Sunday, March 1, 2015

1 March 2015 - ENCS

The "Family" series was extended a week by Rachel Ong
Talking on "Singles Rock" in a voice that was quite strong
This demographic group is often overlooked, she did say
But its mission is to honor God at the workplace each day
Rachel based her sermon on Colossians one verse ten
We are to "bear fruit in every good work", Paul said again
She pointed out that God only ever authored one book
So it is to that book, the Bible, that we should always look
From reading the Bible daily, sin will keep us from doing
But keeping us from sin we get from daily Bible viewing
And for us to be fruitful in every good work, Rachel stated
Jesus Christ needs to be present in our lives unabated
Steve Murrell said that to 'honor' is to know one's place
For commandments one and five, this is indeed the case
In order to honor parents, with them we should spend time
For singles, this is easier to do when all are in their prime
Rachel added that since honor stems from one's heart
Worshiping and praising God is how we fulfill that part
For most singles, it can be said that work is a calling
Which cannot be found with your best effort installing
There is no such thing as secular work, Rachel said
As secular means 'without God', something we dread
And since we have God by our side, as well as His grace
We are effectively full time ministers in the marketplace
It is interesting that God introduced labor before worship
When we are working, God's pleasure should us grip
As we were created in His image, we should try to be great
Whether married or single, our effort should be first rate
It is important that we find time daily to be with God alone
Since we need Him constantly, this we should not postpone
In doing so, He will equip us for our workplace ministry
More than our church, the inside of our office we do see
We must make the most of each and every opportunity
Our actions there speak louder than words or a plea
God entrusts us with opportunities if we walk in excellence
With greater purity, even greater influence He will dispense
Whatever season we are in, we should exercise contentment
Timothy said contentment brings God to life in the present
We should not walk in the counsel of the wicked, per Psalm one
We will prosper if meditating on the Lord is what we have done
So in closing tonight, Rachel reiterated her primary exhortation
We should honor God and study His word through life's duration

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