Pastor Josh talked on “Changing Lives” using Luke twenty four
In addition to the post-resurrection day story, there is a lot more
The third day started with Jesus’ followers full of disappointment
Their beloved king was dead, so to the tomb some women went
For although to their expectations Jesus death was a big curve
The women decided the their best course of action was to serve
In verses four to six, "Jesus was arisen" the two angels did say
Reminding the women what had been foretold to occur that day
An important lesson is also derived, Pastor Josh did then share
That when we draw near to God, he shows us His love and care
The women were reminded of Jesus’ words in verses six to eight
It often takes a personal encounter to make the instructions great
That was true for Mary and the apostles when Jesus was on earth
And also for us, for a relationship with God is of the highest worth
They shared the news with the apostles in verses nine to eleven
But the apostles insisted that Jesus had died and gone to heaven
They were in a state of grief and could not grasp what was said
But Peter still ran to the tomb, listening to his heart not his head
Per verse twelve, he was hoping that the resurrection was not fake
Running towards Jesus is the same approach that we should take
Two other apostles were walking to Emmaus per verse thirteen
Jesus joined them as they talked of the things they had seen
They did not recognise him and so shared what had happened
Without understanding this is why God to earth Jesus did send
This is akin to us saying that our Lord God does not understand
What trials we are going through or that we feel undermanned
From verse twenty five, Jesus then patiently in detail did explain
The Old Testament prophecies about Him and the world’s gain
The apostles knew all the stories yet the important point did miss
Similarly, God wants a relationship with us to create a loving bliss
Their eyes were finally opened when together they broke bread
Then Jesus departed from their sight as He wanted to go ahead
The two apostles with the others did share, from verse thirty two
Then while they were talking into their midst Jesus came in view
Proving again that experiencing God makes everything more real
For knowledge remains in the head unless in the heart we do feel
In summary, our lives are what Jesus wants to influence and change
To achieve that, our priorities and actions may well need to rearrange
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