Sunday, May 26, 2013

26 May 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Ken Dew visited and preached at ENCS today
About "What's on God's Heart" he had much to say
On "The Divine Agenda" he did passionately speak
Into five core truths on the gospel he did peek
From Paul's letter to the Romans chapter 1, 14-16
"We are obligated to preach the gospel" is it seen
Doing good things of course we must try
But we must augment this by saying why
By explicitly linking Christianity to our action
From others, we can get the appropriate reaction
His life was transformed so indebted was Paul
The same thing must surely apply to us all
Knowledge of Christ brings responsibility
We must act on His truth continually
At First Corinthians 15 verses 3-5 we did then glance
The second point is "the gospel is of first importance"
From someone else the gospel we all did hear
It has the answers, so there is nothing to fear
And learning from Acts 26:26-29, Pastor did say
"We should speak it with confidence" every day
Paul spoke to Agrippa although his life was in danger
Remember that God's truth should not be a stranger
From 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 we learned some more
"God gave us the ministry of reconciliation" is point four
We can do this even if we are not in ministry full time
Not getting the message out to others is a real crime
Lastly, Pastor read from 2 Corinthians 5 verses 10 and 11
Point five is "knowing the fear of God", who lives in heaven
In the end, we will be held accountable for our life's action
Versus God's destiny for us, did we do it all or just a fraction?
In summary, we should all be moved to the message share
Taking the church to others, to show them that we do care

Sunday, May 19, 2013

19 May 2013 - Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer kept saying "I'm okay"
Followed by "because I'm on the way"
We aren't where we need to be, she did then say
Something the enemy reminds us of every day
But in order for our heart to grow
It is obvious who we must know

She spoke of Jesus in Luke chapter fourteen
Where the donkey in the ditch story is seen
Jesus had a habit of shocking the religious crowd
Relying on the truth and actions, not a voice loud
He said we should be led by His spirit, not the law
For the laws could not be kept, as the Pharisees saw
The tenth commandment would condemn, even if we do every deed
Therefore God gave us laws to show that a savior is what we do need
We must die to the law first
Otherwise we will be cursed
We should serve God as a privilege, Joyce did say
That is why we should daily read the Bible and pray
Speaking of the Bible, we should take a look
For as she said, it is actually the smartest book

Yes, into a ditch like a donkey we sometimes fall
Then to God, who will pull us out, we must call
For He will help us and always forgive
Thus enabling us to continue to live
And as we move forward with that truth in mind
Unto others, we should also be forgiving and kind

Sunday, May 12, 2013

12 May 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Charles Curtis had several things to say
On "And The Winner Is" series this Mother's Day
A tradition started by a Methodist lady 100 years ago
It soon reached the White House so now we all know
He based his sermon on Ephesians 6 verses 1-3
"Honor your father and mother" is what we did see
This commandment comes with a promise too
Saying that in return "it may go well with you"
Our mothers we should honor and remember
We should respect, revere, prize, and value her
This comes from "timao" which means honor in Greek
A language into which Pastor Charles often does peek
We should honor for merit and position, he also did note
Remember that for nine months, our mothers did us tote
Pastor said that work is the job description of motherhood
For young children, being obedient to show honor is good
When older, a relationship of respect with deeds and prayer
Will show our mothers how much we thank them and care
About generational faith in 2 Timothy 1:5 Paul did write
Both Timothy's mother and grandmother Paul did cite
We can be the product of generational faith, Pastor did tell
Teaching our children to pray, we can pass it on as well
In teaching things, mothers have a critical role to play
They teach more than anyone else, Pastor did say
This is in line with 2 Timothy 3 verses fourteen and fifteen
"You know those from whom you have learned" is seen
There is also little more powerful than a mother's prayer
Her faith propels the child, because she always does care
So here's wishing all mothers a Happy Mother's Day
We thank you all, what you have done we cannot repay
Our lives you continually and positively effect
So you deserve all sorts of honour and respect

12 May 2013 - Nahum 1:3, 7

"The Lord is slow to anger and great in power"
He "will not leave the guilty unpunished" in His hour
"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble"
"He cares for those who trust in Him" double
This shows God's contrasting yet perfect nature
For He is omniscient and His love is pure
We can have peace knowing that He is near
But if we leave Him, the punishment will be severe
WIth Him at our side, we have nothing to fear
Please God, let your comforting voice I always hear

Saturday, May 11, 2013

11 May 2013 - Psalm 34:6

"In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened" David did say
"He saved [David] from all [the] troubles" which had come his way
Many times, we tend to think that fear is the opposite of faith
But in way, it is just another form of faith, an author did sayeth
Fear is the absence of believing in what God has said
And believing the insidious words of the enemy instead
This is a real perspective that can often confuse
But there is a better option which we can choose
David's remedy was to cry out to the Lord in prayer
Of course God responded because he does care
When He answers in His time, the situation does change
We should come to expect this and not consider it strange
So dear God, give me the strength to continue to try
To let my faith in you overcome every single lie
For You can overcome all of my doubt and fear
As long as I remember that you are always near

11 May 2013 - 2 Corinthians 4:18

"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen"
"Since what is seen is temporary" from Paul we can glean
"What is unseen is eternal", the verse does conclude
That is a powerful statement serving as spiritual food
But how do I go about seeing the unseen, if not with my eyes
It must be with my heart, it is therefore not hard to surmise
In Ephesians 1:18, Paul uses the term 'eyes of the heart"
This is yet another piece of wisdom that he did impart
For into the eternal realm of spirits our heart can indeed gaze
And by focusing on God, earthly matters we do not let us faze
This also helps us overcome temptation, hardship, and pain
For once drawn to God, our lives are never the same again
Dear God, please let my heart see your eternal reality
For only then can I overcome my inherent mortality
I want my relationship with you to be real, not just a formality
In that way, your love and strength in me can be an actuality

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 May 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Josh started a new series "And The Winner is"
Which of course reminds us of sports and show biz
He said most awards go to those overrewarded already
Instead of giving to those who are unnoticed but steady
Either way, the series must start with God as the focus
Isaiah 26:12 talks of peace and purpose, no hocus-pocus
"Lord, you have established peace for us" it does say
And He does all things for us, each and every day
A younger Josh looked for both a purpose and peace
Unless he found God, his search would never cease
We should remember 1 Corinthians 3 verses 6 and 7
We can plant seeds, but growth comes from heaven
This also means that all of us have an important role
In trying to share God's word with every person's soul
Instead of results, God cares about our relationship
For if that is right, our performance will not slip
And His peace comes to those who in His purpose walk
We should align our heart, our actions, and our talk
Matthew 11:28-30 talks of us sharing with Jesus our yoke
He will make the burden lighter for us, that is no joke
But this is rather dififcult if we insist on doing our own thing
Instead, we should always try to know where he is going
God is with us, as He is a good father we can trust
That He is always present, know this we must
And even if we do not feel his presence near
We really do not have anything to fear
For we cannot fail if God is the one we obey
Trust God and the result will always be okay
But by normal standards the performance we should not judge
Our role is to plant seeds, with some people only God can budge
Pastor Josh said that to do this there are two keys
First is knowing God, from many passages he sees
The branches coming from the vine, John 15:5 does talk
Without Him, we can do nothing no matter how we walk
As we grow in God, we realise just how desperate we are
We need Him to be near to us all the time, never very far
Then Pastor Josh shared John fifteen verse fifteen
We are Jesus' friends, not servants, it is seen
Second is to do great exploits in God's name
To follow His voice, like sheep we are the same
John 14:12 says that believers will do great things
In part because of the sheer numbers He brings
In conclusion, Pastor asked about our heart's motivation
We should glorify God and enjoy Him at every occasion
And when the path is not exactly as we would want it to be
Remember that we should pick up His cross willingly