If we have oppressive fear in our heart, God’s voice is very hard to hear
But when we know our purpose, decisions are so much easier to make
Especially, Josh said, when it is a significant decision with a lot at stake
To understand what God wants we then turned to Matthew twenty two
We are to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind - in all that we do
This is what Jesus said was the first and the greatest commandment
To have us walk and talk with God in a relationship is the clear intent
Such a relationship allows us, not forces us, to do things out of love
And also enables us to see things as God views them from above
Josh then referred to Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, in chapter two
Verse twelve says all were separated, without hope, not just a few
But Christ reconciled us with God so that there is no more hostility
So we are all now citizens in God’s household, like one big family
But how we manifest our love for God, Pastor Josh did then impart
Per verse twenty two, we are to make a dwelling place in our heart
Then returning to Matthew twenty two, following verse thirty seven
We are to love neighbours as ourselves, as we would do in heaven
Eight hundred laws in the Old Testament boiled down to just two
Making it much simpler to understand, although still hard to do
Three points about being part of God’s family, Josh did then share
First, we should search for lost members since for all we should care
Per Matthew eighteen, rejoice when we FIND the one who was astray
And in the mean time, no matter where we are, we can always pray
Second, it is better to FIGHT than to keep things bottled up inside
But we must fight fair, and per Matthew six, not do so out of pride
We must make sure that we do not have a log compared to a speck
And before criticising others, we must ensure that anger is in check
If we do approach others, per Matthew eighteen, speak truth in love
And if an agreement is reached, then it will be blessed by God above
Per Nehemiah four, it may also be necessary to fight for our families
Particularly to ensure that the enemy does not them injure or seize
Third, Josh said that to FORGIVE was a critical part of the process
In Matthew eighteen, Jesus told Peter to forgive no matter the mess
“I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven” Jesus did say
In other words, forgiving other people as God does for us every day
It is often easier to forgive if we have messed up in the first place
For then we recognise that God has granted us mercy and grace
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