem, I do fear
I will finish it when the rest of the sermon I hear

Sunday, March 17, 2013

17 March 2013 - Random Thoughts

Over the past week three sayings I did read and hear
I thought that to share them, I would write them here

The enemy knows our name but still calls us by our sin
God knows our sin yet calls us by name if we let Him in
This has such simplistic power
I feel like repeating it every hour

We often choose to try to all things control
Instead, to God we should yield our soul
This is a good reminder that I must submit to Him
And trust that He will not leave me out on a limb

"I am the great I am" God does in Exodus say
He focuses on the present tense, as in today
This tells me not to worry about the future or the past
Because our God's power and strength are so vast

Sunday, March 10, 2013

10 March 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Josh started the "Back To The Future" series today
How to apply biblical stories now, the pastors will convey
He read the passage from Luke 7, eleven to seventeen
In which Jesus fulfilled Isaiah sixty one, it is clearly seen
The story took place in a town called Nain
The widow's only son was able to live again
Pastor said she was in a desperate situation
"What to do?" and "where is God?, consternation!
In Exodus 20:18-19, the people were very afraid
To get Moses to intercede, they did then persuade
He said not to fear in verse number twenty
For them, there would be blessings aplenty
God is present, even in the darkest time and place
Only He can help with some challenges we face
And if He is with us, we can have real peace
From the enemy's grasp, He will us release
It is said that we can know God in the light
But only truly know Him in the dark of night
This came from Isaiah fifty verse ten
Trust and rely in God, again and again
Whether our challenges are external or in our heart
Trust God completely, for He will surely do His part
For no matter how much pain we may feel
Know that our God always wants to heal
And if walking by faith is what we do learn
Pastor said that fear will never be a concern
We will be tormented if we try to follow our own light
We cannot solve all problems each day or night
About this, Pastor gave Isaiah 50 : 11 a nod
For we can never figure out God for God
Returning to Luke 7:13 where God's compassion is shown
Although "do not weep" seems to be in a harsh tone
In fact, these words precede the miracle about to occur
Jesus knew what was happening, that is for sure
Pastor then referred to Ezekiel 37 verses one to eight
With prayer, life came to the bones despite their state
And in the passage, one thing we can all see
Ezekiel's obedience to God was clearly the key
In summary, Pastor read from Luke 7 once more
In verse 16, God's glory was then hard to ignore
Remember that the testimony comes after the test
In the end, God will be glorified for He is the best

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 March 2013 - ENCS

Today we watched "Father of Lights" Part Two
About what strong Christians individually do
The bottom line is to walk in obedience
In both the present and the future tense
There is lots of evil around, in and out of our sight
To get rid of this darkness, we must turn on His light
Millions are persecuted globally every single year
Thousands are killed for their faith, we did hear
But when they are tortured and even killed
Jesus' loving arms help their fears to be stilled
Many good people do nothing; this is a fail
For in light's absence, darkness will prevail
Todd White set himself a rather ambitious goal
To love as many as possible, that is his role
He went to Israel without any semblance of a plan
Almost immediately, he healed a limping man
And due to the friends that they did lovingly make
Into an off-limits Muslim temple their journey did take
Todd's believes that his ministry is to share God's love
He says our actions must reflect the light from above
If other people cannot see God's love in our daily action
Then we are not helping His message gain any traction
Making the impossible possible is what God can do
Our selfless acts of love for others can help too
For it is not right to boast about our faith
Love is how we show it, the movie saith
We should let God use us everywhere
To show others that He really does care
He can change us to help the world change
Winning the war with love, a concept strange
For us to show His love, God will open many a door
Allowing us to share His light to more and more
Our aim is to make disciples of all the nations
We must let His word be our faith foundations
And remember that as in obedience we are walking
Whether it be helping, praying, or even just talking
As long as we are doing it with a loving feeling
God will take care of all, including the healing
I could not watch the movie without being convicted
My daily actions need to stop being so restricted
We are given many opportunities
Many more I really need to seize
For I know that whether it is day or night
I can do that by being a beacon of light