Monday, April 11, 2016

10 April 2016 - ENCS

Nate Curtis spoke about Acts chapter three, part of a historical narrative
The full book is focused on the Holy Spirit and how the apostles did live
In terms of world evangelism, it is clear that the church continued to grow
As chapters six, nine, twelve, sixteen, nineteen, and twenty eight show

The title of Nate’s sermon - and the entire service - was “Power to Heal”
Peter instructed the cripple to walk where before he could not even kneel
Peter refused to take any credit, as he had merely invoked Jesus’ name
Every time a miracle occurred, the disciples' responses were the same

Peter reminded the people of what they did to Jesus, who was heaven sent
He continued in strong words, instructing the people to immediately repent
This message was seemingly delivered every time Peter had an opportunity
We should do the same, for per Acts one it is every follower’s responsibility

Returning to the concept of healing by God, it is true that He will intervene
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, into real lives and stories real healing is seen
And when we hear about such heavenly healings that are obviously great
We should share the testimony with many others and of course celebrate

Nate pointed out that Peter was not well-educated or seemingly qualified
On Jesus' last night, his relationship with Jesus Peter three times denied
Yet because he believed in Jesus, Peter could invoke his healing power
Similarly, our God can use us to fulfil His plan on any given day or hour

Throughout the Bible, God used people with all sorts of sordid backgrounds
Such as  Rahab the prostitute and David whose sin at times knew no bounds
He can therefore use any of us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth
As such, it is important to remember that each of us has significant worth

But Nate then asked whether our relationship with Jesus is evident to others
Or whether we keep it hidden except from our Christian sisters and brothers
For if we want to help others by invoking Jesus’ name to heal any malady
Our love for Christ and our faith must be visible for everyone else to see

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