My name is Nels Friets, the guy who serves as a host
Also called the big guy, the one who laughs the most
And for those of you who may not know it
On my blog, I am known as the unknown poet
So here is a poem I wrote for tonight
I sure hope that it turned out alright
I started BSF eight and half years ago
I didn't know how much I didn't know
From the first pilot class until today
Making lots of friends along the way
Challenging questions and an odd personal one
Were all valuable even if not always that fun
There were DLs nine and TLs two
All helped me learn what I should do
I thank you all for somehow putting up with me
Especially when my ignorance was plain to see
And all my absences that you did overlook
You've all been a blessing in my book
We looked through Philippians in the pilot class
Then through Minor Prophets and Acts we did pass
Colossians, Ruth, Philippians in the stub half year
Then about Genesis and Romans we did hear
We studied Matthew, Moses, and then John
And now Isaiah - the cycle is done
Isaiah was a prophet from whom a lot I did learn
It makes be very glad that to BSF I did return
Isaiah's name and message are "The Lord is Salvation"
His message was for the world and Israel the nation
The sixty six chapters cover past, present, and future
He was a prophet of God - of that I am very sure
"God's Indictment of Judah" is covered in chapters 1 to 6
7-12 talk of "God's Promise of Immanuel", the world He will fix
"Judgment of the Nations' is seen in 13 to 23
Chapters 24-27, "A Little Revelation" we did see
"Woes" are the topic of chapters 28 to 35
Then into "Historical Interlude", 36 to 39 did dive
"Deliverance of God's People" in chapters 40 to 48
49 to 57 spoke of "The Suffering Servant" that some did hate
The last nine chapters talk about "Future Glory"
For eternal life with God is the right end to our life's story
In today's world, Isaiah still has relevance and application
The lessons and lectures serve as both warning and motivation
About Israel and the rest of the world were Isaiah's predictions
Imploring us to live a consistent lifestyle with strong convictions
For although God is patient, merciful, and kind
He also demands retribution, as Isaiah did oft remind
When I hear the phrase "new heavens and a new earth"
It reminds me of what God's love is really worth
This has been a life changing time for me
Hopefully this is evident for others to see
Through the poems I try to regularly write
Perhaps my heart is also just a bit more right
And while I will miss being a BSF host
I know what I will really miss the most
It is the discipline and all the fellowship
Thank you all for helping me on this trip
I hope that our paths continue to cross
If not, it will surely be my immense loss
But it is now time for these lessons to apply
For I know where I want to go when I die
And now the BSF slogan no longer makes me nervous
"A season of training and a lifetime of service"
I need to finish this before my two minutes runs out
Or before I break down and tears flow out
So now as I complete this rambling poem
Our leaders and admin team, you all know 'em
Can everyone out there please arise and stand
And join me in giving them a great big hand
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