Monday, July 27, 2015

26 July 2015 - ENCS

At ENCS Momentum, Steve Murrell did tonight speak
Into Luke chapter ten, we did more than just peek
Steve said the chapter spoke of three core activities
All three of which into our lives we should seize
The first shared about Jesus sending out seventy two
Which tells us that a mission from God we should all do
The second was the parable of the Good Samaritan
Compassion we should show even if not in our plan
The third was about Mary and Martha and worship
Something we can all do whether at home or on a trip

Steve focused on compassion as part of our growth
Knowledge and its application, we need to reflect both
And then there was the kicker, in verse twenty nine
When someone asked Jesus which neighbour is mine
Using the parable, Jesus did tell somewhat shockingly
Because heroes Samaritans were not supposed to be

On three key takeaways, Pastor did then elaborate
Leaving us plenty on which to later contemplate

The Samaritan had compassion as the beaten man he did see
This applies whether one is hurting physically or spiritually
It also doesn’t matter why someone is where they are
Or whether they are nearby or somewhere very far

The Samaritan then put his compassion into action
Taking care of the man was his immediate reaction
What do we do when faced with the same, Steve did ask
Too often we stay comfortable, he subtly took us to task

The Samaritan spent money on the man affected by crime
For compassion often costs money, in addition to time
Compassion is expensive while selfishness is free
This is why the Samaritan was the best of the three

God’s Word is like a mirror, per the book of James
If something doesn’t look right, don’t play games
We should instead fix what is wrong as soon as we can
So we too can show compassion, like the Samaritan man

In summary, Steve told all of us sisters and brothers
We should share this and show compassion to others

Monday, July 20, 2015

12 July 2015 - ENCS

The ‘Building Momentum’ series was continued by Calvin Hong
On the topic ‘Do It Again’ he spoke very passionately and long
His core text was John four, about the woman at the well
Our once-filled wells can also get dried up too, he did tell

Jesus approached the Samaritan woman, for He did care
He will similarly ask something of us, assuming that we dare
Jesus talked of living water which refreshes people forever
Of course listening to His many words of truth is also clever
There are limits to everything we can obtain on this earth
Which is why the perpetual living water has so much worth
For if our wells are dry or our passion is running quite low
In Jesus’ direction, our thoughts and prayers should go
For God knows our names and wants a personal relationship
After meeting Him, change occurs as our priorities soon flip
So we should study His Word and worship our God above
And we should to others try to emulate His awesome love

So when we are thirsty and desperate, available is salvation
That is infinitely better than staying in a state of consternation
For God, through His Holy Spirit, can help us again and again
All is takes is for us to repent and earnestly express our yen

Sunday, July 19, 2015

19 July 2015 - ENCS

About personalising revivals, Pastor Larry did today talk
We can’t bring revivals to others unless we do the walk
A revival happens when there is an urgent hunger for God
To Acts chapter two verse seventeen, Pastor gave a nod
For the Holy Spirit is available to everyone on this earth
Proving that in God’s eyes, we all have the same worth

The story of Jonah, in Matthew twelve Jesus did use
Jonah’s personal revival followed a change in his views
But what caused Jonah to turn from rebellion to right
In the whale’s dark belly, he repented and saw the light
In Jonah chapter two, his transformation we clearly see
On the topic “Faith Is Rising”, Larry shared lessons three

The first lesson is that our situation we must RECOGNISE
As Jonah did, seeing his hellish existence with his own eyes
For this recognition forces a change in our perspective
Which brings about a revival, a change in how we live
The Bible is full of such instances, Pastor Larry did tell
Referring to Isaiah fifty nine and Acts chapter two as well
He said that God sometimes puts us through times tough
So that we can be ready and be armed with the right stuff

The second lesson is that we must REPENT of our sin
To do this, we must first hate our sin from deep within
Otherwise, we will continue to give in to temptation
Dulling our sensitivity to God, leading to separation
No temptation is too great for Jesus to overcome
When we resist the devil, from us he will flee from

The third lesson is that we must RESPOND to our Lord
Salvation comes from Him, a fact that cannot be ignored
If we do not know the Bible, many problems can arise
For it is full of the absolute truth, and contains no lies
Very importantly, on the cross Jesus did die for our sake
Our words can also a big impact on many others make

In summary, revival starts with us, and is never fully done
Pastor closed by reading Romans eight verse thirty one

Sunday, July 5, 2015

5 July 2015 - ENCS

The “Building Momentum” series Joy Talavera did continue
About “God’s Brilliance” she did to all of us get through
For although momentum is movement over many a day
God’s light shines even when a situation is bleak and grey

She said that in the presence of God’s light, darkness must flee
His light shines brighter and fills the earth, in Scripture we see
We were created to worship, but that is not something to misuse
Whether to worship Jesus or something else, we must choose
We can know Jesus but with Him not have a true relationship
Or per Isaiah six verse three, we can join the angels in worship

To Isaiah chapter forty nine verse sixteen, Joy did then refer
We are like diamonds, on His palms our names God did confer
When our identity seems to be foggy, obscured by a cloud
We should turn to and trust God, not listen to the crowd
By llowing the Holy Spirit to blow the fog and clouds away
Things being clear and darkness must flee, Joy did again say

She then highlighted that all of us are God’s workmanship
Per Ephesians two verse ten, that means He does us equip
We are actually all poems, if we look at the root word in Greek
To shine His light around us must then be the purpose we seek
And in order for our lives to be a good reflection of God’s love
Our hearts must be filled with desires from Him who lives above

If in darkness we tend to cower, then darkness is what we see
Far better to live in His light, so that others can see our glee
Returning to Isaiah six, “the whole world is full of His glory”
So God’s light and might should be central in our life story