Monday, November 14, 2016

13 November 2016 - ENCS

More on Proverbs and words of wisdom, Pastor Josh did speak
To translate knowledge into the way we live, wisdom does seek
The contrasting tale of two women is highlighted in Proverbs nine
They both say to “follow me" but their intentions do not at all align
Between Wisdom and Folly we must all distinguish and choose
For Wisdom always speaks truth while Folly tries to us confuse

Per verses fifteen to seventeen, Folly says stolen water is sweet
Thus telling us that simple solutions can complex problems defeat
This is akin to smoking and alcohol abuse, Josh did then highlight
Folly says to ignore the long term but in the short term feel alright
This is why verse eighteen says that the end game of Folly is death
Similarly, blaming others for our problems is a waste of our breath

Wisdom has built her house and hewn seven pillars per verse one
The word ‘hewn’ implies precise workmanship until all is done
We must have faith and patience when God gives us a promise
For our God never lies, so we should never doubt like Thomas
At times, we need patience because our character is not ready
In this way, when God’s promises come through, we are steady

Wisdom’s desire is for us to have life, per verses three to six
By walking in the way of insight, our simple ways we can fix
Wisdom builds, hews, celebrates learning, and to life gives breath
Folly clamours, seduces, celebrates ignorance, leading to death
Josh again highlighted four steps to help us on life’s wisdom trip
To pray, meditate on the Word, preach, and engage in fellowship

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