Saturday, May 25, 2024

24 May 2024 - Freedom

Pastor Josh Harris led a session entitled “Freedom” last night
We were made for freedom, as in Genesis two Josh did cite
Freedom enables us to choose life, per Deuteronomy thirty
As the alternative has implications for one's generational tree

Being rightly related to God is known as spiritual freedom
Being rightly related to others is called relational freedom
And being rightly related to ourselves is physical freedom
While being rightly related to resources is financial freedom

Through God’s truth and God’s spirit, His freedom we see
Per John eight verse thirty two, His "truth will set us free”
"For where God’s spirit is, there is freedom” is thus seen
In Second Corinthians chapter three verse number sixteen

Spiritual freedom releases us from spiritual disobedience
Also from spiritual oppression which we may experience
Alternatively it enables us to follow Jesus wholeheartedly
And to experience fruitfulness by  loving others willingly

Spiritual freedom in turn empowers freedom relationally
From unforgiveness and bitterness which are far from holy
Also from relational dysfunctions which are hard to survive
But to forgiveness and walking in love, per Ephesians five

For physical freedom, spiritual freedom also does empower
Taking us away from anxiety, stress, and pasts that are sour
Instead into the peace of God, per Philippians chapter four
As well as to power, love, self-discipline, and so much more

Spiritual freedom also does empower freedom financially
Financial aspects include time, energy, as well as money
From addictions, habits, and false refuges Josh did tell
But into serving others and stewarding God’s grace well

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