Thursday, March 20, 2014

20 March 2014 - Saul: The First King

Samuel appointed his sons as judges, per First Samuel eight
But it turned out that they were as dishonest as he was great
So the Israelite elders asked Samuel to appoint a king
To Samuel, this was not God’s plan and was displeasing
Samuel prayed to God and obeyed what He did say
God said the people rejected Him in yet another way
Samuel warned the people about what the king would do
And in response to pleas, “the Lord will not answer you”
After to the Israelite elders Samuel finished speaking
God then said, “Listen to them and give them a king”

Samuel brought the elders together, per First Samuel ten
And told them that they had rejected God once again
All the Israelite tribes and clans were all presented to God
From Benjamin’s tribe and Matri’s clan, Saul got the nod
“But when they looked for him, he was not to be found”
God said Saul was hiding in the baggage without sound
Following that news, the people “ran and brought him out”
He was a head taller than anyone, of that there was no doubt
So Saul was named king, as had been the Israelite goal
Samuel wrote regulations of the kingship down on a scroll

In First Samuel fifteen, Samuel gave instructions to Saul
To punish the Amalekites, the Lord wanted to destroy all
Saul led his troops and attacked Amalekites as he should
But he disobeyed and kept alive “everything that was good”
God grieved because Saul had turned away from Him
Samuel cried to God all night, for the situation was grim
Saul told Samuel that God’s instructions he had followed
And that he kept the best cattle for a sacrifice hallowed
But Samuel said that God honored obedience even more
King Saul’s disobedience and arrogance God did abhor
Saul had rejected the mantra “to obey is better than sacrifice”
God rejected him as king because he rejected God’s advice

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