Sunday, April 28, 2013

28 April 2013 - ENCS

To conclude the series based on Philippians chapter four
Pastor Charles spoke of the "ode to joy" and a lot more
Joyful Christians who are happy in the Lord, he did say
Make a difference in this world, each and every day
Reading from Philippians four verses four through seven
We should always rejoice in the Lord, who is in heaven
It goes on to say not to be anxious about anything
For our safety and eternal peace the Lord will bring
From prison, this epistle was written by Paul
Acts 16:16-40 has the story, we can read it all
Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises at midnight
After the earthquake, everything ended up right
Pastor said that rejoice comes from "chairo" in Greek
To be full of cheer and calmly happy is what we seek
"Merimnao" in Greek relates to worry, anxiety, and stress
This is part of most lives, which results in many a mess
But Paul says we should not fret in any hour
It is true we cannot fight this with our own power
We should not worry about being stressed
God wants to empower us to ace this test
Against stress and its effects, Pastor said the best way to fight
Is to remember to count our numerous blessings every night
Our greatest blessing, Pastor then said with a knowing nod
Is our relationships with loved ones and of course with God
Only eight percent of concerns are legitimate, one study did say
The appropriate response to those is to trust God and to pray
Paul says to overcome worry with prayer and thanksgiving
Resulting in a peace which surpasses all understanding
Remember that each situation has some redeeming quality
We can always find a way to thank God, as in Paul we can see
Having joy in difficult circumstances is a testimony so great
Others will see the difference and be impressed with this trait
Then we can say that through Christ, we can do everything
Verse thirteen of Philippians four we should continually sing
On how to lead a contented life, some ideas Pastor then did share
We should have a gracious spirit, one that for others does care
Instead of being critical of others, we should have a merciful heart
Lowering our expectations per Robinson Crusoe also plays a part
Remembering all the things that we should be thankful for
That is of course central to Paul's words in Philippians four
Pastor closed with a reference to Psalm twenty three
"The Lord is my shepherd" and "still waters" we do see
If we follow Him and do just as He does say
We will have His peace throughout every day
This contentment is what brings us true joy
And allows us our anxious feelings to destroy

Sunday, April 21, 2013

21 April 2013 - Galatians 5:16-23

Paul said to "live by the Spirit", that is for sure
And thus not "gratify the desires of the sinful nature"
"For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit"
"And the Spirit is contrary to sinful nature" and what is in it
And because "they are in conflict" there must be a flaw
"But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law"
"The acts of sinful nature are obvious" and countless
"Sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery" are a mess
"Hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition"
"Factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies, and dissension"
Paul says that those who like this choose to live
Will not see the treasures in heaven God will give
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace", no less
And "Patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness"
Not forgetting "gentleness and self-control"
For those who belong to Christ, this is the goal
What a timely reminder this passage is for me
Emphasizing the type of person I am to be
May my actions and words show others this fruit
And in doing so, let God's love in them take root

Monday, April 15, 2013

15 April 2013 - Psalm 118:24

"This is the day that the Lord hath made"
Let this thought from my mind never fade
Then "be glad in it" and "let us rejoice"
Whether in a group or as a single voice
Recent messages have focused on the topic of joy
And how this is what the enemy wants to destroy
But turn it on the enemy and you will see
Joy is what will make him from our lives flee
For joy comes from God and lives in our heart
As so many Biblical passages do impart
And as an erudite Pastor shared yesterday
To remember what JOY is, here is a way
J is for Jesus, who should be our first priority
O is for others, who we should serve with glee
Y is for yourself, for whom we must take care
We can be joyful in actions, words, and prayer

Sunday, April 14, 2013

14 April 2013 - ENCS

Pastor Neli continued the series "Ode to Joy"
Philippians two is the chapter he did employ
The passage talks of making our joy complete
By following in the path of dear Jesus' feet
We must be of the same spirit and the same mind
We should have true humility, to others be kind
For Christ humbled himself and served us all
To God, He was obedient until death did call
Pastor said we should not have the spirit of timidity
Putting others before self is the object of humility
True joy can only be found in humility's realm
Do not let the zone of entitelement overwhelm
For Pastor made more than one observation
So many opportunities face this generation
But we cannot let our expectations get out of control
About the entitled dotcom generation Pastor did extol
He said that three dotcoms have the church infiltrated
The negative effects of which cannot really be debated
The first is that we often tend to com-promise
We cut corners instead of to challenges rise
What others think of us we too frequently care
Our ability to follow God's path we thus impair
But from Numbers 32:23, there really is no doubt
In the end, Pastor said, our sins will find us out
The second is that we often do too much com-parison
This leaves us dissatisfied in both the short and long run
We should do nothing from a sense of rivalry
Instead, we should help others in true humility
From a prison cell, Philippinans Paul did write
He spoke of joy that lasted all day and night
The third is that we often give in to com-plaining
For true joy, this attitude is very constraining
Philippians two verses fourteen to sixteen do say
Do not complain, for it is not God's chosen way
Do everything to become blameless and pure
We are God's children, Paul's words reassure
We can each choose the life we lead in this nation
In the midst of a 'crooked and twisted generation'
We should be confident and not live our lives in vain
In such a life, there should not be any time to complain
For we can carry joy and environments transform
Making joyfulness, not kiasu-ism, the nation's norm
The Holy Spirit is what in our hearts we carry and host
Thus being a vessel of transformation with the Holy Ghost
So the next time we are tempted to give in to lamentation
Remember that Jesus stayed positive even in his situation
From the joy of the Lord we can draw much strength
This will be visible to others, even from a great length
Pastor then left us with other dotcoms three
Focusing on how joyful we can actually be
We can com-mission this generation
Have com-passion in every situation
And fulfill God's plans to com-pletion
So that for His kingdom there is accretion

14 April 2013 - John 10:10

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy"
To do this, all sorts of tricks the devil will employ
Jesus said " I have come that they may have life"
"And have it to the full" with purpose, without strife
This stark analogy of the devil as a thief in the night
Makes it very clear that he is not operating in the light
And since stealing and killing are his stated intention
We must resist, by calling for Jesus' intervention
Jesus is with us, through good times and bad
So no matter what, we have reason to be glad
This is a very timely reminder for me
Far from the thief I must actively flee
He wants to steal my life and my joy
But I cannot let him distract or annoy
For I have a purpose here on this earth
It is from God that I know my worth
So towards God, I want my path to be
For then my joy everyone can see