Sunday, June 16, 2024

16 June 2024 - ENCS

Pastor Arnie Manzano this morning shared wisdom aplenty
His sermon “Lord Like No Other” based on Matthew twenty
Starting with an important reminder from the chapter before
Many who are first will be last, many who are last will get more 

Arnie said Jesus being The Generous Master is clearly seen
Per the parable of vineyard workers in verses one to sixteen
For expectations develop easily and can go on to breed envy
Comparison is the thief of joy, per the Roosevelt named Teddy
God’s salvation is open to all so we should trust His generosity 
For it is by His grace we are saved, in Ephesians two we see

Jesus The Servant Leader is seen through verse twenty eight
He shared with His disciples what in Jerusalem did Him await
Entitlement breeds expectations but Jesus said to be selfless
Those wanting to be great must serve and then God will bless
Jesus gave His life for many so we must trust Jesus’ sacrifice
Isaiah fifty three had prophecied that Jesus would pay the price

Jesus is The Compassionate Healer per the final eight verses
Two blind men were persistent despite others yelling curses
Jesus hears our cries and He causes change to be revealed
We should trust God’s compassion and to the Holy Spirit yield

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