Discipleship is helping others follow Jesus, he did emphatically say
Getting rid of the great noise is the best way to ensure simplification
As it allows focus and eliminates things which cause consternation
To engage, establish, equip, and empower is the discipleship process
By remembering these four steps we can focus instead of face stress
The best way to engage is to discuss what is relevant to a person
Speaking the language of the culture sure helps get the job done
Given that Jesus is the answer, we need to identify the question
As caring for people for who they are is the best love expression
The most important question to ask one’s self is of course “why”
Per Second Corinthians five, Christ’s love should compel us to try
Without firsthand experience of God, it is hard to have maturation
We can always pray for others who are in pain or a tough situation
Form verse twenty of that chapter, we are ambassadors for Christ
We are reconciled with God because Jesus’ own life was sacrificed
So we must determine what is really most important and so prioritise
By focusing on the mission, we work together no matter the team size
Having head knowledge means nothing unless we for others care
One way to do this is to our individual testimony with others share
Saint Francis said to preach the gospel, using words when necessary
But our words can speak volumes, Pastor Josh did then politely parry
The other question about engaging that must be answered is “how"
Since Jesus called us, the Holy Spirit will surely gifts to us endow
Per Mark three from verse thirteen, Jesus went to a mountaintop
That is where He worshipped and communed with God nonstop
Acts chapter ten says the Holy Spirit enabled Jesus to do good
And because God was with Jesus, healing others Christ could
Fasting helps align our heart with God's, per Isaiah fifty eight
Hearing His heart about the lost and hurting keeps us straight
And by praying for others, we often find that changes our heart
Then our light breaks through and the glory of God does its part
Per Acts ten, Peter spoke and the Holy Spirit fell on the others
Drawing them closer and turning them into Christian brothers
In summary, engaging others is critical for our discipleship
To do this, we should allow the Holy Spirit to us duly equip
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