Sunday, March 16, 2014

16 March 2014 - Deborah, Samson, and the Judges (part one)

Per Judges two, the people served the Lord for a generation
But then nobody had seen what God had done for the nation
“Then the Israelites did evil” and the Baals they did serve
God’s anger was provoked when these acts he did observe
Whenever they went to fight, they did not have his blessing
So they were defeated all the time, it was quite distressing
“Then the Lord raised up judges”, who did the people save
But as soon as a judge died, evil ways again they did crave
The people became “even more corrupt” than in earlier days
Refusing “to give up their evil practices and stubborn ways”

“After Ehud died, the Israelites again did evil” in God’s eyes
So the Lord sold them; being made slaves was their demise
After twenty years, the people cried out to God in distress
Per Judges four, Israel was led by Deborah the prophetess
She sent for Barak and told him what God did command
That he should take ten thousand men from their land
God promised to deliver Sisera and his troops to be killed
Barak refused, not trusting that God’s plan would be fulfilled
Deborah said she would accompany the fearful man that day
“The Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman”, she did then say

To Barak, Deborah said “has not the Lord gone ahead of you?”
Per Judges four, she told him what he was supposed to do
Sisera and his chariots and army, the Lord did then rout
While his army was being decimated, Sisera bailed out
He fled on foot to the tent of Jael, who invited him in
Jael then gave Sisera milk and covered him with a skin
As he slept, she took a tent peg and a hammer inside
Jael “drove the peg through his temple…and he died”

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