Sunday, August 14, 2011

14 August 2011 - ENCS

At ENCS, the "Attention" series continued along
With a sermon "Have Faith" by Rachel Ong
Jesus' commands are not meant to restrict but to guide
We are to obey them, for John 14:21 we can not hide
Rachel referred to Jesus' commands in Mark 11:22-23
With a little faith, a mountain can be thrown into the sea
Rachel shared two testimonies in this vein
Her sister's short leg length did gain
And the five year old girl with only one malfunctioning kidney
Suddenly two good kidneys the shocked doctors did see
But God does not always immediately heal
For with faith, patience we must also feel
Per Hebrews 6, nothing pleases God more than faith
But God's invisibility makes this hard, Rachel did sayeth
Although it is not natural to always trust God in heaven
"We live by faith not by sight" per 2 Corinthians 5 : 7
We need to obey Him even if we do not understand
As God taught Israel en route to the Promised Land
The Greeks used "logic" to understand first
But without trusting God, the result is worst
Rachel then compared a man with no faith (red)
Versus a green man, who has faith instead

The first difference is that the green man fears God
Whilst the red man gives others and their views the nod
Rachel referred to Psalm 122 and then Proverbs 9:10
"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom" for men

The second is that the green man rests, the red man strives
For resting in God means we can do more with our lives
The heavy laden can get rest per Matthew 11:28
Even if there are sometimes we must be patient and wait

Third is that the red man is stressed, the green man is at peace
With Jesus' peace, our troubles and fears should soon cease
The enemy wants us to focus on the future and the past
God wants us to think of today and an eternity that will last

Fourth is that the red man is angry, the green man is meek
Anger, like all addictions, is caused by relationships weak
Matthew 11 says Jesus was meek and humble (lowly of heart)
We must surrender our self to let God do His part

Fifth is that the green man has patience, the red man restless
Patience is part of God perfecting our character, Rachel did sayeth

In summary, Rachel asked if we walked in green or in red
If red, we should change our default to green instead
We should not let things get in faith's way
For we must live out our faith every day
We then saw a video of Reena, who lost her sight
But her passion for life makes her attitude right
Change can be a stumbling block or a stepping stone
To inspire others, her heart God did hone

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