Sunday, March 27, 2016

27 March 2016 - ENCS

Pastor Josh spoke to us about “Changing Lives” on this Easter Day
Christianity is a relationship, not a religion, is what he oft does say
God in in the business of changing lives in many a different way
To better grasp this, about our life’s purpose Josh did then convey
God created male and female in His image, per Genesis chapter one
To have fellowship with God and dominion over the earth bar none
But after Adam and Eve’s first sin, as written in Genesis chapter three
They became aware of shame and guilt, hiding so God could not see
And per Isaiah chapter fifty nine, iniquities must lead to a separation
God actually showed mercy, as the alternative was eternal damnation
Much of the Old Testament points to the need for a perfect sacrifice
Jesus was the perfect lamb, and although innocent He paid the price
Per Mark chapter fifteen, even Pilate proclaimed Christ’s innocence
The crowd wanted Him crucified, even though that made no sense
For one week earlier, they were proclaiming Him King of the Jews
Even today, that dramatic reversal of views would make the news
So Jesus was scourged, beaten, and mocked per John nineteen
He knows what it is like to be wrongly punished, it is clearly seen
Reverting to Mark fifteen, Jesus asked God why He was forsaken
God had to be separated from the sin before Jesus’ life was taken
But per Isaiah fifty three, this had been clearly prophesied to man
Even before creation, the triune God had developed a master plan
So when Jesus said that “it is finished” in John chapter nineteen
He meant that our debt was paid in full, as in the Greek is seen

So per the traditional Easter refrain “He is risen”; "He is risen indeed”
We should conclude that from sin and death we are eternally freed

27 March 2016 - PLMC Sunrise Service

Pastor Lynette spoke on “Easter Hope” at sunrise service this Easter day
Given recent news headlines, violent and dark times appear to be the way
Easter is the counter-argument - love, new life, mercy, and forgiveness
Good overcame evil in Jesus’ day where the evil was actually no less
We often think that evil has the upper hand, like Good Friday afternoon
But should remember that Jesus ensured that death went into a swoon
Things will improve - light will replace darkness, truth will overcome lies
So we should have hope and optimism in our hearts, minds, and eyes
Each of us has our own personal “Brussels” challenges and frustration
Being hopeless is worse than failing, for it is the greatest condemnation
But the message of Easter is one of hope, which promises a future bright
Which we should carry with us no matter how dark is the current night

In Luke twenty four, the women remembered, returned, and reported
Angels came to correct the women’s initial view which was distorted
Similarly, if we need healing, we should trust Isaiah chapter fifty three
And if we lack provision, Genesis twenty two has words we should see
And even when faced with an apparent contradiction, we must proceed
We must leave our empty tombs and testify the truth that we are freed
Lynette said that in church we need participation, not just observation
For Jesus’ resurrection is for our salvation, ending our condemnation
We were buried but now have new life in Him, per Romans chapter six
So remember that Jesus loves us and can help us any problem fix

Insead of getting caught up with the empty tomb and the negatives
Lynette said that we should remember all of the love that God gives

Friday, March 25, 2016

25 March 2016 - PLMC

Leslie Quahe spoke on “Perspectives from the Cross” this Good Friday
When God calls us, there is always sacrifice involved he did rightly say
The shofar, or trumpet in the Bible, provides a good reminder Leslie did tell
It comes from a dead kudu and still has blood vessels and a pungent smell
When it comes to perspective, we should be on our knees looking to God
Per Psalm one hundred twenty one, lifting our eyes is correct, not odd
We often think the Bible offers an earthly view of heaven, Leslie said
But it actually as effectively offers a view of earth from heaven instead

For Jesus’ perspective from the cross, he referred to First Peter one
The plan for redemption was planned before the creation was done
It was planned in order to show the fullness of God’s love via sacrifice
For He has a plan so we should persevere even if things are not nice
The two thieves hanging on the crosses each had a different perspective
That in the end would actually determine where each would for eternity live
The first was cynical, blaming the unfair world for his bad actions so long
The second noted that it was really unfair that Jesus had done no wrong
Jesus told the second that they would meet in paradise later that same day
He offers us the same promise as for our sins the price he already did pay
The centurion’s perspective was driven by his time spent in battle, seeing death
He concluded that Jesus was God’s son, as love emanated until His last breath

Today as we gaze upon the cross and wonder why things go wrong frequently
Leslie reminded us of thorns and thistles God promised Adam in Genesis three
But he then told us there were three crosses on Calvary that fateful dark day
Standing for the three Ts - thorns, thistles, and triumph if we follow God’s way
Even Jesus’ disciples gave up hope, as His promise of resurrection they forgot
So regardless of what we do or think, God’s plan and glory shines through a lot

23 March 2016 - BSF

Seven letters to seven churches in Revelation two and three we do see
They represent all the churches in the past, present, and what will be
Jesus rebukes and warns; He makes promises and encourages with love
Churches are to faithfully proclaim His gospel until He returns from above
Too much integration with non-believers can lead to doctrinal deviation
If churches are not acting as the salt and light they face condemnation

The Ephesian church was commended for their deeds and perseverance
But that along the way they had lost their “first love” was Jesus’ stance
Howe Lai said that having truth without love leads to mere cold power
While love without truth ceases to be genuine, seemingly by the hour
The advice given was to remember, repent, and return to our true love
Which of course means turning to God, Jesus, and the Spirit from above
The loftiest preference of one person for another is how love can be termed  
Giving us life as we overcome is an indication of how God’s love is affirmed

The church in Smyrna was reminded that Jesus triumphed over death
So as believers, we should expect eternal victory after our last breath
While Satan is behind all persecution, God puts limits on what we endure
So we know that we will all face attacks on our spiritual life, that is for sure
But faith that perseveres through suffering reveals Jesus to a world broken
Love and grace, not conquest, changes hearts was the truth well spoken
The journey of life is in that way more important than our eternal goal
We can walk in assured victory because Jesus is well and truly in control

Monday, March 21, 2016

20 March 2016 - ENCS

Pastor Josh talked on “Changing Lives” using Luke twenty four
In addition to the post-resurrection day story, there is a lot more

The third day started with Jesus’ followers full of disappointment
Their beloved king was dead, so to the tomb some women went
For although to their expectations Jesus death was a big curve
The women decided the their best course of action was to serve

In verses four to six, "Jesus was arisen" the two angels did say
Reminding the women what had been foretold to occur that day
An important lesson is also derived, Pastor Josh did then share
That when we draw near to God, he shows us His love and care

The women were reminded of Jesus’ words in verses six to eight
It often takes a personal encounter to make the instructions great
That was true for Mary and the apostles when Jesus was on earth
And also for us, for a relationship with God is of the highest worth

They shared the news with the apostles in verses nine to eleven
But the apostles insisted that Jesus had died and gone to heaven
They were in a state of grief and could not grasp what was said
But Peter still ran to the tomb, listening to his heart not his head
Per verse twelve, he was hoping that the resurrection was not fake
Running towards Jesus is the same approach that we should take

Two other apostles were walking to Emmaus per verse thirteen
Jesus joined them as they talked of the things they had seen
They did not recognise him and so shared what had happened
Without understanding this is why God to earth Jesus did send
This is akin to us saying that our Lord God does not understand
What trials we are going through or that we feel undermanned

From verse twenty five, Jesus then patiently in detail did explain
The Old Testament prophecies about Him and the world’s gain
The apostles knew all the stories yet the important point did miss
Similarly, God wants a relationship with us to create a loving bliss
Their eyes were finally opened when together they broke bread
Then Jesus departed from their sight as He wanted to go ahead

The two apostles with the others did share, from verse thirty two
Then while they were talking into their midst Jesus came in view
Proving again that experiencing God makes everything more real
For knowledge remains in the head unless in the heart we do feel

In summary, our lives are what Jesus wants to influence and change
To achieve that, our priorities and actions may well need to rearrange

Monday, March 14, 2016

13 March 2016 - ENCS

Rachel Ong shared with us on “Developing a Godly Identity”
She had us read First Corinthians fifteen from verse three
Paul wrote of who he had been and also about Jesus’ grace
His transformation was sudden, which is not always the case

In Second Corinthians twelve boasting is what Paul did do
Of his own weakness and about the power of the cross too
The concept of boasting originated on the early battlefield
To build up confidence for soldiers, like an emotional shield
“Only from the name of the Lord” would do for apostle Paul
In the same way, Jesus Christ can give strength to us all
That is far better than counting on a prestigious family name
A big bank account or job title has an impact just the same
They are mere‘rubbish’, per Philippians three verse eight
Paul gave all of that up to get new freedom which is great
As a result, calmness increases as anxiety and fear go down
And Paul faced human persecution with joy instead of a frown
For knowing Christ allows us to face death with confidence
Because we know eternal salvation His love does dispense
In terms of how we view other people, this also does help
When they offend, we can show them love instead of yelp
This is in line with Second Corinthians five verse seventeen
As a new creation is how anyone in Christ should be seen

Similarly, our self view should not be based on condemnation
Only the Word of God can overcome demonic consternation
So we must persevere and read the Bible each and every day
For to combat the enemy, Rachel said this is really the only way
In ways both spiritually and physically, Christ can us heal
Patience and tolerance become virtues we should feel

The way to stay rooted in our walk is to use God’s lens
Reading the Bible and praying help our heart to cleanse
The disciples cast aside their ‘nets’, per Mark chapter one
Can we drop our nets to follow Jesus as Peter had done?
Then we can be free to worship Him and with others share
When we have trouble doing so, we should revert to prayer

Sunday, March 6, 2016

6 March 2016 - ENCS

 Pastor Mark Chew was the guest preacher for Campus Sunday
“Change the campus, change the world” is what he did often say
He started his sermon by saying that campus ministry was actually fun
Fun is part of abundant life, which per John ten, comes from the Son
Campus ministry is also fulfilling, as various pictures we did view
The people we disciple bring us joy, per First Thessalonians two

We heard short testimonies from two of the younger generation
Both of the students provided insights, laughs, and a revelation
The first said that when God puts something into your heart
You must respond and honour Him, for that is doing your part
The second highlighted that our identity is as a child of God
The command to love our neighbours as ourselves got a nod

Campus ministry can get a bit messy, Pastor Mark did continue
Remember we all make mistakes in what we say and what we do
Perhaps most importantly, God’s heartbeat is in campus ministry
We should teach youth commandments, in Deuteronomy six we see 
In order to obey the Great Commission said in Matthew twenty eight
Older and younger generations must work together, without debate

One thing each one of us can do is to pray and pray again and again
There is danger in not sharing about God, per Judges two verse ten
With our words and actions, our walk should be a model for all
Per First Corinthians four, we should imitate Christ, as did Paul
Everyone needs a father, as intimated in First Corinthians eleven
Providing love, guidance, and instruction as did Christ from heaven
Sometimes to be a good father, it is important to first be a good son
Reconcile with our earthly and heavenly fathers for what we have done

In summary, the importance of campus ministry should be quite clear
For today’s youths will become tomorrow’s leaders in not many a year