Vicki Tekwani shared the message today on Philippians four
Over “The Closing Remarks” from Paul’s letter Vicki did pore
Paul provided the recipients practical keys to living a godly life
Something that was very hard given the persecution and strife
There were several critical truths that Paul wanted to impart
For the church in Philippi had a very special place in his heart
“Stand firm in the Lord in this way”, as stated in verse one
For there will always be disagreements, which are not fun
“Let your reasonableness be seen by all for God is at hand”
That is what Paul in verse five does instruct, if not command
Showing gentleness to our enemies is a sign of moderation
Instead of judging, we can listen and engage in conversation
Remember that Jesus shared the truth with love and grace
In the Asian context, this could involve showing others face
Verse four states that we should “rejoice in the Lord always”
The onus is on us to act, perhaps moreso these stressful days
Remember that we have free will and can exert our druthers
For when we rejoice, it strengthens us and influences others
Per Habakkuk three verse eighteen, there is an admonition
The prophet also said to rejoice despite his tough condition
For as Vicki said, we can always find things to be thankful for
The chance to worship, our family and friends, and more
Verse six is one of the Bible passages that is most oft-quoted
So “do not be anxious about anything…but pray”, it is noted
Because God cares about us, our praying gives us peace
Out strengths will increase while our stresses will decrease
As Vicki moved on and highlighted excellence per verse eight
That which is true, honourable, pure, and many a similar trait
So “be content whatever the circumstances”, per verse eleven
Verse thirteen says we can do all with strength from heaven
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