Monday, December 25, 2023

25 December 2023 - Blessed Christmas

“Why do…the peoples plot in vain?” says Psalm two

The Lord and His Anointed One the leaders try to outdo

From heaven, the Lord scoffs and rebukes them all

For His King on Zion – the holy hill - God did install

“You are my Son…and I [am] your Father,” God said

God will make “the nations [His] inheritance” instead

“Therefore, you kings, be wise [and] be warned”

For they should serve the Lord they once scorned


The Lord said to Jesus, according to Psalm one hundred ten

To “sit at [His] right hand” and rule over all earthly men

For on “the day of battle”, “[His] troops will be willing”

Jesus is a “priest forever”, thus old prophecies fulfilling

God “will crush kings on the day of His wrath”

For Jesus will always be found on God’s path

There have been many priests, per Hebrews seven

But only one lives forever, He was sent from heaven

“Therefore he is able to save completely” any person

“He lives to intercede for them” before their lives worsen


The birth of Jesus is briefly written about in Luke two

Joseph went to Bethlehem, for a census all had to do

He went with Mary, his betrothed who was expecting

She gave birth to her son in a stable without objecting

There were shepherds in the nearby fields with their flock

The glory of the Lord shone, and their knees did all knock

But an angel came and told them about the good news

That in Bethlehem had been born the King of the Jews

They were told to rejoice, for they were not in any danger

They would find Jesus wrapped in clothes lying in a manger

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem,” per Matthew two

Magi from the east came, a star in the sky was the clue

The king of the Jews is who they wanted to worship

So they brought gifts with them on the very long trip

King Herod was disturbed; the Magi in secret he did call

They were to report back to him; his evil plans not to stall

The child they did find as to the star they did refer

They worshipped him with gold, incense, and myrrh

About Herod’s evil plot from a dream they did learn

So by another route to their country they did return

Sunday, December 24, 2023

24 December 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Vicki Tekwani talked about “hope” this Christmas Eve
In Isaiah nine, God made promises while His people did grieve
God said that their exile and suffering would one day cease
Thanks to the Saviour, also known as the Prince of Peace

Vicki then ran through three questions that we should ponder
What are my eyes fixed on - earth or Jesus?” he did wonder
Next up was “Where am I headed - my way or God’s way?” 
But man’s way leads to death, Proverbs fourteen does say
What does my future look like?” is not just a personal wish
Per Isaiah nine, there will be no gloom for those in anguish
For we are promised that contempt will be turned to glory
And darkness into great light in that same chapter we see

The work of Jesus Christ starts with turning darkness to light
Light represents salvation, hope, and a path through the night
Per John eight, Jesus is the light of the world and its strife
Put another way, He gives us the gift and light of eternal life
Jesus turns sorrow into joy,  not based on human emotion
That is one reason He should be the centre of our devotion
We also have hope because Jesus turns conflict into peace
And with Him, we have an inner peace that does not cease

This will all be fulfilled through and by Jesus and his kingdom
The eternal riches he offers are superior to any earthly income
God’s Son is called Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God too
Without His presence, we really have no hope to look forward to
There will be unending peace under King Jesus, per Isaiah nine
Remember Jesus’ prayerful words “your will be done, not mine”
God’s will embodies justice and righteousness, making things right
His Kingdom will stand the test of time, as Proverbs does write

It is important to remember that we always have access to God
His love for us has been proven many times, it is not a facade
And if we continue to pray, mediate, proclaim, and fellowship
We will bring light to the world, as we should being His heirship

Monday, December 18, 2023

17 December 2023 - ENCS

The Christmas sermon series Pastor Josh did continue
Uncertainty surrounds, as in Psalm four we did view
David asked The Lord God to lift up the light of His face
If we see God, then good things appear in every place

A contrast to Jesus the Saviour we see in Luke two
Born in a manger,  far from a king’s traditional debut
The angels promised peace on earth, goodwill to all
Supernatural God can change things big and small 

In Psalm four, David lay down in peace and sleep
For the Lord would allow David in safety to keep
Jesus will fix everything, either in this life or the next
That is mentioned or alluded in many a biblical text

God himself is our peace, as per Ephesians two
Jesus preached that peace for all should ensue
Remember peace is relational, not circumstantial
Our access to God via the Spirit is substantial

In Second Corinthians five, we are a creation new
We receive God’s peace as a major breakthrough
And because we are now in Christ a new creation
Jesus has given us the ministry of reconciliation

Sunday, December 10, 2023

10 December 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the Christmas sermon series today
We will go through love, joy, peace, and hope he did say
All four are intangible things that everyone does strive for
God can provide true love, joy, hope, peace, per Psalm four

An angel shared the message of Jesus in Luke chapter two
Fear not, I bring you good news of great joy out of the blue
Unto you is born this day a Saviour who is Christ the Lord
The last line addresses the previous one, it cannot be ignored

Continuing from Luke two, from the temple Anna did not depart
Worshiping, fasting, and praying constantly from the day’s start
She gave thanks to God and to all who did listen of him she spoke
PMPF - pray, meditate, proclaim, fellowship - we should also invoke

Sunday, December 3, 2023

3 December 2023 - ENCS

The ENCS Christmas sermon series Vicki Tekwani did start today
“What's love got to do with Christmas?” was the title he did say
He spoke about agape love, referencing First John chapter four
Love if from God, we should love one another, and lots more

God is the source of agape love, unconditional and sacrificial
We must spend time to receive His love which is so beneficial
Love is God’s nature, for He can not not love each one of us
Love is sacrificial, remember propitiation for our sin was Jesus

Sending His son was the ultimate expression of God’s love
Remember that this was entirely initiated from heaven above
This propitiation of sins means we have unlimited atonement
Using free will unwisely is the only reason for postponement

As God loves us, we are called to love others in the same way
Remember we are His children, receiving His love every day
How we talk, act, and treat others is how His love we display
This requires sacrifice and service even if there is foul play

Love has everything to do with Christmas, Vicki did conclude
What love is and is not, in First Corinthians thirteen we viewed
And since God’s love for us is both unlimited and never ending
A similar sort of love to others we should also be extending

Sunday, November 26, 2023

26 November 2023 - ENCS

The series on tests Pastor Josh did complete today
Tests exist to help us life lives to the full, he did say
John chapter ten says to follow God wholeheartedly
From Acts two and Romans eight, we also did see

Instead of being a slave to sin, be God’s son spiritually
Instead of being sovereign, adopt a servant mentality
Instead of focusing on self, think of sacrifice physically
Instead of focusing on money, be a steward financially

Genesis fifteen says not to fear for God is our shield
He is our Father whose love for us can't be concealed
We can all be multipliers like Abram, per God’s desire
Believing in God is righteousness, all that we require

Sunday, October 15, 2023

15 October 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey today spoke on “The Heart-Eye Connection”
Per Matthew six, our eyes are like lamps giving direction
If our eyes are healthy, then our body will be full of light
If our eyes are unhealthy, our body will be dark like night

The biblical perspective is that values determine vision
So what, why, and how you see follows with precision
Social media algorithms reveal what our focus has been
If values are wrong, we see the wrong thins on screen

Vision is powerful, so the devil wants to take it away
The eye is the lamp of the body, Matthew six does say
Per Proverbs twenty nine, without vision, people perish
In Jeremiah twenty nine, God’s promises are not bearish

Joey concluded with how to have a healthy vision 
Pray unceasingly, as Daniel did when facing a decision
Always meditate on God’s word as per Philippians four
And fellowship with God’s people, find a good mentor

In other words, treat the ENCS mantra as a big tip
Always PMPF - Pray, Meditate, Proclaim, Fellowship

Sunday, October 8, 2023

8 October 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Mark spoke on “Values, Treasures, and the Heart”
In Matthew six, about types of treasure Jesus did impart
We should not lay up temporal treasures here on earth
As eternal treasures in heaven have so much more worth
Mark said we should remember that our hearts do pursue 
Those things, temporal or eternal, which we most value

Firstly, recognise how valuable we are in Christ’s eyes
His words in Matthew six about birds we should memorise
Per John ten, we are so valuable He will not let us go
As Romans five, Hebrews thirteen, and Luke twelve show
We are valuable masterpieces, per Psalm one thirty nine
Because per John one, we are in Christ’s direct bloodline

Secondly, realign our perspective using heaven's eyes
Doing things that upset God is foolish and clearly not wise
We should all create and add value to people around us
Although storing and increasing value is not superfluous
In First Timothy six, in a passage that is never outdated
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, Paul stated

Finally, reposture our hearts and reorder our values
Do a heart check and seriously consider God’s views
For the heart is often deceitful, per Jeremiah seventeen
So the Lord tests our hearts, in the passage it is seen
We should clear the blockages and take proactive care
“Slowing, stopping, silence, solitude” Mark did share

And in the absence of those on a South African trip
I would add “Pray, Mediate, Proclaim, Fellowship

Sunday, October 1, 2023

1 October 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey spoke today on the topic “The Addict"
In old times, a positive attribute this term did depict
Joey said in Acts two verse forty two it was noted
The apostles were addicted, in other words devoted
To teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer
As in First Corinthians sixteen Paul also did share

Since there was no New Testament or printing press
From the Old Testament, those apostles did profess
With Jesus and the Holy Spirit as an interpreting lens
The hearts and minds of thousands they did cleanse
The apostles meditated, as per Joshua chapter one
Per Psalm one, their delight in the Law not outdone

Returning to Acts two, the believers were together
Addicted to fellowship, regardless of the weather
They met every day, their hearts glad and sincere
Breaking bread together every day through the year
Per the words of Jesus, to break bread is to proclaim
Leaving prayer as the last element, Joey did exclaim

The many signs and wonders filled everyone with awe
Their numbers grew daily based on what others saw
The four elements still apply today, Pastor did quip
PMPF equals Pray, Meditate, Proclaim, and Fellowship
Our SQ App is designed for the purpose and is free
If you want to learn more, feel free to contact me

Sunday, September 24, 2023

24 September 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the “how’s your SQ” series today
Referring to Genesis when Adam and Eve went astray
In large part because with the serpent she did engage
The sermon title was “Breaking Free From The Cage”

Joey started by asking what’s freedom got to do with it?
Per Genesis two, it is a command that God did transmit
It is a daily decision whether to follow God, our free will
Love involves having that freedom which God does install
Freedom is powerful but quite dangerous it can also be
For along with great power comes great responsibility

He steals your freedom by perverting your freedom
It is clear in Genesis three the serpent is far from dumb
Temptation, deception, and accusation are his tools
Then we surrender our freedom, following his rules
We start building a cage with unrighteousness and guilt
Add in self-righteousness and shame - the cage is built

So how then we can regain our freedom is the real key
We must confess our sins, as in First John one we see
Per Second Corinthians five and also in Romans eight
That when we are with Jesus, we avoid our sinful fate
Per Galatians five, it is for freedom that Christ set us free
So stand firm, do not be burdened by the yoke of slavery

Sunday, September 17, 2023

17 September 2023 - ENCS

About Spritual Quotient, Pastor Joey did today continue
Talking about “The Thief” that in John ten we did view
Our struggle is versus spiritual forces, per Ephesians six
So we pray that the eyes of our hearts on God do affix

Per Isaiah fourteen, the thief is called the morning star
God thwarted his attempted coup and said au revoir
Per Revelations twelve, his name is Satan or devil
Also several other names that we should not revel

About one-third of heaven's angels on his side fought
But omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent he is not
God lets him live so that we can exercise our free will
But his future, per Revelation twenty, torment will fill

God made us a bit lower than angels, per Psalm eight
To overcome the devil, God’s power we can activate
This is very clearly stated in Hebrews chapter two
Jesus will destroy Satan, in First John three we view

The enemy’s names tell us what he is trying to do
As he did with Eve, the serpent will try to tempt you
The devil tries to deceive, telling us all sorts of lies
Satan accuses us - so listening to him is unwise

To stop the enemy from stealing submit to God
For God’s armour Ephesians six gives the nod
Pray against temptation, meditate over deception
Proclaim the gospel, fellowship over accusation

Sunday, September 10, 2023

10 September 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the “How is your SQ” series today
“In the heavenly realms” many times Ephesians does say
Spiritual forces of evil our earthly struggles often disguise
Today’s sermon was appropriately titled “Open Your Eyes” 

For those with closed eyes, the spiritual realm is not real
Per Psalm fourteen, the fool says God is not the real deal
Ones with closed eyes are fearful, insecure, powerless
Pastor Joey said they are also bold, blind, and clueless

The spiritual realm is real for those whose eyes are open
Per Colossians two, due to our sin Jesus was roped in
Supreme is the power of Jesus, in whom our faith rests
For He is above all, Ephesians one more than suggests

So to keep our eyes open, PMPF we should implement
Pray without ceasing and Meditate on His word frequent
Proclaim your identity and with God’s people Fellowship
Per Romans eight, the love of God is always in our grip

Sunday, September 3, 2023

3 September 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey started a series “How Is Your SQ?" today
Following on “Foundations” and “Maturity” he did say
In Ephesians, five times ‘heavenly realms’ is referred
There was a clearly a reason this phrase Paul preferred

In the heavenly realms is where all our blessings are
Per Ephesians one, God’s blessings form a reservoir
The heavenly realms are where power actually resides
And from where manifold wisdom the Lord provides 

From the heavenly realms physical struggles emanate 
Against dark world powers, as Ephesians six does state
Spiritual manifestation in the natural, seen in Daniel ten
Daniel’s humility and prayer helped him time and again

It is quite clear that Spiritual Quotient starts with prayer
In Matthew six, the Lord’s Prayer we are made aware
First Thessalonians five says to pray without ceasing
Matthew eighteen encourages joint prayer increasing

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

27 August 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued talking about Embracing Maturity
The thief comes to steal, kill, destroy in John ten we see
Jesus came that we might have life - and life to the full
Make sure it is overflowing with good things, not bull

Josh said that how we think determines how we live
We should be joyful even when trials life does give
Per Second Peter one, make effort to add to faith
That includes goodness and knowledge, it sayeth
Possessing these attributes in increasing measure
Prevents unproductively and ineffective for sure

Every grows old but not everyone actually matures
Maturity involves mistakes, as each person endures
The more we know God, the closer we get to Him
And his vision for us grows brighter, far from dim
Therefore let God define us rather than our history
Promises given to Abraham are ours, no mystery

Josh pointed out that we should mature together
No matter the circumstances or even the weather
Per First Corinthians twelve, we all have differences
In terms of gifts, service, working, and our senses
But the same Spirit and God is at work all the time
So trusting in Him should always be our paradigm

Sunday, August 27, 2023

20 August 2023 - ENCS

Emerging Victorious is what Josh spoke about
Following on from the Maturity series with clout

Maturity requires trials, temptation, and trouble
James one says to consider them joy double
For the testing of faith produced perseverance
So complete maturity can make an appearance
Waiting and enduring pain makes you stronger
Per Hebrews twelve, discipline may last longer
For God demonstrates love through discipline
Which then enables us to His holiness share in

Perseverance also produces righteousness
One's character grows when under stress
Per Romans five, we should therefore rejoice
For going down this path is the best choice
Endurance leads to character and then hope
Hope does not disappoint but helps us cope
We face trouble in this world, per John sixteen
But Jesus overcame the world, it is then seen

Saturday, August 19, 2023

13 August 2023 - ENCS

The “Maturing in Christ” series, Pastor Josh did continue
The title “A Mature Mentality” we did on the screen view
Josh stated that the journey to our maturity is the key
To experiencing life to the full, per Colossians three

A mature mentality is not playing the part of a victim
Saying always and never, plus criticising ad infinitum
It's also not saying I don’t have enough as if in poverty
And per Philippians four, “Christ who strengthens me"

A mature mentality is what in Numbers Joshua showed
And how Jesus humbled himself to take on our load
A mature Christian focuses on and trusts in God above
Which leads the individuals to serve others and to love

Taking off the old mentality and put in the new mentality
Ignore momentary pleasures, as per Colossians three
We are made in God’s image so should walk in unity
Letting Christ's word and wisdom dwell in us richly

Sunday, August 6, 2023

6 August 2023 - ENCS

From the Firm Foundations series, Pastor Joey did follow
Per Hebrews six, more than baby food we should swallow
In order to be "taken forward to maturity", we then viewed
He therefore titled today's sermon “Beyond Baby Food”

Maturity in Christ is about moving forward and growing up
As per Hebrews five, on solid food the mature should sup
Growth is gradual, imperceptible, over time and seasons
We should grow up in the right things for the right reasons

Maturity is becoming more like Christ, per Romans eight
He equips us for good works, Ephesians four does state
For God uses everything and uses everything for good
Becoming more like Christ is critical, that is understood

The Lord God matures us by giving us the ability to do so
We are earthly and spiritual, First Corinthians does show
Like a gardener, God often prunes us per John fifteen
And gives examples to follow, in First John two is seen

Sunday, July 30, 2023

30 July 2023 - ENCS

About living life to the full, Pastor Josh did speak
Per John ten this is what Jesus wants us to seek
Jesus said to find and follow Him, per Matthew four
And then very importantly to go fish for even more

Josh said Second Peter three has words to cherish
The Lord is patient, not wanting anyone to perish
For God wants everyone to come to repentance
So that nobody has to face their due sentence

So per Charles Colson, now how shall we live?
Lots of answers Second Peter three does give
Saying to make every effort to be found spotless
At peace with God as well as being blemeless

That passage says to add to your faith, goodness
In the original Greek meaning excellence, no less
Then come knowledge, self-control, perseverance
And godliness, mutual affection, love adherence

Love is actually the sum of all of those attributes
There is no fear in love, as First John four imputes
As per First Peter two, if those qualities increase
Our effectiveness and productivity will not cease

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

23 July 2023 - ENCS

The Firm Foundations series Pastor Joey did complete
Hebrews five shares six elementary truths not obsolete
The last being eternal judgment, as per Revelation five
So at the title The Glory of the Last Lion Joey did arrive

The significance of God’s justice is where Joey started
It is the foundation of God’s throne, never departed
Psalm eighty nine, righteousness and justice are key
While love and faithfulness go before us, we can see
God’s justice also ensures fairness and impartiality 
Post restitution and retribution, restoration there will be
It puts in us a holy fear, also known as a reverent fear
For God judges our work in First Peter one we do hear

So then what does eternal judgement actually entail?
It is for everyone, both old and young, male and female
Per Hebrews nine, we all die and then judgement face
Our entire life is known, there is nothing we can erase
Per Hebrews four, nothing is hidden from God’ sight
It is a time of accountability, everything comes to light
Per Second Corinthians five, all appear before His seat
Since God sees all, His judgement we can not cheat
Ephesians two says we are created to do good works
But we should do these out of love, not for the perks
Joey said that eternal judgement is also a test of quality
Our foundation is in Jesus, per First Corinthians three

Our rewards will then be crowns that last for eternity
In First Thessalonians two, crowns of service we see
The crowns of devotion, as per Second Timothy four
But to Jesus, we give all the crowns and even more

Monday, July 17, 2023

16 July 2023 - ENCS

The Firm Foundations series Pastor Joey did continue 
About elementary truths in Hebrews five we can view
Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands we see
Today Joey focused on resurrection, Embracing Eternity

To start, we must have an understanding of physical death 
For it is just a matter of time before we take our last breath
As per Second Corinthians four, we waste away outwardly
Our days are finite, in Psalm ninety and James four we see
Ecclesiastes three states that there is a time for everything
When we are born or when we die, control we cannot bring
The verse goes on to say everything is beautiful in its time
That God has set eternity in the human heart is a paradigm

Pastor then said we must understand Christ's’ resurrection
After Jesus died for our sins despite having no imperfection
As per Mark twelve, God is for both the living and the dead
So many resurrection witnesses could not have been misled
Acts seventeen says we are God’s offspring and should obey
Meaning that we should repent and in His name act and pray
This clearly has implications for our lives each and every day
We have God's power to resurrect any part of life, Joey did say

First Corinthians fifteen talks about our resurrection spiritual
The body that is sown is perishable but is raised imperishable
Similarly, the dishonourable becomes glorious thanks to Christ
The weak become powerful, in eternity for what He sacrificed

Sunday, July 2, 2023

2 July 2023 - ENCS

The Firm Foundations series Pastor Joey did continue
Reference to cleansing rites in Hebrews six we do view
Such cleansing is now called baptism, Pastor did say
Thus :Laundering Your Soul” is the sermon title today

There are several reasons we need baptism, Joey stated
The first is that with sin we have all been contaminated
We have all been corrupted even if we are courageous
And to make matters worse, we have become contagious

The instruction to be baptised is important to remember
It is an act of faith, whether done in July or December
It is a picture of your new life, for the rest of its duration
And about your faith, it is an evident public declaration

So then what is baptism, Pastor Joey did try to convey
It is an immersion into a relationship with God every day
Baptism is also God’s way of cleansing you from your sin
As well as His way of of ensuring you let the Holy Spirit in

Sunday, June 25, 2023

25 June 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the series on Firm Foundations
Reminding us that deaths are effectively separations
Jesus is the bridge over our immense chasm with God
We need faith on top of repentance, Pastor did us prod

He continued by saying we need faith to come to God
To Hebrews chapter eleven verse six Joey gave a nod
It says faith pleases God and believes that God is real
For those who truly seek Him, rewards God will reveal

Faith is credited as righteousness, as per Romans four
The more faith we have, the righteousness is also more
Per Hebrews four, faith enables us to enter God’s rest
And then per Hebrews ten, not shrinking back is best

The gospel reveals righteousness, by which we do live
"Faith overcome the world”, First John five does us give
Everything not from faith is sin, so faith helps every day
God will then deliver his promises,Hebrews six does say

Monday, June 19, 2023

18 June 2023 - ENCS

A new series "Firm Foundations”, Pastor Joey did start
He told us to take Hebrews five verse eleven to heart
Paul said that they needed elementary truths to relearn
They needed “milk not solid food”, he wrote in concern
Winning the Unseen Battle with Death was today’s title
Starting the series off with a topic that is extremely vital

In Genesis two, death will follow eating from the tree
Although obviously Adam and Eve didn't die physically
Romans six clarifies that the death is in fact separation
And eternal separation from God is therefore damnation

Therefore the way to reverse death is through repentance
Sins separate us from God per a Isaiah fifty nine sentence
Repentance is also the way to remove consequences
God sees our heart if we repent and come to our senses
Finally, repentance is the way for our life to be restored
As it leads to forgiveness and blessings from the Lord

Pastor then took some time to say what repentance is not
It is not about regrets as they can never reverse the rot
It is not about resentment or bitterness to self or others
Nor is it about rationalising or justifying sin to our brothers

Repentance is a lifestyle of recognising sin without cessation
Per First John one, confessing our sins leads to purification
Repentance is a state of ongoing remorse for past actions
Godly sorrow produces earnest change without distractions
Finally, repentance is a progressive change in direction
Per Matthew three, producing fruit during this correction

Monday, June 12, 2023

11 June 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh today continued the monthly series
To engage the next generation there are theories
People encounter Jesus in many a different way
Revelation, relationally, generationally he did say

Knowledge used to be passed from old to young
But with the internet, the pendulum has swung
Per Matthew twenty eight, we must end isolation
The Holy Spirit can be our power and foundation

Remember how Jesus spent his first thirty years
Submitting to authorities who were not his peers
By asking wise questions, he brought out the truth
That is a tactic we should employ with the youth

Jesus told the disciples to wait, as per Acts one
Until the Holy Spirit was imparted to everyone
The Spirit teaches all things, per John fourteen
And the Spirit of truth will forever in us be seen

Pastor Josh highlighted that we are not alone
Presence, peace, perseverance from the throne
We know what to do thanks to the Spirit’s light
Giving perspective, purpose, prophetic insight

Can I do It? was the next question Josh did ask
Per Romans eight, the Spirit helps with every task
God gives sufficiency, per Second Corinthians three
Prayer, power, and provision from the Spirit are free

How to do it is simple - the Holy Spirit to receive
That also fights the enemy who tries to deceive
As per Galatians five, the fruit of the Spirit is love
Helping us be living testimonies for God above

Sunday, June 11, 2023

4 June 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey spoke about Engaging the Next Generation
They are everywhere, we must not remain in isolation
We must acknowledge that there is a generation gap
But we can still engage if new tools we decide to tap

How we live is critical for that is what the others see
Per Matthew eleven open and friendly we should be
Humility and repentance are key, as per James four
Being genuine and transparent but faithful to the core

What and how we say things can have a huge impact
Per First Peter three, speak the truth in love with tact
We should be secure in the gospel, per Romans eight
Preach with conviction, not caring about our earthly fate

Pastor Joey concluded by telling us what to focus on
Walking in love, respecting each and every liaison
We should be self-reflexive, by doing what we say
The building of God's kingdom happens every day

Sunday, May 28, 2023

28 May 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the work series, referencing John five
Remember that we work much of the time that we are alive
Our office or home environment can be toxic in many cases
Whether bosses, customers, employees in various places

But Josh said that there is really no way to detox our jobs
Per John sixteen, in this world we will all face lots of probs
Yet this is not a reason to be despondent or to have fear
For Jesus continued by saying we should be of good cheer

The key is that God can change us, starting with our vision
That gives purpose, purity, and presence in every decision
In Matthew five, Jesus said for the earth we are to be salt
Josh highlighted that passivity is often a destructive fault

For the world, Jesus also called on us to be beacons of light
Even a small light is helpful when things are dark as midnight
Holiness is actually what we do, not just what we avoid to do
Glorifying God and letting other people our good works view

Pastor Josh then spoke about Joseph in Genesis thirty eight
He was detested, a slave, a prisoner - a seemingly bad fate
But despite the challenging times, he kept hold of his vision 
And was eventually able to provide his nation with provision

For God’s presence provides immunity to life’s certain toxicity
His vision for us provides clarity no matter what the complexity
And the perspective holds no matter our problems or position
It also helps to enable us to fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission

Sunday, May 21, 2023

21 May 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the series on God and work today
God’s call is irrevocable, in Romans eleven Paul does say
Our vocation is a calling, a way for us the world to impact
“Answer the call” was Pastor Joey’s title as a matter of fact

God’s call is universal for His purpose, per Romans eight
His call is unique, as each has unique skills to activate
Paul was called to be an apostle, as per Romans one
Each of us is a unique piece in a jigsaw God has done
When we listen to it. God’s call is where you are blessed
Per Genesis twelve, though Abram was older than the rest

God calls us to a relationship with others who are called
Akin to being a lighthouse for the masses so far sprawled
Per Romans one, God calls us to obedience from our faith
Everyone confirms their calling, as Second Peter one saith
God’s call is clear and evident, again per Romans eight
Passions, proclivities, and personality are clues to our fate

Your call is not just what you do, but it is God’s handiwork
Per Ephesians two, to do good works we should not shirk
In Philippians three, Paul implied your call is progressive
We have constant opportunities for as long as we will live
Your call fits God’s plans, per Jeremiah chapter twenty nine
His plans give us hope and a future much more than fine

Joey concluded by answering “How?” we answer today
Following what our conscience and God’s word do say
Ensuring that we are always acting out of faith not fear
And doing what will glorify God the most try to adhere

Sunday, May 14, 2023

14 May 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh did speak on the topic of work again
Jesus came to give us life to the full, per John ten
Since much of our time is actually spent working
The appropriate approach is exerting not shirking
In Genesis one, a key message God did transmit
Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it

No matter what we do, to be fruitful we should strive
Since the fruit of the sprit is love, per Galatians five
What really matters is expressing faith through love
The rest of the verse are manifestations from above
Without Jesus we can do nothing, per John fifteen
He who abides in Jesus bears much fruit it is seen

Josh then moved on to talk about filling the earth
In Genesis, God made a garden of immense worth
He wants both things and relationships to flourish
The earth to be filled with His glory is God's wish
That is so clearly stated in Habakkuk chapter two 
And in Psalm seventy two, David said it was true

To take dominion over something is to subdue
The first step is to have our own breakthrough
Per Galatians five, to overcome sin and desire
Per Second Corinthians, Jesus’ love we require
In Romans eight, Paul wrote on challenges of life
We can be conquerors through all kinds of strife

Sunday, May 7, 2023

7 May 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey started a series on "God and Work”
A responsibility we are not supposed to shirk
Today’s sermon was entitled “Divine Clock In"
An appropriate name on which the series to begin

We were made in God’s image, per Genesis one
That same chapter talked of work God had done
And since He created the heavens and the earth
He works where we do work, for all that is worth

God showed us the way to work, per Creation
There was order, objectives, and organisation
God accomplished His work, per Genesis two
Satisfaction, fulfilment, and blessing others too

Our work starts with resting in God, Joey did say
Remember that God rested on the seventh day
He created us the day before, this was not a slip
God clearly wants with us a strong relationship

Our work is a responsibility from God, this is key
Involving stewardship, excellence, accountability
Our work is best done in community with a team
Shared wisdom, energy, and resources per diem

Jesus entered our work world, as per Mark six
As a carpenter, he would have had things to fix
Jesus redeemed us at work, per Romans eight
And He continues to work, John five does state 

Sunday, April 30, 2023

30 April 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh referred to PMPF as how we equip
Praying, meditating, proclaiming, and fellowship
For these habits can help us to encounter Jesus
The more we do them, the his love can seize us
In Second Corinthians three, we were informed
That looking at God is how we are transformed

“The old has gone” per Second Corinthians five
And “the new is here” with a promise to thrive
But why is there such a disconnect to look into
Between what I should do and what I actually do
Jesus acts as the bridge by offering us salvation
Bringing us back to God's path and His nation

Our life should involve a growing understanding
About God’s holiness, our sin notwithstanding
Burnout can result from always trying to perform
The alternative is worse, Pastor did us inform
We try to hide our sin in guilt, fear, and shame
But hopelessness leads to despair just the same

Josh then focused on what we should try to do
We are saved, being saved, will be saved too
That is justification, sanctification, glorification
Justification, per Romans five, is for the duration
In Hebrews ten more on sanctification is seen
Glorification is per First Corinthians fourteen

How to be transformed, Josh did then ponder
Second Thessalonians' advice do not squander
For true freedom is being what you want to be
Not doing what you want to do, Josh did plea
Per Romans twelve, do not confirm to the earth
For transformation follows your mind's new birth

Whenever we think others owe us something
Remember all that was done by Jesus the King
Life is a journey of letting Him play a bigger role
Directly or indirectly, from the human race whole
Humility means asking God our problems to fix
We must believe in the one God sent per John six

Sunday, April 23, 2023

23 April 2023 - ENCS

Today Samuel Whitefield did speak about discipleship
He came from the US to Singapore - that's a long trip
The foundational value is based on Jesus’ command
Remember that every day and minute, He is at hand

The goal of discipleship is not learning or transforming
These are admirable tools which are heart-warming
But the real goal is based on the old Jewish tradition
Follow rabbi Jesus and emulate based on fascination

For it is through fascination that transformation is seen
As Paul did state in Second Corinthians three eighteen
In today’s lingo, let Jesus be the influencer we follow
Worshiping Him ensures that our life will not be hollow

As a suffering servant the Lord Jesus came to earth
To be rejected and despised despite his eternal worth
Our fascination with Him should extend to the mundane
In conversing, serving, and worship Samuel did explain

The core of discipleship therefore is this fascination
Discipline and other tools are built on this foundation
The fruits of the Spirit should be evident in what we do
Our fascination with Jesus ensuring we pull through

Sunday, April 16, 2023

16 April 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey Bonafacio gave us a very clear view
As the good news of Jesus series he did continue
He titled it "Our insatiable appetite for approval” 
Our need for justification, there can be no removal

Our need for approval means we continually search
A historical need for acceptance even with a church
A need to prove ourselves can not be self-attained
And a need to be whole will always leave us drained

There are several problems with self-justification
It is exhausting, often leaving us with nothing to give
It is demanding emotionally, physically, and mentally
A never ending cycle - unsustainable fundamentally

The good news of Jesus through the Bible is seen
We are justified by faith, per Galatians two sixteen
We are also justified to be saved, per Romans one
We are justified to be sanctified, all of us bar none

Sunday, April 9, 2023

9 April 2023 - ENCS

Vicki Tekwani shared with us this Easter Sunday
We should understand the meaning, he did say
To answer the question of what Easter is all about
And why we celebrate Jesus day in and day out

Often we keep doing things, forgetting the reason
But our faith is not just rituals through each season
It is based on a a higher power who came to earth
Taking on a human body despite His eternal worth

The world has changed a lot throughout the years
No such thing as “just business as usual" it appears
We face volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity
The pandemic amplified issues, causing more anxiety

Sin in society and our lives is in fact the root cause
That we are flawed and broken should give us pause
The solution can not be a person or a government
Or a process or religious ritual no matter the intent

We need a true leader who has suffered as a human
A conqueror by love and truth, who serves every clan
A sovereign relational being who is a healer and friend
Jesus will never disappoint us, on that we can depend

Christ revolutionised the world, being inclusive for all
Defeating death thus ensuring the enemy’s downfall
Meaningless rituals, Christianity does not in us instil
Nor do we follow blindly, for each of us has free will

Jesus paid the price for our right standing with God
We no longer need to give self-condemnation a nod
About Easter’s importance in John chapter ten we see
He came that we might have and enjoy life abundantly

Sunday, April 2, 2023

2 April 2023 - ENCS

From Malaysia, the preacher today was Tim Loh
He said Matthew twenty eight we all likely know
But knowing the Great Commission is not enough
Beyond the words, actually following it is tough

He then referred to Paul in Ephesians chapter six
Surprisingly, he did not pray for his situation to fix
Or even to take care of his numerous bodily pains
But referred to himself as an ambassador in chains

He prayed to declare boldly the gospel’s mystique
Per verse twenty, to speak as he ought to speak
We should also each for Jesus be ambassadors
Whether be at work or home, indoors or outdoors

In the Bible, "ought to” is a phrase so often seen
Per Romans fifteen, Ephesians five, John thirteen
Telling so many examples of what we ought to do
Prayer and testimony can lead to a break through

A caring gesture and even some basic conversation
They do not actually have to be that long in duration
There are dozens of opportunities daily to be a gem
For a small move from us can be a big move in them