Sunday, March 24, 2019

24 March 2019 - ENCS

On Genesis twenty Ms Rhia Mora did preach today
About why dear Abraham did revert to his old way
There are many reasons such reversion is viewed
Recessive memory, reinforced values and attitude
We don’t want to change for the old way did work
It is about ourselves that old habits we do not shirk

Abraham had wrestled with the Lord in his old life
But still he claimed Sarah was his sister not his wife
He feared for his life when Abimelech he did meet
What he did in Genesis twelve, he then did repeat
Thoughts, words, actions, habits, character, destiny
That is an unfortunate progression we often do see
Blind spots are dangerous and can affect our identity
Without our purpose, we can lose our life’s serenity

In Abraham's new life, God did beneficially intervene
He can bring newness of life even into a bad scene
Even when we are faithless in some things we do
God is always faithful to us, per First Timothy two
Then in Abraham’s now life, everyone God did heal
For faith is about what we do today towards the ideal
Per Hebrews eleven, faith is assurance and conviction
For God gave us Jesus, that is a fact not mere fiction

In summary, Rhia read from Isaiah chapter fifty five
An important point we should remember while alive
Versus ours, God’s thoughts and ways are higher
So having faith in Him helps us escape a quagmire
Sometimes we need friends who tell us hurtful truth
This applies no matter whether old or still a youth

Sunday, March 10, 2019

10 March 2019 - ENCS

With the series on Genesis, Pastor Joey did continue today
We should follow, not filter, God’s word he did earnestly say
Lot became wealthier in Sodom but left with just his family
The angels said not to look back or stop, from Sodom to flee
Pastor said that these instructions parallel repentance for us
If we decide to look back instead of forward, it is dangerous

Lot told the angels that up to the mountains he could not go
Rather he asked to head to Zoar where fresh waters did flow
By focusing on the green pastures and ignoring God’s voice
Pastor said that clueless leader Lot made a clueless choice
We should decide based on faith instead of bowing to fear
Through the entire Bible, this principle is exceedingly clear

We need to decide which game we are choosing to play
God’s game and the world’s game differ, Pastor did say
Different rules, leaders, and results based on the game
Making uninformed or clueless choices is a big shame
Once Lot went to Zoar, with fire God did destroy Sodom
Lot’s wife looked back, turned into a pillar of salt - so dumb

Looking back effectively prevents us from forward moving
Indecision is a decision to be ineffective and not improving
Per James one verse six, we should believe without doubt
Doubt is double-mindedness, leading to an unstable route
Per Joshua twenty four, serving the Lord is the path to take
For himself and family, this is the decision Joshua did make

Unlike Lot, Abraham returned to where with the Lord he stood
God remembered Abraham and his prayers were understood
In the same way, we should each choose to be God’s friend
A relationship with God will ensure that to heaven we ascend
We should opt not to be busy but to the game of faith play
God will bless us for He hears our prayers, Pastor did say

Sunday, March 3, 2019

3 March 2019 - ENCS

Recently about spiritual maturity from Pastor Joey we did learn
Obedience, the ability to feed self, and being trained to discern
Identifying with the lost world and wrestling with God’s truth
Implying that spiritual maturity applies to seniors and youth

Joey based his sermon on Genesis nineteen, one to sixteen
Lot was a leader, for sitting by the city gates he was seen
He rose to meet angels, taking initiative and being persuasive
But he was clueless about the judgement God was to give

Because leadership and spiritual leadership are quite different
Lot could not convince the city folk to respect the angels sent
John Maxwell wrote a book about five levels of leadership
Position, permission, and production are the basics to equip
People development and then to the pinnacle is the ascent
Because of who leaders are and what their actions represent

Lot struggled because he only had a leadership position
Unable to convince the townspeople about their condition
As we are all sinners, other people we should not judge
We all need God’s mercy and many a truthful nudge

We should thus follow God, who is a leader at the pinnacle
His truth, mercy, love, and grace are anything but cynical
He has shown His love in actions for everyone on the earth
Because He is God whose power and love have no dearth