On the eve before his crucifixion, which we call Good Friday
Jesus took eleven disciples to Gethsemane Garden to pray
Jesus took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee
He was sorrowful and troubled, they could see
He said that his soul was overwhelmed with sorrow
Knowing that his body would face death tomorrow
He asked them to "stay here and keep watch with me"
How difficult a task that eventually proved to be
Jesus prayed that if it was God's will, the cup could be taken
He returned to the three disciples whom he had to awaken
"Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?"
For Jesus knew that he needed a lot of prayerful power
This scenario played out not once, but thrice
Disciples sleeping on the job, not very nice
By the end, God's will Jesus did clearly know
And towards Judas the betrayer he did go
Like Peter, James, and John I often let Jesus down
Like Peter, James, and John I often let Jesus down
Sleep overcomes prayer at times; He must frown
My actions inconsistent with words that I write
With the enemy's temptations I have to fight
So as into the Holy Weekend we do now head
I think back to the meaning of the wine and bread
The blood of the new covenant and his body
Shed out for the sins of many, including me
That thought makes me humble and contrite
As I reflect on this Maunday Thursday night
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