Thursday, May 1, 2014

27 April 2014 - UCC Keene

On the last Sunday before Pastor Gordon Ellis leaves UCC Keene
He spoke about water, about which many Biblical passages are seen
Psalm sixty seven, Acts ten, and John seven
All speak about water as a gift from heaven
We cannot live without water, which is a key element of creation
Engineering prowess enables water's amassing and utilization
Great aqueducts collected water and carried it far away
The ruins of these aqueducts are still impressive today
The Jordan River has been shrinking as it is siphoned for irrigation
Reflecting water's status as a scarce resource in every Mideast nation
Water symbolizes cleansing and renewal and so much more
In particular, it symbolizes the foreboding underworld's door
So when God stirs up water, it proves that miracles happen
In Genesis, there was creation and then after the flood again
In Exodus, the Israelites escaped when God stirred up the Red Sea
Later Moses' rod brought water from a stone for all the nation to see
In Joshua, the ark carriers saw a swirling Jordan River all around
But God stirred up the water to allow them to cross on dry ground
There were also water miracles in the New Testament
John baptized many, telling of the Messiah God had sent
Jesus turned water into wine and walked in the Sea of Galilee
And on Pentecost, believers were baptized and filled with glee
Miracles still happen today when God stirs the water in our soul
Having God present and alive in our lives should thus be our goal

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