Saturday, March 8, 2014

8 March 2014 The Golden Calf

Per Exodus thirty two, Moses was away so people did rebel
To their desire to make other gods, his brother Aaron fell
With all their gold jewelry, they made a golden calf
Thinking that this was a god was indeed a big gaffe
God told Moses about this and thus to go down
Their actions angered him a lot, making him frown
Due to the “stiff-necked people”, God wanted to be alone
Planning to destroy them for actions He could not condone

But Moses pleaded for the people despite their great sin
Saying other nations would view angry actions with a grin
About God’s covenant with Abraham, Moses did remind
So the Lord relented and his threats He did then unwind
Moses went down the mountain, with the two tablets
Seeing the golden calf and dancing, he had regrets
In a fit of anger, he threw the tablets and they broke
He burned the calf with a great fire and some smoke
The ashes were ground and across the water spread
Moses made the people drink it, each and every head

About this in First Corinthians ten Paul did write
Warnings from history and the Exodus he did recite
There was idolatry, pagan revelry, and more immorality
“God was not pleased with most of them”, evidently
But He will not tempt beyond what man can bear
He provides a way out, as for us He does care

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