Sunday, March 24, 2024

24 March 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on Matthew today
His sermon was aptly titled "Melt The Doubt Away"
John the Baptist asked questions in Matthew eleven
About whether Jesus was the One sent from heaven

We all face challenges when offences come through
Answered prayers in the SQ App we can now view
We face difficult situations and painful circumstances
Then often disappointment or self-doubt advances

In hard times, remember what we’ve seen and heard
Repent and believe what is written in God’s Word
Only then can we receive what Jesus has revealed
And be blessed for on our behalf He has appealed

Josh said in childlike faith is thus the way we respond
We should come to Him for He has never us conned
Taking his yoke and respect His direction and speed
For in Him we will find the peace and rest we need

Sunday, March 17, 2024

17 March 2024 - ENCS

On the topic “Worth It”, Pastor Josh did speak today
Continuing the series on Matthew this St Patrick’s Day
In that Irish spirit, some of us decided to wear green
But from Josh’s sermons several points we did glean

Jesus’ discipleship is not about crowds, Josh did say
Sometimes He pulled away to with His disciples pray
Nor is it about comfort, but wolves sheep can overcome
And control is ceded to God’s guidance and wisdom

Jesus often called the unlikely, unliked, and unclean
Eating with tax collectors and sinners he was seen
For Jesus did not call the righteous but the sinners
New wine into new wineskins so all became winners

Jesus sends ua with prayer, power, and perspective
These three serve to make His disciples effective
For taking up Jesus’ cross requires follow through
But Jesus watches, cares, and sees all that we do

Sunday, March 10, 2024

10 March 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on the book of Matthew
Moving from Jesus’ words to the miracles Jesus did do
He referred to events detailed in chapters eight and nine
Which somewhat coincidentally are favourites of mine

About the power of Jesus, Josh did immediately share
For those hit by sickness and disease Jesus did care
In Matthew eight, He healed the leper and the servant
To fulfil prophecies in Isaiah, from heaven He was sent

Jesus had power over storms, from verse thirty three
Great winds and waves the disciples did fearfully see
He rebuked the great winds, saying “ye of little faith"
Remember that trials will oft hit us, Josh did sayeth

Over demonic spirits Jesus also had complete power
In the presence of possessed men, a town did cower
Jesus sent the demons into swine who then did perish
Then for Jesus to leave the area, the townfolk did wish

The compassion of Jesus was also evident in the book
He touched the “unclean” even if others dare not look
He loved the “least” and the “impossible” He did engage
Which means from our sin and pain, Jesus can assuage

In conclusion, how we should respond Joshua did ask
Not with fear and refusal or with false accusation bask
We should humble ourselves and in God fully trust
"Walking by faith, not by sight" as is often discussed

Sunday, March 3, 2024

3 March 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on Matthew today
Scripture without Jesus is merely words, he did say
God does want us to prosper - starting with our soul
Incorporating Jesus into our lives should be our goal

"Judge not, that you be not judged" per Matthew seven
Remember that eternal judgement comes from heaven
Focus on the plank in our eyes before other's speck
Otherwise our hypocrisy will be a visible side effect

Verse seven talks about asking, seeking, knocking
When we do, the Lord's response will not be blocking
Remember not to act before asking - and praying
We need to wait to hear what God to us is relaying

Hebrews six verse ten states that God is not unjust
In His plans and timing we should thus have trust
This requires both faith and patience, Josh said
The latter concept is one which many of us dread

Per Matthew, the golden rule Jesus does eschew
Do unto others as you would have them do to you
We need God’s love in order to truly show love
For our heart, not actions, are judged from above

Sunday, February 25, 2024

25 February 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Vicki spoke on Matthew chapters five to seven
Specifically the Sermon on the Mount, words from heaven
Sharing principles that also apply to our current reality
And today’s sermon entitled “An Antidote to Anxiety”

Verse nineteen says not to lay up treasures on earth
For heavenly treasures have infinitely more worth
Remember that where our treasure is, so is our heart
That provided Vicki with a concept on which to start

Vicki then asked three questions on which to reflect
First, what is the treasure we want most to collect
Second, what are we filled with - darkness or light
We cannot serve both  God and money, Vicki did cite
Third, who are we serving or who is our life’s guide
Like Daniel, before being tempted we should decide

That then led Vicki to ask what do we do from here
Anxiety arises when the above answers are not clear
As Jesus said not to be anxious, it must be doable
We should trust God’s nature, always renewable
Plus seek first His kingdom and His righteousness
Then we can say goodbye to anxiety and stress

Sunday, February 18, 2024

18 Febrary 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series on Matthew today
Focusing on chapters five and six with much to say
Per Jesus in John five, reading the Word is not enough
For the Pharisees, acknowledging Him was very tough

Per Matthew five, Jesus came to fulfil the OT Laws
And therefore to release us from sin’s powerful jaws
His words really turned up the heat of righteousness
Sin is not just actions but what our thoughts express

In Matthew six, Jesus taught us how we should pray
Give honour to God, give thanks each and every day
Submit to His will, pray for sustenance and strength
And His guidance to avoid temptation at every length

Josh then talked about purpose, referring to chapter five
We are to be salt of and light for the world while alive
Letting our light shine is rightly representing the Lord
And linking back to the start, is as critical as the Word

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

13 February 2024 - Second Wind

Looking through the SQ App from an earlier date
Sometimes we wonder if it might in fact be too late
To find a new purpose in life we can always pray
God can always change our trajectory in a big way

Remember eighty year old Moses who was on the run
God had a plan for him despite what he had earlier done
Moses found a new purpose and changed Israel’s destiny
In both the Old and New Testaments we can clearly see

As per Second Corinthians five, whoever does believe
Is a new creation and about the past should not grieve
For no matter our age, we can always have a fresh start
Learning from mistakes and following God with our heart

Sunday, February 11, 2024

11 February 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Joey continued the Knowing Jesus series today
Although from laryngitis his voice must rest, he did say
Pastor referred to Matthew chapters two through five
About two distinct contrasting kingdoms, he did derive

Jesus and Herod represented the clash of kingdoms
One legitimate, one illegitimate, thus two outcomes
One validated via a Micah prophecy, one invalid
One the Son, the other an imposter turned pallid

The Spirit of Two Kingdoms seen in Matthew four
Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tempted and more
He resisted, preferring the Spirit to flesh as a guide
Submission over power and humility over pride

The Values of God’s Kingdom, as per Matthew five
The Beatitudes say to new values we should strive
Humble, meek, and merciful may make some frown
Because these everlasting values seem upside down

Sunday, February 4, 2024

4 February 2024 - ENCS

Vicki Tekwani preached this morning on quite short notice
About the person of Jesus, he delivered a magnus opus
Things like mission, vision, strategy, and denomination
Along with leadership style as well as political affiliation
These are all good but are in reality a means to an end
Knowing Christ is key, as in Philippians three Paul penned

Vicki took us to chapter sixteen of the gospel of Matthew
Jesus really wants to know who He is to me and to you
The fundamental premise is knowing and being, not doing
Our level of intimacy with Jesus is key to our well-being

To study who Jesus is, Vicky went back to Matthew one
Written after four hundred years of silence was done
Jesus is the Messiah, as prophesied in the Old Testament
To save us from our sin, He is the Saviour fro heaven sent
Per verse twenty two, He is also Immanuel or God with us
He will never forsake us nor in our suffering, kick up a fuss

Vicki’s final point was highlighting who Jesus came for
For those waiting in hope, our Lord God does not ignore
His promise and His Abrahamic covenant, God remembers
Covering all rejected, excluded, and disqualified members
Look at Jesus’ earthly geneology for many who did stray
Christ Jesus came for those willing to believe and to obey

Sunday, January 28, 2024

28 January 2024 - ENCS

Vicki Tekwani concluded the Set Apart series today
Focused on the biblical view of holiness, he did say
As per First Peter one, our conduct should be holy
We must aim to be holy since God is holy, we see

Confirming to God’s character leads to our holiness
To God, we are called into a relationship with access
To be holy like God, commands Leviticus eleven
We should desire to see God here and in heaven

We should want to be holy not to impress others
Building relationships with God must be our druthers
Throughout the Bible, the focus is on relationship
But we should do willingly, not due to a guilt trip

How we can be holy, Romans twelve does share
Present our body as a living sacrifice in prayer
Surrender and sacrifice, worldly patterns resist
Per Joshua one, renewing our minds is the gist

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

23 January 2024 - The Ghosting Trap

The other morning as I scrolled through my SQ App
There was a devotion entitled "The Ghosting Trap”
Engaging relationships can suddenly just disappear
Like a disconnected internet that becomes unclear
But as written in Deuteronomy chapter thirty one
Abandoning us is something God has never done
And per Isaiah forty one, we should never fear
For the Lord God and His strength are always near

Sunday, January 21, 2024

21 January 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh Harris continued the Set Apart series today
Asking that to live out holiness, is there an effective way?
He mentioned two distinct mountains - Sinai and Zion
One was for Moses but the other points to God’s scion

Moses received the ten commandments on Mount Sinai
Those at the base could even see God’s fire from on high
Per Hebrews twelve, God’s laws without love insttill fear
That causes many an unbeliever to resist pulling near

Conversely, Mount Zion is the picture of a new covenant
Direct interaction with God is now available to a supplicant
We gain confidence knowing our names are in heaven
And our faith cannot be shaken, per verse twenty seven

God’s all-consuming fire can be destroying or refining
We must throw off all that hinders so we can be aligning
Remember that loving discipline oft seems like hardship
And loving others is following the law on our life’s trip

Sunday, January 14, 2024

13 January 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh shared some thoughts at a get-together
That seem appropriate whether in fair or foul weather
The prophet Isaiah, in chapter sixty three verse seven
Mentions the all-loving kindness of God in heaven
We should remember all of our answered prayers
A testimony to how much our Lord God for us cares
All that God has bestowed on us, Isaiah did continue
Opportunities and talents that help in all that we do
So we thank God for blessings on our life’s trip
As we all pray, meditate, proclaim, and fellowship

Sunday, January 7, 2024

7 January 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Josh kicked off a new series on holiness
‘Holy" can be taken in two ways, Josh did express
It can describe God who is above all that is bad
But many view it in a judgemental way that is sad

In chapter six, Isaiah saw God sitting on a throne
The fact that King Uzziah was a kind of milestone
Reminding us that in order to obtain our inheritance
We must at times from our old ways put a distance

Because God is holy, from the world He is separate
Human infirmity, impurity, and sinfulness are our fate
We all fall short of God’s glory, per Romans three
So were dead in our sins, in Ephesians two we see

God's perfect love can make us healthy spiritually
That helps us mentally, emotionally, and physically
Per Romans five, we have been justified by faith
By His grace we have been saved, Paul sayeth

God is holy - separate, sacred, and superlative
We are not holy - sinful and selfish in how we live
God makes us holy - setting us right and free
Enabling us up to do His good works with glee

Monday, January 1, 2024

31 December 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Josh ended the year talking about thankfulness
A feeling we should always bear in mind, he did stress
Per Acts seventeen, Paul said God made everything
That is why in many Psalms, David did praises sing
The SQ App has a function to see answered prayers
A powerful reminder that God both listens and cares

Josh stated we should be thankful to God every hour
For His provision, His protection, as well as His power
We should be thankful for God per Hebrews thirteen
Because God will never leave or forsake us, it is seen
And we are more than conquerors, per Romans eight
God’s presence, peace, and person will never abate

Be thankful to God for each other was his final point
For our fellow believers support and never disappoint
In First Corinthians one, Paul said to give thanks
Per Romans one, he said we help fill in others’ blanks
In Romans twelve, Paul said  be thankful to God above
For multiplied wisdom, mutual faith, and genuine love