Sunday, February 18, 2018

18 February 2018 - ENCS

Pastor Joey was in keeping with the CNY season clad in red
For three years we will look at the book of Genesis, he said
From Genesis eleven verse ten we read of Shem’s family line
And per verse twenty seven, Terah set out from Ur by design

The beginning of chapter twelve speaks of Abram’s migration
All three - Noah, Terah, and Abram - decided for separation
Why people choose to migrate, there are three basic reasons
Environmental, socio-political, or extreme economic seasons
The exception to this rule was Abraham, who chose to obey
He was called to an unknown place, Hebrews eleven did say
Abram listened to God’s voice, because he did in God believe
Only much later his inheritance did Abram from God receive

Pastor Joey then asked us three questions on which to ponder
They should help ensure the from God’s path we do not wander
First and foremost, whose voice will we listen to this year?
Spending time to read the Bible if God’s voice we are to hear
He referred to William Penn, who books landed him in prison
But from whose later writings the US constitution was arisen
And if we listen to God, He will take care of the other issues
Philippians one verse six says to be confident in this news

The second is on whose promises will we trust this year?
God always delivers on his promises, so we should not fear
In Hebrews eleven verse nine, the word ‘promise’ is repeated
Abraham’s family lived in tents until the promise completed
The last one is what are we looking forward to this year?
By focusing on a godly foundation, our lives will rightly steer
In the same way a good house relies on a strong foundation
We should look to and hear God’s word without cessation

Pastor Joey said we should trust God to bless us at length
The secret is to admit our weakness and trust in His strength
The first part of that should be easy given our human nature
The second part relies on having a faith that is quite mature

Sunday, February 11, 2018

11 February 2018 - ENCS

We were blessed this morning by visiting pastor Steve Murrell
'Who we are' is more important than 'what we do', he did tell
Using Genesis eleven, the multi-year series he did continue
Verses one through nine he did from the ESV read through
We often ask what to do when God’s plan differs from ours
But when that happens what does God do given His powers

In Genesis one, God told man to be fruitful and fill the earth
This was reiterated in chapter nine, emphasising its worth
Mankind decided to build a tower so they wouldn’t migrate
God thus dispersed the disobedient people, Steve did state
In a similar vein, from Deuteronomy one we then did hear
An eleven day trek to the Promised Land took forty year

In Acts one , the believers were told about the Holy Spirit
Upon receiving it, to the end of the earth they were to split
They stubbornly stayed in Jerusalem per Acts chapter eight
A massive persecution of the church was the resulting fate
Scattered throughout the world, this led the believers to be
God’s original plans coming to fruition, we once again see

Resisting God’s will may be normal but we should submit
Even Jesus asked if a change in plans God would permit
It is impossible to follow the example of Jesus on the cross
He paid the penalty for all of our sins with His life’s loss
But He can help us do God’s will be changing our heart
Giving us the grace to surrender to God and do our part

Resisting God’s will is not abnormal, similar to temptation
What matters is how we respond, with love as a foundation
So God, please be clear in how your plan you do convey
And have patience with me if from your path I do stray
Because I know that part of me will oft resist and protest
Yet I acknowledge that your plan for me is for the best

Sunday, February 4, 2018

4 February 2018 - ENCS

To the series on Genesis, Pastor Joey Bonifacio returned today
There are three basic biblical principles to remember, he did say
What it meant then, what is means now, what it means for me
Context, relevance, application are thus what we should see

The tower of Babel was the focus of Genesis chapter eleven
People building a city with a tower brought God from heaven
In all aspects of life the principles of building can also be seen
So Joey asked to focus on how to build well in twenty eighteen

He said the three requirements to build effectively for mankind
Are agreement, communication, and of course a plan aligned
Per Genesis, the way that the city was built and all was down
People came, stayed, thought, and worked together as one

The issue was not that the people built a city in which to live
It was that making a name for themselves was their motive
When we are looking to take action, a motive is what we seek
But motives, Pastor said, can be good or bad, strong or weak

Our motive, per Christ’s words in Matthew five verse fifteen
Is to be a light in the world that is not hidden but always seen
For a light is meant to be put on a stand so others can see
That means that our good works should give God the glory

Underlying this motive, like any building, must be a foundation
This holds true whether it is an individual, a team, or a nation
The renovations for the leaning tower of Pisa took very long
Because its foundations were hard to correct, obviously wrong

So on God and His Word our foundation we must clearly make
For then what we build will have a good motive and no mistake
To me, that means to pray, to meditate, to share, and fellowship
So that through this journey of life here on earth I try not to trip