Sunday, January 12, 2014

12 January 2014 - Noah and the Flood

Per Genesis six, Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his time
When he reached five hundred years old, he was still in his prime
For he then had three sons and with God he continues to walk
One day God revealed his plans to Noah during their daily talk
God needed to nip increasingly evil thoughts and deeds in the bud
He was therefore going to destroy all creatures with a great flood
He gave Noah detailed plans about how to build a very large ark
This would serve to protect him when things got so wet and dark
God told Noah to take his family and two of all living thing
“Every kind of food that is to be eaten” Noah was to bring

Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came
For forty days and nights the rain fell, everywhere was the same
The waters covered all the earth and even the mountains so tall
Everything not in Noah’s ark was destroyed, both big and small
“The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days”
Throughout that time, nobody was able to see the sun’s rays
“By faith Noah…built an ark” per Hebrews eleven verse seven
He “became heir of the righteousness” that comes from heaven

Noah sent out a dove, from Genesis chapter eight we understand
The dove flew back and forth but could not find a place to land
After seven more days, Noah sent out the dove once more
It returned with an olive leaf; it was time for Noah to explore
The water had dried up from the earth, which was no dry
Every living thing came off the ark and began to multiply
Noah built an altar and on it burnt offerings he did sacrifice
God said in his heart that the aroma was pleasing and nice
He promised never to “curse the ground because of man”
Even though man’s inclination is evil throughout his lifespan
“Never again will I destroy all living creatures” God did say
This is a promise that God has kept right up until this day

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