Monday, October 6, 2014

5 October 2014 - ENCS

In the penultimate week of the "Go" series, Pastor Josh did preach
Per John four, Jesus went to Samaria to avoid the Pharisees' reach
For when God is moving, rule-loving religious leaders get upset
The irony of course is that Jesus hadn't baptized anybody yet
For the Jewish people, Samaria was not a very hospitable place
Too many times, the two groups of people in conflict did face
After a long walk from Jerusalem, Jesus was tired and sat next to a well
He then asked a Samaritan woman for a drink, verse seven does tell
This broke all sorts of rules, for she was a single woman
It made it culturally even worse that she was a Samaritan
She mentioned Jacob, who provided for their physical needs
He talked of living water, which can absolve our sinful deeds
It is interesting to note why she was there at midday
Because she didn't want to hear what others had to say
But Jesus knew her whole history, per verse sixteen
He also loves us no matter how bad we may have been
Pastor said that we need to worship with knowledge true
Worshipping God in spirit and truth is what we should do
Per Second Corinthians, God is the only judge that matters
Even if many others may try to turn our reputation to tatters
We should try to honor our fathers, heavenly and on earth
They give us their approval and confirm our true worth
God is the truth and thus overcomes any lies that are told
Remembering the truth can set us free should make us bold
The woman mentioned the Messiah; Jesus said He was the One
She went to town and witnessed about what He had said and done
Based solely on her testimony, many in the town did then believe
The entire town pleaded with Jesus and His disciples not to leave
And because He did end up by two days postponing His trip
They learned for themselves and responded with worship
For anyone who believes in Jesus shall be saved, per Romans ten
We can then all worship in spirit and truth over and over again

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