Sunday, April 17, 2011

17 April 2011 - ENCS

On Palm Sunday, Pastor Charles did talk
Telling us “make Him known” on our walk
He reminded us that John chapters 12 to 21
All focused on Holy Week and what was done
The core passage today was Matthew 21:1-10
The first trip to Jerusalem for Jesus and his men
Jesus sent some disciples to get a donkey
In order to fulfil Zechariah’s prophecy
A question that comes up as a matter of course
Is why Jesus rode a donkey instead of a horse
Horses are what warriors tend to ride
But kings sat on donkeys with some pride
The disciples were nervous when they were sent
But the key is that they were very obedient
Christ engages us in the same way
He wants our obedience every day
Pastor told of his brother and Wyoming’s Laramie
Where he went following a dream he did see
And to a quote from Hudson Taylor we should comply
“God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply”

Returning to the donkey of which much was spoken
“Never a man sat”, in other words it was unbroken
Per Luke 19:30 and Mark 11:2
No other ride for Jesus would do
But when Jesus sat, the donkey was completely at peace
The same is true for those who to Jesus their hearts release
For when we invite Him into our life
We will have calm instead of strife
Two donkeys were mentioned in Matthew 21:2
Perhaps symbolising covenants both old and new

The palm branches and clothes that were laid down
Were symbols of victory and joy, not a frown
People shouted ‘hosanna’, or ‘save us now’
But we should let God decide the when and how
We should let Him decide how to respond when we pray
For surely He knows the most appropriate way
The people wanted deliverance from the Empire Roman
For they did not like all the things that were done
The Romans used crucifixions to generate fear
It is ironic that we now hold the cross so dear
For Jesus overcame death and our sin on the cross
Following instructions from God, the ultimate boss

“The whole country was moved”, says the tenth verse
Our hearts should be stirred when in Jesus we immerse
At the end, Pastor gave us a rather apt dare
Will we be willing the Lord’s burden to bear?

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