Sunday, June 25, 2017

25 June 1017 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke on Genesis four verses eight to ten
We must understand Biblical context to be wise men
But we must also see how to apply the lessons today
If we are to follow God’s desires rather than to stray

Cain’s emotional turmoil led to to sin and then death
In the field, his evil actions led to Abel’s last breath
With our words and thoughts, we must take great care
They can kill relationships, Pastor Josh did declare

Part of the journey of life is letting God into our heart
His Word finds places where it has been torn apart
In those areas of darkness, His word produces light
So the Spirit can work and experiences become right

God asked Cain where his brother was in verse nine
Cain’s response said that “it is no business of mine”
The implication for us is evident and comes through
It is easy to love Jesus, but we must love others too

In Luke ten, we read about the Good Samaritan
Who took the injured man to the local Sheraton
This parable no doubt generated some controversy
But the Samaritan showed compassion and mercy

Knowledge can be dangerous, Pastor Josh did imply
For in God’s eyes, that makes the expectations high
And since we know the Scripture, we must respond
Toward those who hate us, we must love and be fond

In verse ten, to God the voice of Abel’s blood did cry
Hebrews twelve said to pay the price, Jesus did die
About his brother’s reaction to a crash, Josh did share
Mirroring that about our safety, Jesus does always care

Sunday, June 18, 2017

18 June 2017 - ENCS

On Father’s Day, from the Genesis series we took a break
About fathers and fatherhood, Pastor Josh did clearly speak
Positive paternal experiences many people may not have had
(As a side note, I am very blessed to have a wonderful dad)

There is no perfect instruction manual to tell dads what to do
So Josh referred to verse eleven of First Thessalonians two
For their children, fathers should exhort, encourage, charge
Tailoring the approach to account for differences often large
Paul prefaced this, saying actions matter more than words
This requires hard work, not doing things by halves or thirds

As Jesus is the model leader, God is the perfect model father
Prioritising and focusing on others while for self less bother
A sense of security for his family, a good father should create
By exhorting and acting as a counsellor rather than to berate
Encouraging with calm words, providing a safe place to try
The children will both succeed or fail, Josh did then specify
Charging involves pushing one’s children to do their best
With talents and chances that each one God has blessed

The Lord is a father to the fatherless, per Psalm sixty eight
Both directly and also via earthly support to set us straight
God oft needs to change and humble us to fulfil our destiny
We learn from Him and others so good fathers we can be

Sunday, June 11, 2017

11 June 2017 - ENCS

Pastor Joey Bonifacio spoke on Genesis chapter four today
To God, brothers Cain and Abel each took a different way
Being religious like Cain focuses on works and compliance
Having faith like Abel involves trust and on God, reliance

The Lord God asked Cain why he was angry, per verse six
How do we react when others point out something to fix?
He who hates correction is stupid, Proverbs twelve says 
For we are all imperfect and need correction, even a Pres

God kept talking to Cain about doing right, per verse seven
In the Bible, it was the first mention of “sin", not from heaven
Desires lead to sins which lead to death, per James one
Through sin, our perceptions of truth and right are undone
Which then affects our attitude, our actions, and our identity
For sin’s trajectory pulls us away from God and His serenity

Faith helps us overcome sin in three ways, Joey did say
Proverbs three says trusting in God’s Word is the way
That allows us to turn to His ways , per Isaiah fifty five
So we can tap into God’s power every day we are alive

God wants us to operate within a range, to avoid extremes
We do not need to be poor nor engage in greedy schemes
Our bodies are temples and are not to be idolised or abused
Both hedonism and aestheticism can leave us confused

Sin is like a crouching lion, waiting to pounce and destroy
But Jesus is a lion whose strength we can always deploy
And if we trust, turn, and tap into God, the real McCoy
We can experience righteousness, peace, and true joy

Sunday, June 4, 2017

4 June 2017 - ENCS

Pastor Harris revisited Genesis four in his sermon today
Specifically about what Cain’s offering actually did convey
For although Cain and Abel both gave God an offering
Per Hebrews eleven, Abel acted by faith in everything
Josh said if worship focuses on actions, it is likely vain
But if it is merely from the heart, it can be a false domain
True worship focuses on God, that should be well known
For He sees our heart and actions, from upon His throne
James chapter one says that if anyone wisdom does lack
If we ask God in faith, He will show us the inside track
Romans ten says faith comes from hearing Christ’s word
For then our vision, path, and actions will not be blurred
Paul said that he was blameless if viewed as a Pharisee
But that this counted for nothing, per Philippians three
This is consistent with a verse from Jeremiah seventeen
If we trust in ourselves, even good things remain unseen
Self-righteousness is prideful, Philippians three days saith
But righteousness from God comes from Christ-linked faith
Faith is the conviction of things unseen, per Hebrews eleven
And without faith it is impossible to please God in heaven
Faith actually requires that we believe in God’s existence
As well as that He rewards those who seek his presence
Micah six says to act justly, love mercy, and humbly walk
Doing this is tough but must influence how we act and talk
Hebrews twelve instructs us to run the race set before us
We will not grow weak or fainthearted if we look to Jesus
For Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to die
And give us a chance to our relationship with God rectify