Sunday, June 9, 2024

9 June 2024 - ENCS

The series on Matthew Vicki Tekwani did continue
Chapter nineteen from verse thirteen on we did view
“Entry Requirements of the Kingdom” was the title
For this is often discussed, it is a topic most vital

Vicki began by sharing what such entry it is not about
Age and experience do not guarantee a heavenly route
Similarly, good deeds alone can never earn eternal life
Likewise even if our efforts and achievements are rife

So what are the requirements, the question becomes
Having a childlike faith leads to the desired outcomes
Implying utter dependence on God, not on what we do
Absolute surrender to God’s will we should not eschew

And for those who gain entry, what rewards do await
Children of God inherit the kingdom, per Romans eight
The treasures in heaven far outweigh those on earth
And of course eternal life provides for immense worth

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