Wednesday, January 15, 2014

15 January 2014 - Job (Job 1-42)

There lived a man named Job who was blameless and upright
He was a great man who shunned evil, the author did write
The angels and Satan appeared in front of the Lord one day
Satan had been roaming the earth trying to get his way
God said to consider Job, the man of perfect integrity
Satan said that God had blessed Job so incredibly
Job’s blessings Satan challenged God to reverse
Saying that God was the one Job would surely curse
God accepted Satan’s challenge, with only one condition
To touch Job himself, God did not give Satan permission

His cattle, servants, daughters, and sons Job then did lose
Satan waited anxiously to see how Job reacted to the news
Job tore his robe and shaved his head for what was done
“Then he fell to the ground in worship”, per verses 20 and 21
And Job stated “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away”
“May the name of the Lord be praised”, as Job did every day
“In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing”
For a righteous and upright life he wanted to keep pursuing

Satan presented himself to God once again on another day
Job maintained his integrity despite the events, God did say
Satan said that if Job’s own flesh was struck, he would despair
God accepted the challenge, but Job’s life Satan must spare
So Job’s entire body with painful sores Satan did supply
His wife told Job that he should “curse God and die”
Job responded to his wife’s comments on the double
“Should we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

Job’s three friends heard about all of Job’s adversity
They went to comfort him but saw him and felt pity
For seven days and nights with him they sat on the ground
Nobody spoke a word because his suffering had no bound
Eliphaz said that nobody perished if they were actually innocent
But to those who sowed trouble God’s destruction would be sent
He then counseled Job to approach God with an appeal
For if God corrected him, blessed is how he would feel

After his friends shared similar views as Eliphaz had done
Job replied that their torment had lasted long after it begun
And per chapter nineteen, if it was true that he had gone astray
It was his own concern that God may have blocked his way
But even if God had denied him justice, per chapter twenty seven
Job’ lips would never speak wickedness about God in heaven
Vowing to maintain his integrity and righteousness until he died
Job continued to be upright while to his friends he replied

The Lord eventually answered Job in chapter thirty eight
“Brace yourself like a man; I will question you” He did state
Job was reminded that the earth and its wonders God created
So anyone who argues with God will have their future ill-fated
In chapter forty, Job said that he was unworthy to answer the Lord
The Lord asked Job more questions to ensure they were in accord

“I know that God can do all things”, Job said in chapter forty two
Adding that God cannot be thwarted in anything He plans to do
Job confessed that there were many things he did not understand
But he heartily repented for he had experienced God first hand
God was angry with Job’s friends for going somewhat astray
But they atoned with sacrifices and for them Job did pray
“The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first”
Prospering him again and ensuring he would never hunger or thirst

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