Monday, August 8, 2011

31 July 2011 - ENCS

The "Attention" series Pastor Neli continued
From last week's command, this one ensued
Per 1 John 4, verses seven and eight
Each other we must love not hate
This follows from the importance of loving our God
To the Good Samaritan parable Pastor gave a nod
As Jesus told the lawyer, the way to eternal life
Involves loving others, not just family and wife
Pastor made eight points about this story
It has relevance, as it is not just allegory

The lawyer started by putting Jesus to the test
Jesus responded, putting the topic to rest
Remember that eternal life starts right now
Through Jesus' fulfillment, that is how

By loving God with all our heart, mind, and soul
Loving our neighbour will be an implied goal
The lawyer knew the words in the Scripture
But he didn't fully comprehend, that's for sure
The Bible is about Jesus, future and past tense
A key byproduct of loving Jesus is obedience

Jesus said to do this and you will live
Justification the lawyer tried to give
By asking who was his neighbour
His intent was far from good and pure

With a parable Jesus then did answer
To the points made we must concur
The allegory has multitudes of truth
The holy ones' actions were uncouth

Pastor said one thing we should never do
Is to forget the pain of our rescue
Israel in the Old Testament did oft forget
Are we any different? not really, nyet
Taking forty years after the exodus the desert to cross
Instead of eleven days, as they forgot who was boss

The priest and the Levite went to the other side
Instead of compassion, they were driven by pride
Remember that God is coming back for His church
If we are on the other side, we will be left in the lurch

The Samaritan did the right thing right away
Although he was oft despised in that day
Instead of pity, compassion he did show
Through our actions, others our love will know
Jesus must be evident in us to those we meet
Whether we are in the mall or on the street
Singapore is well placed and very blessed
We should thus be helping all the rest

Dirty the Samaritan's hands did clearly get
Onto his animal the injured man he did set
The parallel for us is clear of course
We need to get off of our high horse
To help the disadvantaged and the poor
Should be a big part of our inner core

The Samaritan also promised to pay the bill
Just as Jesus did for us out of His free will

Pastor Neli then tried to summarise
Living for Jesus, who is the prize
Uncomfortable things we need to do
Every minute of the day, not just a few
An "other side Christian" Pastor said not to be
If eternal life with Jesus we want to see

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