Sunday, October 30, 2022

30 October 2022 - ENCS

About mental health, Pastor Josh did today continue
Elijah, Hagar, David, and Hannah to date we did view
Through his own emotional wrestling, Jesus also went
We can all learn from how He dealt with this torment

Chesterton warned against reductivism, linguistically
Answering a complex question simply or simplistically
A key is both simpler and more complex than a knife 
Ergo Christianity is like a key that fits the lock of life

Part of the complexity results from Jesus’ humanity
He took on a human likeness, per Philippians three
Per Hebrews fifteen, he was fully human in every way
He faced temptation so can relate to us, Josh did say

Remember that Jesus prayed to God to take His cup
Even a visit from an angel failed to lift His spirits up 
He was betrayed and deserted, and even forsaken
He knows how we feel, we should not be mistaken

Jesus experienced victory in death, per Hebrews two
Giving those who feared death a major breakthrough
Sometimes we go through difficult times for a reason
To enable us to share our faith in a different season

We should make decisions based on faith, not fear
The Spirit’s law frees us, Romans eight makes clear
In summary, Pastor Josh referred to First Peter three
Jesus suffered once so our sins are cleansed eternally

Thursday, October 27, 2022

The Book of James

James may be a mere five chapters long
But its messages are powerful and strong
Pastor Josh and Howie both shared views
Over four weeks, we sat on chairs not pews
Luther actually said this book was “from straw”
Because of the conflict with Paul that he saw
But a careful reading leads most to disagree
Such God-inspired wisdom is clear to see

About trials chapter one does take a stance
The testing of faith produces perseverance
We can ask the Lord if wisdom we do lack
But we must not let doubts our belief attack
If we persevere under trial we will be blessed
Getting the crown of life for standing the test
God can never be the source of temptation
Desire leads to sin and then to condemnation
We should be quick to listen, slow to speak
For anger is not what God in us does seek
Listen to the Word and then do as it does say
Do not forget everything and go our own way
A tight rein on our tongues we should keep
Otherwise His full blessings we will not reap

Chapter two starts on the topic of favouritism
Remember in God’s eyes there is no schism
To love our neighbour as ourself we are told
By showing favoritism, sin will get a foothold
A critical message appears in verse thirteen
As “mercy triumphs over judgement” is seen
Verse seventeen is controversial, it is said
James claimed "faith without actions is dead”
This seeming contradiction is just a paradox
For faith cannot be contained in a sealed box
Abraham’s faith and actions worked together
So he was God’s friend no matter the weather
We must try to have our actions honour God
To ensure that our faith is not just a facade

Teachers should be careful, per chapter three
For those who know will be judged more strictly
With references to Matthew twelve and Luke six
A mouth speaks on what the heart does transfix
Able to corrupt the body, the tongue is a fire
To ensure words impact positively, we aspire
A good life includes deeds done in humility
Such humility comes from wisdom not envy
For where there is envy and selfish ambition
Disroder and evil practice will be the condition
Heavenly wisdom is both pure and sincere
Also peace-loving and considerate we hear
Those who sow in peace reap righteousness
For their approach will so many other bless

About quarrels, chapter four does then begin
They result from covetousness, which is a sin
We do not have because of God we do not ask
Or we do so with the wrong motives as a mask
Befriending the world implies being God’s enemy
For His Spirit to dwell in us, God longs jealously
Submit to God and resist the devil so he flees
Humbly purifying our hearts will the Lord please
We should not slander others, per verse eleven
The only judgement should come from heaven
We can never know what will happen tomorrow
Giving God control therefore eliminates sorrow
Let our faith bear fruit in our works in this life
Those works ensure eternal glory will be rife

Chapter five has a warning to rich oppressors
James considers them fraudulent aggressors
Hoarding and saving have different motivations
The former feels unsafe due to its foundations
Have patience in suffering, per verse seven
Stand firm and then get blessings from heaven
The Lord is full of compassion and mercy
Many Biblical examples of this we can see
Letting words speak for themselves is a must
The foundation of strong relationships is trust
The prayer of a righteous person is effective
Caring for each other was Jesus’ directive
Sin is destroyed when it is exposed to light
Helping others turn from sin is clearly right

About our heart James does more than quip
So we pray, meditate, proclaim, and fellowship

Sunday, October 23, 2022

23 October 2022 - ENCS

Pastor Josh shared another mental health episode
On how to deal with emotions before they explode
He read from the first book of Samuel chapter one
Hannah was barren, without a daughter or a son

Josh said that barrenness can lead to desperation
Of course Hannah was getting filled with frustration
At times God allows us to go through severe pain
If that prepares us to help others, it is not in vain

In those days, married without children was a curse
Being mistreated by her rival just made things worse
Her husband loved her a lot but still misunderstood
And the priest misjudged her instead of doing good

To God in prayer, Hannah poured out her heart
Praying selflessly, willing to from her son depart
It was clear to the priest that she prayed in faith
“May God grant you what you asked”, he saith

God’s process often starts with some barrenness
The healing process often requires brokenness
For this can lead to an important breakthrough
As with Samuel, who Hannah later gave birth to

After the sermon, Josh shared Isaiah forty three
One of the critical messages resonated with me
On our past mistakes we should not overly dwell
For what we can do in the future God will us tell

Sunday, October 16, 2022

16 October 2022 - ENCS

Pastor Josh referred to the recent mental health day
A topic on which the Bible actually has much to say
He focused on David, an example of human condition
A character study of the pain and power of desperation

David was identified in First Samuel chapter sixteen
From overlooked lonely shepherd to king, it was seen
Loneliness and persecution are two ways to learn
From Psalm twenty three we see what he did discern

He could trust the Lord no matter what the situation
For God “restoreth my soul” was David’s affirmation
This allowed him to view circumstances differently
And allowing God’s will to prevail, not coincidentally

In David’s loneliness, he experienced what God sent
Including restoration, deliverance, and empowerment
David also learned from his lengthy leadership duration
Overcoming hardships, betrayal, and false accusation

Nonetheless David’s legacy had both lows and highs
Like many, he was seduced by the lust of his eyes
Succumbing to the lust of his flesh with Uriah’s wife
And in the end David submitted to the pride of life

Pastor Josh said from David lessons we should see
From his loneliness, his leadership, and his legacy
Josh said we should never retire from serving God
As one who is vocationally retired, this is a apt prod