Friday, November 29, 2013

29 November 2013 - Thanksgiving in the Bible

In the Bible there are many verses about Thanksgiving
Which are applicable for every day that we are living
We see in Nehemiah twelve verses forty six and forty seven
That the entire nation gave thanksgiving to God in heaven
In Psalm ninety five verses two and three
Again thanksgiving to God we do see
In First Corinthians one verses four and five, Paul did write
We should thank God for grace which makes all things right
In Second Corinthians four verses fifteen and sixteen
Grace leading more people to thanksgiving is seen
In Second Corinthians nine verses eleven and twelve
Into generosity and thanksgiving Paul did then delve
Later in Ephesians one verse fifteen and sixteen
Paul's never-ending thanksgiving to God is seen
In First Timothy four verses four and five
True thanksgiving we do not need to contrive
From First Chronicles sixteen verse thirty four
We should give thanks to God forever more
Psalms seven verse seventeen and twenty eight verse seven
Speak about giving thanks to our righteous Lord in heaven
Psalms one hundred verse four and one hundred six verse one
Talk of praising God for His name and all the things he has done
In Isaiah chapter twelve verse number four
Give thanks for God for his deeds of yore
In chapter thirty three verse eleven, Jeremiah does say
To give thanks to the Lord Almighty forever and a day
From First Thessalonians five verse eighteen
"Give thanks in all circumstances" is seen
We all have so much to be thankful for all the time
And that is one of the points of this simple rhyme
But more important than the "what" is the "who"
For God who deserves thanks our whole life through
I know and acknowledge that by God I have been blessed
Of course what His Son did for me outweighs all of the rest
But that does not deter me from giving thanks for other things
A loving family, caring friends, even the morning bird that sings
Being able to worship God without persecution fear
Having a house and food on the table year after year 
Dear God, please never let me get complacent about this
For to do so would be very ungrateful and of course remiss
So no matter where you may be living
I wish you a Happy Thanks-giving

Monday, November 25, 2013

25 November 2013 - Name Above All Names

Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson wrote a book
Their "Name Above All Names" is worth a look
The title refers to Philippians two verse nine
In the center of a favorite passage of mine
The authors identify attributes numbering seven
Which characterize Jesus who came from heaven
"The seed of the woman" is the first
He came to defeat the serpent cursed
This is clear in Genesis three verse fifteen
In 1 John three verse eight this is also seen
"The true prophet" is the second
Through Jesus, God beckoned
Per verse 25 and 26 of John chapter 4
In Hebrews 1:1-2 we read some more
"The great high priest" is the third
Seated on the throne of grace we heard
And per Hebrews four from verse fourteen
Anything we face, Jesus has felt and seen
"The conquering king" is the fourth
A lowly donkey belied Jesus' worth
In John 12:15 and Luke 1:33
This reference we clearly see
"The Son of Man" is the fifth
That Jesus said this is not a myth
It was foretold in Daniel 7 verse thirteen
In Mark 8:31 his suffering was foreseen
"The suffering servant" is number six
Taking His Father's cup he did not nix
Isaiah 53:3-5 speaks of Jesus being afflicted
Luke 22:42-44 confirms what was predicted
"The Lamb on the throne" is the last
Jesus died to atone for our sinful past
John 1:29 mentions the Lamb that came to earth
In Revelations 5, only He is deemed to have worth
There is really nothing else that I can add
These seven attributes make me very glad
Without Him, I would pay the price for my fall
I am thankful that Jesus came to save us all

Sunday, November 24, 2013

24 November 2013 - Psalm 136

Some say that repetition is good for the soul
In most cases, remembering is the goal
Twenty six times in this psalm we see the same line
That is a strong message, not just a random sign
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good" start the words
"His love endures forever"
"Give thanks to the God of gods" and "Lord of lords"
"His love endures forever"
To Him who governs the day and the night
"His love endures forever"
To Him who filled the Egyptians with fright
"His love endures forever"
To Him who struck down many a mighty king
"His love endures forever"
To Him who gave His people everything
"His love endures forever"
To Him who "freed us from our enemies"
"His love endures forever"
To Him who provides food with ease
"His love endures forever"
To Him on whom we can always depend
"His love endures forever"
"Give thanks to the God of heaven" it does end
"His love endures forever"
These four words carry a great deal of weight
And reflect perhaps our God's greatest trait
"His love" is perfect, awesome, and absolute
That it "endures forever" we cannot dispute
Dear God, your love is there; this is know
In my heart and soul, please let it grow
By doing this, from me blessings will flow
And others can then see your loving glow
Never let me be content with the status quo
For as long as I live on this earth below

Saturday, November 23, 2013

23 November 2011 - God in the New Testament

In the Bible, God reveals himself in every book
At, I did thus take a look
Matthew: the Messiah who is King does appear
Mark: the Messiah who is a Servant premier
Luke: the Messiah who is a Deliverer afresh
John: the Messiah who is God in the flesh
Acts: the Spirit who dwells in His people's hearts
Romans: the righteousness of God He imparts
1 Corinthians: the power and love of God does always flow
2 Corinthians: the down payment of what is to come, we know
Galatians: our very life, we are told very clearly
Ephesians: the unity of our church he loves dearly
Philippians: the joy of our life, for whom Paul sings
Colossians: holds the supreme position in all things
1 Thessalonians: our comfort in the last days
2 Thessalonians: our returning King we do praise
1 Timothy: Savior of the worst sinners ever known
2 Timothy: Leader of the leaders, setting the tone
Titus: of truth, the concrete foundation
Philemon: our Mediator and solution
Hebrews: our High Priest so pure
James: our faith he does mature
1 Peter: our hope in times of suffering
2 Peter: guarding against false teaching
1 John: the source of all Christian fellowship
2 John: God in the flesh, He does us equip
3 John: the Source of all truth in what He does say
Jude: protects us from stumbling along the way
Revelation: the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
As is the case throughout all of the Bible's words
He is the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and End
He is coming again as our Redeemer and Friend

23 November 2013 - God in the Old Testament

In the Bible, God reveals Himself in every book
At, I did thus take a look
Genesis: as the Creator, Redeemer, I AM
Exodus: after the plagues, the Passover Lamb
Leviticus: the High Priest we now know
Numbers: as water in the desert He did show
Deuteronomy: for us, He became the curse
Joshua: commanding the army that does not reverse
Judges: from injustice, He did us deliver
Ruth: kinsman-redeemer and blessing giver
1 Samuel: the Prophet, Priest, and King from above
2 Samuel: appearing as the King of grace and love
1 Kings: the Ruler greater than Solomon
2 Kings: a powerful prophet bested by none
1 Chronicles: the Son of David coming to rule the earth
2 Chronicles: the King reigning eternally with immense worth
Ezra: a priest proclaiming freedom for His people
Nehemiah: restoring the broken down steeple
Esther: the Protector of his People all around
Job: the Mediator, even when people frowned
Psalms: our song in the morning and at night
Proverbs: our wisdom telling us what is right
Ecclesiastes: our constant and true meaning for life
Song of Solomon: Author of faithfulness like a wife
Isaiah: a long-suffering servant was He
Jeremiah: the weeping Messiah we see
Lamentations: assuming for us God's wrath
Ezekiel: the Son of Man as a righteous path
Daniel: the stranger in the famous oven of fire
Hosea: the faithful husband who will never tire
Joel: sending His Spirit to those He blessed
Amos: delivering justice to the oppressed
Obadiah: judging those who do evil seen and unseen
Jonah: the greatest missionary there has even been
Micah: casting our sin into the forgetfulness sea
Nahum: proclaiming world peace that there will be
Habakkuk: crushing injustice with every step he does take
Zephaniah: the Warrior who saves those that He did make
Haggai: restoring our worship about which we can rave
Zechariah: prophecies a Messiah who will the world save
Malachi: the Son of righteousness who brings healing
And throughout, He appears with passion and feeling

Sunday, November 17, 2013

17 November 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Larry spoke on one of his aspirations
"How to sustain a movement for generations"
To start a movement, it takes elements three
First the people, very committed they must be
They must not be comfortable with complacency
As per Matthew 7:12 and Isaiah 54:2 we see
Second the people must be willing to sacrifice
What happens to some even today is not nice
Third, by disciple-making disciples it must be sustained
This allows the passing of the baton, Pastor explained
As an example, Jesus was easily the top
He started a movement that nothing can stop
He wanted change and even sacrificed his life
He made disciples, the gospel stories are rife
Pastor then asked us "how far is our reach"
Lessons from Colossians 1:21-22 he did teach
Reaching has three components, Pastor did say
If we follow them, we will be well on our way
First is to reach with the gospel, or to share
Our testimony shows others that we care
If by "each one, reach one" we can abide
In time, many of us will have to sit outside
We saw a video from Tacloban which did bless
For the church there focuses on joy not sadness
Second is that we must reach missionally
We must act with a purpose continually
In this way we can touch many others with love
As in Matthew 8:1-4, the leprosy Jesus got rid of
In another way, sometimes like the leper we feel
But Jesus will reach for us and our afflictions heal
Pastor then shared about Nate Saint who was a martyr
For Nate, not reaching out would have been a nonstarter
Third is to influence a culture by establishing value
We must establish and live our lives that way too
Pastor said each one of us can make an impact
This way, we can change the world - that's a fact
From Jeremiah 1 verses nine and ten we did read
To destroy and overthrow, build and plant we need
If we continue our current actions, Pastor did conclude
In a century, how will our family and nation be viewed?
We need to change today in order to impact tomorrow
By building a Christ-like legacy, bringing joy not sorrow
In order to help extend our reach and prayer
We must, Pastor Larry said, "dare to share"

Sunday, November 10, 2013

10 November 2013 - ENCS

The Catching Fire series Pastor Charles did continue today
He said that God wants us to experience power His way
Living with His power is how we were designed to be
As highlighted by several passages that we did see
Pastor Charles first referred to Acts chapter one verse eight
Jesus' final words spoke of the Holy Spirit and its power great
The church cannot operate without this awesome power
With it, we can be witnesses globally until our final hour
Pastor then read from Acts chapter two verses one to four
The tongues of fire came from heaven, not through the door
On one hundred and twenty believers flames came to rest
They spoke in tongues for with the Spirit they were blessed
God has promised the Holy Spirit for each of us as well
He always keeps His promises, as the Bible does tell
The Holy Spirit is part of our eternal inheritance
Something God has planned, not a circumstance
An esteemed writer compared baptism to the pickling process
Step one is being dipped in boiling water for a minute or less
Then the fruit is submerged in vinegar and spices to be transformed
Similarly, we should be an example for the world - not be conformed
In Luke 24 verse 49, Jesus did instruct his disciples to stay
Until they were clothed with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day
Remember what is said in verse twenty five of Hebrews seven
That for believers, Christ Jesus lives to intercede from heaven
The core of the message from Pastor Charles today
Is that Jesus left us a message and showed us the way
The Holy Spirit gives us great strength and power
Which we should use every day and every hour

10 November 2013 - Words and Works

"Do not merely listen to the word" says James 1:22
We deceive ourselves if what it says, we do not do
In chapter two verse seventeen, James also said
That "faith..., if not accompanied by action, is dead"
First Corinthians 15:58 contains another famous clarion call
"Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord" said Paul
These strong words do not come from the same author or book
But are linked in concept and therefore deserve a deeper look
God's words should serve to awaken me and stir my heart
And this in turn should lead to passionate action on my part
I must do this day by day, in the cold as well as in the heat
For then, and only then, will my life's work be truly complete
So dear God, I ask that as I awake, you convict my soul
Before the day's chores and interruptions take their toll
As a side note, to be able read your word at my leisure
Is indeed a blessing as well as a pleasure that I treasure
To keep my word means following Yours too
Please let me remember that in all that I do

Sunday, November 3, 2013

3 November 2013 - Idols

After three straight worship nights, it is time to turn the page
In my head is a line from Jimmy Needham's "Clear The Stage"
"Anything that I put before God is an idol" he sings
This can refer to people, places, actions, or things
Here are some of that song's powerful lyrics
No matter who sings it, the message sticks
"We must not worship something that's not even worth it
Clear the stage make some space for the one who deserves it
Anything I put before my God is an idol
Anything I want with all my heart is an idol
And anything I can't stop thinking of is an idol
And anything that I give all my love is an idol
We can sing all we want to and still get it wrong"
The chorus ends with "Worship is more than a song"
There was so much more that came out of those nights
And those will no doubt influence what this poet writes
But for now, these idols I must identify and from myself rid
Out of love for God, whether or not the law does forbid
Coming up with my list of my idols will not be easy
And it will undoubtedly at times make me queasy
Anything that gets in the way of serving God
Must be eliminated, as per the lyrical prod

Saturday, November 2, 2013

1 November 2013 - ENCS Music Encounter

At the Spirit-filled ENCS Music Encounter last night
Wayne Huirua spoke on "Priesthood" and its might
He based his talk on Deuteronomy ten verse eight
Which talks of the Levites and their tasks so great
To bear the ark of the covenant was the first of three
We also have to carry God's Presence for all to see
The Levites became priests by purging Israel of sin
This unfortunately involved killing lots of their kin
For us to be priests of God, then for His sake
We have to purge our sin, whatever it may take
If we are to lead others in the week and on Sunday
We have to do so by example and show them the way
To remind people of God's Presence was the purpose of the ark
When the Spirit is in us today, the difference is also visibly stark
Wayne spoke of our shoulders and the Holy Spirit dove
Which looks for a safe place when it alights from above
To minister unto Jehovah was point number two
This included having lots of menial tasks to do
When the pillar of fire moved, the Levites packed everything
Over time, they got bored and did complain instead of sing
We can all often fall into the same complacency trap
Getting too used to miracles, our enthusiasm may sap
But if the worship of people we are to facilitate
A vibrant environment we must foster and create
In this way we can bless lots of people
Building relationships under the steeple
Wayne then spoke about what qualifies us to be a priest
It is the same whether we are from the west or the east
We must confess our sins for the Presence to carry
And live what we are singing, not do the contrary
God told Abraham that he would be richly blessed
In this way, Abraham was a priest before the rest
The king of Salem appeared after Abraham's long trek
Abraham was ordained by God through Melchizedek
To do so, he had to walk by faith and in God trust
God will not bless a lie, so full honesty is a must
Our challenge is to recognize His authority in our lives
When we acknowledge this, our worship surely revives
We must use Jesus' authority by using the new way
And when he tells us to do something, just say okay
For as long as we try to do His will, we get His grace
And we can then lead worship in any setting or place
We must be careful, for any hypocrisy does impede
But with His authority, we have the authority to lead