About mental health, Pastor Josh did today continue
Elijah, Hagar, David, and Hannah to date we did view
Through his own emotional wrestling, Jesus also went
We can all learn from how He dealt with this torment
Chesterton warned against reductivism, linguistically
Answering a complex question simply or simplistically
A key is both simpler and more complex than a knife
Ergo Christianity is like a key that fits the lock of life
Part of the complexity results from Jesus’ humanity
He took on a human likeness, per Philippians three
Per Hebrews fifteen, he was fully human in every way
He faced temptation so can relate to us, Josh did say
Remember that Jesus prayed to God to take His cup
Even a visit from an angel failed to lift His spirits up
He was betrayed and deserted, and even forsaken
He knows how we feel, we should not be mistaken
Jesus experienced victory in death, per Hebrews two
Giving those who feared death a major breakthrough
Sometimes we go through difficult times for a reason
To enable us to share our faith in a different season
We should make decisions based on faith, not fear
The Spirit’s law frees us, Romans eight makes clear
In summary, Pastor Josh referred to First Peter three
Jesus suffered once so our sins are cleansed eternally
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