Focusing on “Establish Biblical Foundations”, as step number two
Last week, he talked about “engage”, including making a friend
Having conversations and making new disciples becomes a trend
Pastor Josh ran through five points about how we can “establish”
For establishing ground that produces fruit and shade is our wish
The basis for his message, Colossians chapters one to two did form
Although Josh did intersperse other passages, as is often his norm
The first point was that we should establish a foundation in CHRIST
For He is the Rock, our inheritance derived from what he sacrificed
Jesus is head of the church and pre-eminent in every relationship
We can have peace and thus any worry in the bud we should nip
The second point was that we should establish a foundation in FAITH
Trusting God and the Holy Spirit’s presence, Colossians two does saith
If we walk with thanksgiving like Jesus, our faith will assuredly grow
Rhema-hearing Christ’s message is how His Word we can really know
The third point was that we should establish a foundation in HIS WORD
Meditating on it day and night, per Psalm one and Joshua one we heard
And, Pastor Josh did opine, if we happen to be going through a dry season
Not studying the Bible enough, feeling distant from God, may be the reason
The fourth point was that we should establish a foundation in COMMUNITY
In one day the church grew by thousands, in Acts chapter two we do see
For when we work together in peace, God can use us to do even more
Reminding us about the importance of relationships at a church’s core
The fifth point was that we should establish a foundation in LOVE
Per Ephesians three, being rooted in love gives power from above
The love of Christ surpasses knowledge, as per verse nineteen
Therefore our faith is unshakeable, and our heart will be serene