Given recent news headlines, violent and dark times appear to be the way
Easter is the counter-argument - love, new life, mercy, and forgiveness
Good overcame evil in Jesus’ day where the evil was actually no less
We often think that evil has the upper hand, like Good Friday afternoon
But should remember that Jesus ensured that death went into a swoon
Things will improve - light will replace darkness, truth will overcome lies
So we should have hope and optimism in our hearts, minds, and eyes
Each of us has our own personal “Brussels” challenges and frustration
Being hopeless is worse than failing, for it is the greatest condemnation
But the message of Easter is one of hope, which promises a future bright
Which we should carry with us no matter how dark is the current night
In Luke twenty four, the women remembered, returned, and reported
Angels came to correct the women’s initial view which was distorted
Similarly, if we need healing, we should trust Isaiah chapter fifty three
And if we lack provision, Genesis twenty two has words we should see
And even when faced with an apparent contradiction, we must proceed
We must leave our empty tombs and testify the truth that we are freed
Lynette said that in church we need participation, not just observation
For Jesus’ resurrection is for our salvation, ending our condemnation
We were buried but now have new life in Him, per Romans chapter six
So remember that Jesus loves us and can help us any problem fix
Insead of getting caught up with the empty tomb and the negatives
Lynette said that we should remember all of the love that God gives
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