Friday, March 14, 2014

14 March 2014 - Joshua and the Promised Land

Moses was one hundred twenty in Deuteronomy thirty one
He was no longer able to lead the people as he had done
God told him that he would not enter the Promised Land
But the people should proceed under Joshua’s command
“The Lord your God Himself will cross over ahead of you”
And will destroy any nations that Israel may pass through
“Do not be afraid or terrified because of [other nations]”
“God will never leave nor forsake you” or your relations
To Joshua in public, Moses did these words repeat
The handover of leadership was then almost complete
Moses wrote down the law, giving it to the Levites clan
Joshua would succeed Moses, for he was a great man

After Moses died, God spoke to Joshua in Joshua one
He said to get the people ready to cross the River Jordan
For the Israelites would inherit the Promised Land soon
From God’s power, no other people would be immune
God then told Joshua to “be strong and courageous
By following the law, things would be advantageous
God said in prosperity and success the nation would grow
“For the Lord … [would] be with [them] wherever [they] go”

Joshua secretly sent two spies into Jericho, per Joshua two
They entered Rahab’s house, where they could get a view
The king of Jericho was told that the spies were present
Rahab said that she did not know which way they went
So the king’s men left the city and followed false tracks
In fact, on her roof Rahab hid the spies under some flax
Her people were fearful and mass destruction they did expect
In return for her actions, they promised to her family protect
Joshua said, after the spies returned from seeing the lands
“The Lord has surely given the whole land into our hands”

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