Thursday, May 1, 2014

18 April 2014 - Good Friday (PLMC)

On Good Friday morning, Pastor Lynette spoke on "Why The Cross"
The empty cross actually reflects Jesus' resurrection, not his life's loss
He died so that we could have a personal relationship with our God
The cross stretched between heaven and earth like a connecting rod
Pastor Lynette then discussed Jesus' last phrases, numbering seven
And told us that this number is perfect in the eyes of God in heaven
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing" was first
This referred not only to those who by rights should have been cursed
Including the execution party, the priests, Pilate, and the abusive crowd
But is representative of all of us for sins in our hearts as well as out loud
Pastor asked is it is true that we "know not what we do"
The real message is of forgiveness for all, not just a few
"Today you will walk with me in paradise" Jesus did then say
The focus is on an individual, for God cares for us every day
As foretold in Isaiah fifty three, nobody is beyond redemption
If we confess sins and ask for forgiveness, we receive salvation
Our salvation does not depend on good deeds we may have done
But is free because of what was done on the cross by God's son
"Dear woman, here is you son" and to John, "here is your mother"
For Jesus' relationships are full of love and each of us is a brother
A true friend would lay down his life for another, per John fifteen
In John three verse sixteen, God's love for the world is clearly seen
Jesus had human feelings and therefore feels our suffering and pain
The cross means that no type of discrimination should occur again
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?", Jesus cried out
Until that point, of God's constant presence He never had any doubt
But when Jesus bore the world's sin, darkness came and God turned away
But Jesus carried out God's will and paid the price of atonement that day
As the cross took a physical toll on him, Jesus said "I thirst"
For the lingering and painful death on the cross is the worst
Per Psalm twenty two, His suffering was real despite being divine
We will likewise suffer but the deliverance will make things fine
"It is finished" marked the end of the work of redemption
Which fulfilled prophecies, including from just after creation
Jesus said "it" not "I" so there is nothing more for us to do
Our debts have been paid and we can proceed with life anew
"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit", Jesus did conclude
He called again to God before He decided to die on the rood
For Jesus Laid down His life for us of His own accord
As such all the security we need the cross does afford
Pastor said that these seven sayings will to us security bring
Jesus is no longer on the cross and is our eternal king
And as we read what on the cross He did say
He is available to each of us every single day

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