The "Sign of the Times" series ended today
Pastor Larry told us how to respond and obey
He started by referring to Matthew 24:14
The end will come after the Word all have seen
Then Colossians 1:6 and the spreading of the gospel
Some interesting statistics Pastor to us did tell
Christianity has quadrupled in the past one hundred years
Now the biggest religion, yet still billions of untouched ears
In this vein, Pastor interviewed Hiram Ring
He translates Bibles, but he can also sing
6000 languages, one third with no biblical translation
Sharing the Word in a new language, what a sensation
Pastor said that for God's glory, our gifts we should use
Since God gave us our talents, there is no excuse
Hiram then regaled us with a nice song
About the sea and his journey long
We then watched a video about an Indonesia tribe remote
A New Testament translation come by air, not by boat
For Psalm 126:5 holds true for every man and every boy
"Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy"
For 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 should act as a clarion call
Jesus' love compels us because He died for us all
The Word is what we must go to others and tell
For we don't want our friends to end up in hell
Per Acts 1:8, remember what our Lord Jesus did say
The Holy Spirit's power strengthens us when we obey
We should all obey Jesus' last words in Matthew twenty eight
Take the Word to the ends of the world - the Commission Great
Look at what Paul did after his encounter and rebirth
He spent his life sharing the gospel around the earth
We all have the same role no matter what God calls us to be
Whether we are a businessman, a pastor, or a missionary
Foreigners account for 42% of the population of Singapore
Like an Antioch in Asia, to the region we can be a door
People are waiting and there are lots of opportunities
Remember Psalm 2:8 as these chances we seize
Pastor referred to Matthew 9:37-38 right on cue
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few"
So when, as in Isaiah 6:8, the Lord does ask
We should be more than willing to do any task
And like the Citipointe drummer last week did say
We should give it our all, as if it is our last day
For if we are willing the Word to preach
The five billion we will most assuredly reach
I used to write poems and limericks for my children on special occasions. Starting in April 2009, I have been writing poems based on sermons that I hear. I started doing this in order to share the messages with my family. Then I added some friends and business associates. And they have encouraged me to start a here it is. Since that time, I have started sharing some devotions and passages as well. Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
20 November 2011 - ENCS
After worship was led by the group from Citipointe
With a sermon, their leader Aaron Lucas did us anoint
Thirteen years ago his life was changed one day
Since then God has "messed him up" in a great way
At a young age, his parents divorced - lots of tissues
As a youth, drugs and alcohol - lots of issues
Aaron was always trying to fill the void in his heart
But you can't just pick and choose like in a supermart
In New Mexico, he had an encounter with the One who cares
For the next two and a half hours, Aaron said many prayers
But it wasn't until he was playing guitar in a youth camp
That his pain came out in tears that made the ground damp
For that is when he felt that his chains were broken
He felt liberated as if to him God had personally spoken
For the first time in his life Aaron felt true love
The type that can only come from God above
After such an encounter, nothing can ever be the same
For per Citipointe's song, there is power in His name
But having an encounter is actually not enough
We must choose his love even if reality is tough
The relationship with God we must maintain
If from the encounter we are to get the full gain
In the realm of passion our lifestyle must stay
Our passion for God must be with us every day
Three ways to do so, Aaron did with us then share
To ensure that our passion is constant, not rare
We need to pursue God was point number one
We must hunger for Him and never from Him run
By earthly problems, we should not get bogged down
For we can always bring them to our God of renown
To Matthew five verse six, Aaron did then refer
Upon those who thirst, righteousness God will confer
Of course we need to be emptied before we can be filled
We must give up being so proud and strong willed
He urged us to serve the church in some detail
Otherwise, he warned, our faith will grow stale
We need to live desperate lives was point number two
For those who are truly hungry are desperate too
This desperation should live inside of our heart
And the corresponding expectation should never depart
For with God, anything is possible to achieve
As long as we continue to truly believe
Point number three was the need to understand the cross
We must encounter and worship God for His loss
Remember that the cross has such amazing redemptive power
We should thank Jesus for his sacrifice every single hour
For without the cross, we can not truly understand
About God's love and what He has for us planned
Matthew seven verse seven says to ask, seek, and knock
Such access to God's power, only the cross can unlock
We should never take the cross for granted is the bottom line
For with God's love and vision we must our hearts align
PS. Citipointe Live's music blows me away
I could listen to it several times every day
Citipointe Live website :
With a sermon, their leader Aaron Lucas did us anoint
Thirteen years ago his life was changed one day
Since then God has "messed him up" in a great way
At a young age, his parents divorced - lots of tissues
As a youth, drugs and alcohol - lots of issues
Aaron was always trying to fill the void in his heart
But you can't just pick and choose like in a supermart
In New Mexico, he had an encounter with the One who cares
For the next two and a half hours, Aaron said many prayers
But it wasn't until he was playing guitar in a youth camp
That his pain came out in tears that made the ground damp
For that is when he felt that his chains were broken
He felt liberated as if to him God had personally spoken
For the first time in his life Aaron felt true love
The type that can only come from God above
After such an encounter, nothing can ever be the same
For per Citipointe's song, there is power in His name
But having an encounter is actually not enough
We must choose his love even if reality is tough
The relationship with God we must maintain
If from the encounter we are to get the full gain
In the realm of passion our lifestyle must stay
Our passion for God must be with us every day
Three ways to do so, Aaron did with us then share
To ensure that our passion is constant, not rare
We need to pursue God was point number one
We must hunger for Him and never from Him run
By earthly problems, we should not get bogged down
For we can always bring them to our God of renown
To Matthew five verse six, Aaron did then refer
Upon those who thirst, righteousness God will confer
Of course we need to be emptied before we can be filled
We must give up being so proud and strong willed
He urged us to serve the church in some detail
Otherwise, he warned, our faith will grow stale
We need to live desperate lives was point number two
For those who are truly hungry are desperate too
This desperation should live inside of our heart
And the corresponding expectation should never depart
For with God, anything is possible to achieve
As long as we continue to truly believe
Point number three was the need to understand the cross
We must encounter and worship God for His loss
Remember that the cross has such amazing redemptive power
We should thank Jesus for his sacrifice every single hour
For without the cross, we can not truly understand
About God's love and what He has for us planned
Matthew seven verse seven says to ask, seek, and knock
Such access to God's power, only the cross can unlock
We should never take the cross for granted is the bottom line
For with God's love and vision we must our hearts align
PS. Citipointe Live's music blows me away
I could listen to it several times every day
Citipointe Live website :
Thursday, November 17, 2011
17 November 2011 - Day by Day
Today I woke up with a tune ringing in my head
Rather than invent, I will use its words instead
"Day by day, day by day
Oh Dear Lord, three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly"
These are sung sincerely
For in the words of this simple song
Are the keys to living right, not wrong
To see, to love, and to follow God
In other words, to be part of His squad
I see Him through His word and His world
Every day, new truths to me are unfurled
I love Him with my devotions and prayers
For about all of us, He obviously cares
I follow Him through my words and actions
Trying not to be influenced by sinful distractions
But when I fail, as I so often do
I know that with Him I can start anew
This gives me hope and a sense of calm
That is also evident when I read a psalm
So please dear God, hear my plea
And through this day, please be with me
Rather than invent, I will use its words instead
"Day by day, day by day
Oh Dear Lord, three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly"
These are sung sincerely
For in the words of this simple song
Are the keys to living right, not wrong
To see, to love, and to follow God
In other words, to be part of His squad
I see Him through His word and His world
Every day, new truths to me are unfurled
I love Him with my devotions and prayers
For about all of us, He obviously cares
I follow Him through my words and actions
Trying not to be influenced by sinful distractions
But when I fail, as I so often do
I know that with Him I can start anew
This gives me hope and a sense of calm
That is also evident when I read a psalm
So please dear God, hear my plea
And through this day, please be with me
Sunday, November 13, 2011
13 November 2011 - ENCS
In the "Sign of the Times" series, Pastor Charles did speak
Saying that "False Teachers" attack if our faith is weak
He read three warning passages, although there are many more
Matthew 24:4, 2 Peter 2:1, and 2 Timothy 4:3-4
The word "deceive" comes from "planao" in Greek
To lead away from the truth that all should seek
There is deceptive teaching because of our hearts
We must be on guard, Jeremiah 17:9 imparts
Paul warns of a different gospel, per Galatians 1:6-10
Those who preach such confusion, God will condemn
But Charles said that genuine things will always be tested
With the example about forged bills that lead to being arrested
This is of course true for our faith as well
Only with testing will its true strength tell
About false teachers, Pastor then shared with us marks twelve
Being rushed for time, into details he could not really delve
Denying Christ's deity, death, and resurrection is number one
Two is legalism, for our salvation is based on what He has done
Three is if they try to win the approval of men
These points all come from Galatians 1:6-10
From Jude sixteen and nineteen come the next three
Arrogant, divisive, manipulative, and full of flattery
People who speak for their own glory, per John 7:18
It is in such people that narcissism is seen
Preaching that "godliness is a means to financial gain"
Per 1 Timothy 6:5 is missing the message main
Points nine through twelve come from Jude 12 and 13
Hidden reefs, clouds without water, wandering stars are seen
Autumn trees without any fruit he does not condone
For by their spiritual fruit people must be known
Two ways to be on guard for false teaching, Charles did then share
For about our spiritual health he obviously does care
"Build yourself, keep yourself" per Jude 20 and 21
Keep praying in the Holy Spirit until our lives are done
"Become a Berean Christian" per Acts 17, verse eleven
Every day they examined the Scriptures from heaven
Have a blessed week and remember to beware false teaching
Even those false teachers whose congregation is far reaching
Saying that "False Teachers" attack if our faith is weak
He read three warning passages, although there are many more
Matthew 24:4, 2 Peter 2:1, and 2 Timothy 4:3-4
The word "deceive" comes from "planao" in Greek
To lead away from the truth that all should seek
There is deceptive teaching because of our hearts
We must be on guard, Jeremiah 17:9 imparts
Paul warns of a different gospel, per Galatians 1:6-10
Those who preach such confusion, God will condemn
But Charles said that genuine things will always be tested
With the example about forged bills that lead to being arrested
This is of course true for our faith as well
Only with testing will its true strength tell
About false teachers, Pastor then shared with us marks twelve
Being rushed for time, into details he could not really delve
Denying Christ's deity, death, and resurrection is number one
Two is legalism, for our salvation is based on what He has done
Three is if they try to win the approval of men
These points all come from Galatians 1:6-10
From Jude sixteen and nineteen come the next three
Arrogant, divisive, manipulative, and full of flattery
People who speak for their own glory, per John 7:18
It is in such people that narcissism is seen
Preaching that "godliness is a means to financial gain"
Per 1 Timothy 6:5 is missing the message main
Points nine through twelve come from Jude 12 and 13
Hidden reefs, clouds without water, wandering stars are seen
Autumn trees without any fruit he does not condone
For by their spiritual fruit people must be known
Two ways to be on guard for false teaching, Charles did then share
For about our spiritual health he obviously does care
"Build yourself, keep yourself" per Jude 20 and 21
Keep praying in the Holy Spirit until our lives are done
"Become a Berean Christian" per Acts 17, verse eleven
Every day they examined the Scriptures from heaven
Have a blessed week and remember to beware false teaching
Even those false teachers whose congregation is far reaching
13 November 2011 - Genesis 1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
Then He said, "let there be light"; light shined forth
He called the light "day" and the darkness "night"
It took five more days to make everything right
Creating the sky, the ground, and lots of vegetation
Plus the sun, the moon, and more than one constellation
Then came the fish, the birds, and creatures of the land
On the sixth day, "man in His image" came from His hand
"God saw that it was good" is written here times six
On the seventh day, He rested; there was nothing left to fix
God was a worker who created things of value
To do otherwise would not be giving God his due
Ecclesiastes 3:13 says to find satisfaction in our toil
Whether we are pushing paper, teaching, or working the soil
But remember that on the seventh day God did rest
We must do the same if we want to be at our best
Then He said, "let there be light"; light shined forth
He called the light "day" and the darkness "night"
It took five more days to make everything right
Creating the sky, the ground, and lots of vegetation
Plus the sun, the moon, and more than one constellation
Then came the fish, the birds, and creatures of the land
On the sixth day, "man in His image" came from His hand
"God saw that it was good" is written here times six
On the seventh day, He rested; there was nothing left to fix
God was a worker who created things of value
To do otherwise would not be giving God his due
Ecclesiastes 3:13 says to find satisfaction in our toil
Whether we are pushing paper, teaching, or working the soil
But remember that on the seventh day God did rest
We must do the same if we want to be at our best
Sunday, November 6, 2011
6 November 2011 - ENCS
Today began a new series, "Signs of the Times"
Pastor Larry spoke; this is a summary in rhymes
The Bible has many references about warnings
False prophets, earthquakes, and dark mornings
One such list comes from Matthew twenty four
Other books such as Revelation have even more
Verse twelve was the focus of the sermon today
"The love of most will grow cold" it does say
This will result from an increase in wickedness
Those who stand firm to the end, God will bless
Pastor shared four stories of wickedness from days of old
Leading to four ways to keep our love from growing cold
To the time of Noah does Matthew 24:37-38 refer
The people's evil ways, God's warnings did not deter
He saw their great wickedness, per Genesis 6:5
And decided to eliminate almost all who were alive
Thoughts of evil pervaded almost every person's heart
By being righteous and blameless, Noah did his part
Philippians 4:8 tells us what we should think about
Truth, purity, excellence, and praise - have no doubt
Hebrews 11:7 calls Noah one of the heroes of faith
"Remember what God has done", Pastor did sayeth
About Sodom and Gomorrah Pastor did then talk
Their people were so sinful; at nothing did they balk
Their hearts were evil and their actions were base
Visiting angels said they were going to destroy the place
For so much wickedness God has long detected
But Lot was righteous and the angels he protected
Lot and his family were allowed to be saved
His wife died because to temptation she caved
We need to be aware of the environment we are in
Lest we gradually acclimatise and fall prey to the sin
Put another way, we must "realise where we are"
Making sure that from God we do not stray far
For destruction follows if compromise is our way
We need a spiritual love check, Pastor did say
It is important that we live and be seen to live right
Otherwise, our faith won't be evident in others' sight
In Romans 1:25 and 26 as well as 29 to 31
Paul talked about what God's creation had done
The church had exchanged the truth for a lie
They even worshipped other things, Paul did sigh
So God gave them over to shameful lust
In depravity, not God's knowledge, they did trust
"Recognise that God is with us", we must understand
Per Psalm 16:8, because He is at our right hand
Pastor then referred to three passages from Revelation
Three different churches were the subject of consternation
One lost its first love, another was spiritually dead
The third was rather lukewarm in its faith instead
All three needed to "repent and pray"
We need to do the same in this day
For per 2 Chronicles seven verse fourteen
To humble prayer, God's response will be seen
Remember Nineveh, where was reluctantly sent
The entire city was saved because all did repent
Later this month, on the confluence of eleven-eleven
Proverbs 11:11 will be the focus of prayer to heaven
Four Rs was the message that Pastor Larry sent
To Remember, Realize, Recognise, and Repent
Pastor Larry spoke; this is a summary in rhymes
The Bible has many references about warnings
False prophets, earthquakes, and dark mornings
One such list comes from Matthew twenty four
Other books such as Revelation have even more
Verse twelve was the focus of the sermon today
"The love of most will grow cold" it does say
This will result from an increase in wickedness
Those who stand firm to the end, God will bless
Pastor shared four stories of wickedness from days of old
Leading to four ways to keep our love from growing cold
To the time of Noah does Matthew 24:37-38 refer
The people's evil ways, God's warnings did not deter
He saw their great wickedness, per Genesis 6:5
And decided to eliminate almost all who were alive
Thoughts of evil pervaded almost every person's heart
By being righteous and blameless, Noah did his part
Philippians 4:8 tells us what we should think about
Truth, purity, excellence, and praise - have no doubt
Hebrews 11:7 calls Noah one of the heroes of faith
"Remember what God has done", Pastor did sayeth
About Sodom and Gomorrah Pastor did then talk
Their people were so sinful; at nothing did they balk
Their hearts were evil and their actions were base
Visiting angels said they were going to destroy the place
For so much wickedness God has long detected
But Lot was righteous and the angels he protected
Lot and his family were allowed to be saved
His wife died because to temptation she caved
We need to be aware of the environment we are in
Lest we gradually acclimatise and fall prey to the sin
Put another way, we must "realise where we are"
Making sure that from God we do not stray far
For destruction follows if compromise is our way
We need a spiritual love check, Pastor did say
It is important that we live and be seen to live right
Otherwise, our faith won't be evident in others' sight
In Romans 1:25 and 26 as well as 29 to 31
Paul talked about what God's creation had done
The church had exchanged the truth for a lie
They even worshipped other things, Paul did sigh
So God gave them over to shameful lust
In depravity, not God's knowledge, they did trust
"Recognise that God is with us", we must understand
Per Psalm 16:8, because He is at our right hand
Pastor then referred to three passages from Revelation
Three different churches were the subject of consternation
One lost its first love, another was spiritually dead
The third was rather lukewarm in its faith instead
All three needed to "repent and pray"
We need to do the same in this day
For per 2 Chronicles seven verse fourteen
To humble prayer, God's response will be seen
Remember Nineveh, where was reluctantly sent
The entire city was saved because all did repent
Later this month, on the confluence of eleven-eleven
Proverbs 11:11 will be the focus of prayer to heaven
Four Rs was the message that Pastor Larry sent
To Remember, Realize, Recognise, and Repent
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
1 November 2011 - Isaiah (BSF Grand Sharing)
My name is Nels Friets, the guy who serves as a host
Also called the big guy, the one who laughs the most
And for those of you who may not know it
On my blog, I am known as the unknown poet
So here is a poem I wrote for tonight
I sure hope that it turned out alright
I started BSF eight and half years ago
I didn't know how much I didn't know
From the first pilot class until today
Making lots of friends along the way
Challenging questions and an odd personal one
Were all valuable even if not always that fun
There were DLs nine and TLs two
All helped me learn what I should do
I thank you all for somehow putting up with me
Especially when my ignorance was plain to see
And all my absences that you did overlook
You've all been a blessing in my book
We looked through Philippians in the pilot class
Then through Minor Prophets and Acts we did pass
Colossians, Ruth, Philippians in the stub half year
Then about Genesis and Romans we did hear
We studied Matthew, Moses, and then John
And now Isaiah - the cycle is done
Isaiah was a prophet from whom a lot I did learn
It makes be very glad that to BSF I did return
Isaiah's name and message are "The Lord is Salvation"
His message was for the world and Israel the nation
The sixty six chapters cover past, present, and future
He was a prophet of God - of that I am very sure
"God's Indictment of Judah" is covered in chapters 1 to 6
7-12 talk of "God's Promise of Immanuel", the world He will fix
"Judgment of the Nations' is seen in 13 to 23
Chapters 24-27, "A Little Revelation" we did see
"Woes" are the topic of chapters 28 to 35
Then into "Historical Interlude", 36 to 39 did dive
"Deliverance of God's People" in chapters 40 to 48
49 to 57 spoke of "The Suffering Servant" that some did hate
The last nine chapters talk about "Future Glory"
For eternal life with God is the right end to our life's story
In today's world, Isaiah still has relevance and application
The lessons and lectures serve as both warning and motivation
About Israel and the rest of the world were Isaiah's predictions
Imploring us to live a consistent lifestyle with strong convictions
For although God is patient, merciful, and kind
He also demands retribution, as Isaiah did oft remind
When I hear the phrase "new heavens and a new earth"
It reminds me of what God's love is really worth
This has been a life changing time for me
Hopefully this is evident for others to see
Through the poems I try to regularly write
Perhaps my heart is also just a bit more right
And while I will miss being a BSF host
I know what I will really miss the most
It is the discipline and all the fellowship
Thank you all for helping me on this trip
I hope that our paths continue to cross
If not, it will surely be my immense loss
But it is now time for these lessons to apply
For I know where I want to go when I die
And now the BSF slogan no longer makes me nervous
"A season of training and a lifetime of service"
I need to finish this before my two minutes runs out
Or before I break down and tears flow out
So now as I complete this rambling poem
Our leaders and admin team, you all know 'em
Can everyone out there please arise and stand
And join me in giving them a great big hand
Also called the big guy, the one who laughs the most
And for those of you who may not know it
On my blog, I am known as the unknown poet
So here is a poem I wrote for tonight
I sure hope that it turned out alright
I started BSF eight and half years ago
I didn't know how much I didn't know
From the first pilot class until today
Making lots of friends along the way
Challenging questions and an odd personal one
Were all valuable even if not always that fun
There were DLs nine and TLs two
All helped me learn what I should do
I thank you all for somehow putting up with me
Especially when my ignorance was plain to see
And all my absences that you did overlook
You've all been a blessing in my book
We looked through Philippians in the pilot class
Then through Minor Prophets and Acts we did pass
Colossians, Ruth, Philippians in the stub half year
Then about Genesis and Romans we did hear
We studied Matthew, Moses, and then John
And now Isaiah - the cycle is done
Isaiah was a prophet from whom a lot I did learn
It makes be very glad that to BSF I did return
Isaiah's name and message are "The Lord is Salvation"
His message was for the world and Israel the nation
The sixty six chapters cover past, present, and future
He was a prophet of God - of that I am very sure
"God's Indictment of Judah" is covered in chapters 1 to 6
7-12 talk of "God's Promise of Immanuel", the world He will fix
"Judgment of the Nations' is seen in 13 to 23
Chapters 24-27, "A Little Revelation" we did see
"Woes" are the topic of chapters 28 to 35
Then into "Historical Interlude", 36 to 39 did dive
"Deliverance of God's People" in chapters 40 to 48
49 to 57 spoke of "The Suffering Servant" that some did hate
The last nine chapters talk about "Future Glory"
For eternal life with God is the right end to our life's story
In today's world, Isaiah still has relevance and application
The lessons and lectures serve as both warning and motivation
About Israel and the rest of the world were Isaiah's predictions
Imploring us to live a consistent lifestyle with strong convictions
For although God is patient, merciful, and kind
He also demands retribution, as Isaiah did oft remind
When I hear the phrase "new heavens and a new earth"
It reminds me of what God's love is really worth
This has been a life changing time for me
Hopefully this is evident for others to see
Through the poems I try to regularly write
Perhaps my heart is also just a bit more right
And while I will miss being a BSF host
I know what I will really miss the most
It is the discipline and all the fellowship
Thank you all for helping me on this trip
I hope that our paths continue to cross
If not, it will surely be my immense loss
But it is now time for these lessons to apply
For I know where I want to go when I die
And now the BSF slogan no longer makes me nervous
"A season of training and a lifetime of service"
I need to finish this before my two minutes runs out
Or before I break down and tears flow out
So now as I complete this rambling poem
Our leaders and admin team, you all know 'em
Can everyone out there please arise and stand
And join me in giving them a great big hand
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