Sunday, October 15, 2023

15 October 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey today spoke on “The Heart-Eye Connection”
Per Matthew six, our eyes are like lamps giving direction
If our eyes are healthy, then our body will be full of light
If our eyes are unhealthy, our body will be dark like night

The biblical perspective is that values determine vision
So what, why, and how you see follows with precision
Social media algorithms reveal what our focus has been
If values are wrong, we see the wrong thins on screen

Vision is powerful, so the devil wants to take it away
The eye is the lamp of the body, Matthew six does say
Per Proverbs twenty nine, without vision, people perish
In Jeremiah twenty nine, God’s promises are not bearish

Joey concluded with how to have a healthy vision 
Pray unceasingly, as Daniel did when facing a decision
Always meditate on God’s word as per Philippians four
And fellowship with God’s people, find a good mentor

In other words, treat the ENCS mantra as a big tip
Always PMPF - Pray, Meditate, Proclaim, Fellowship

Sunday, October 8, 2023

8 October 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Mark spoke on “Values, Treasures, and the Heart”
In Matthew six, about types of treasure Jesus did impart
We should not lay up temporal treasures here on earth
As eternal treasures in heaven have so much more worth
Mark said we should remember that our hearts do pursue 
Those things, temporal or eternal, which we most value

Firstly, recognise how valuable we are in Christ’s eyes
His words in Matthew six about birds we should memorise
Per John ten, we are so valuable He will not let us go
As Romans five, Hebrews thirteen, and Luke twelve show
We are valuable masterpieces, per Psalm one thirty nine
Because per John one, we are in Christ’s direct bloodline

Secondly, realign our perspective using heaven's eyes
Doing things that upset God is foolish and clearly not wise
We should all create and add value to people around us
Although storing and increasing value is not superfluous
In First Timothy six, in a passage that is never outdated
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, Paul stated

Finally, reposture our hearts and reorder our values
Do a heart check and seriously consider God’s views
For the heart is often deceitful, per Jeremiah seventeen
So the Lord tests our hearts, in the passage it is seen
We should clear the blockages and take proactive care
“Slowing, stopping, silence, solitude” Mark did share

And in the absence of those on a South African trip
I would add “Pray, Mediate, Proclaim, Fellowship

Sunday, October 1, 2023

1 October 2023 - ENCS

Pastor Joey spoke today on the topic “The Addict"
In old times, a positive attribute this term did depict
Joey said in Acts two verse forty two it was noted
The apostles were addicted, in other words devoted
To teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer
As in First Corinthians sixteen Paul also did share

Since there was no New Testament or printing press
From the Old Testament, those apostles did profess
With Jesus and the Holy Spirit as an interpreting lens
The hearts and minds of thousands they did cleanse
The apostles meditated, as per Joshua chapter one
Per Psalm one, their delight in the Law not outdone

Returning to Acts two, the believers were together
Addicted to fellowship, regardless of the weather
They met every day, their hearts glad and sincere
Breaking bread together every day through the year
Per the words of Jesus, to break bread is to proclaim
Leaving prayer as the last element, Joey did exclaim

The many signs and wonders filled everyone with awe
Their numbers grew daily based on what others saw
The four elements still apply today, Pastor did quip
PMPF equals Pray, Meditate, Proclaim, and Fellowship
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