Sunday, July 11, 2010

11 July 2010 - Galatians 6:1-5

"Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin"
"Restore him gently", like a close kin
"But watch yourself", Paul preempted
"Or you also may be tempted"
"Carry each other's burdens" it says in verse two
As "you will fulfill the law of Christ" too
"If anyone thinks he is something"
"He deceives himself" "when he is nothing"
"Each one should his own actions test"
"Then he can take pride" in doing his best
To others there is no need to compare
For we each have our own cross to bear

When I read Paul's musing
At first it was confusing
But the passage is about being good to all
Helping others - and ourselves - not to fall
While we each have our own strengths
Paul did go to great lengths
To warn us of sinful pride
If in Christ's law we are to abide
What Paul also seems to say
Is that we each have a unique role to play
So remember that part of doing our best
Is clearly trying to help the rest

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