Sunday, July 31, 2022

31 July 2022 - ENCS

Today as our study of Philippians reached its final climax
Pastor Josh delivered a sermon aptly entitled “Life Hacks”
If we look at chapter four verse twelve of his exhortation
Paul gives us secrets of being content in every situation

Starting in verse thirteen, his first point we clearly see
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
God’s unlimited resources, Paul encourages us to use
But not only with the people we would normally choose

As a side note, he adds “don’t hear what I am not saying"
Our real messaging is evident in acts we are displaying
Each of us is blessed with talents, money, and/or time
Leveraging these to bless others should be our paradigm

That adage links to a oft-quoted promise from heaven
The “generous person will prosper” per Proverbs eleven
Remember that our eyes do not face in, but look out
For God’s kingdom is outward looking without a doubt

We should aim to please God until in heaven we arrive
This is what Paul conveyed in Second Corinthians five
And do not store treasures on earth, per Matthew six
For where our treasure is, our heart’s eyes will affix

Sunday, July 24, 2022

24 July 2022 - ENCS

Vicki Tekwani shared the message today on Philippians four
Over “The Closing Remarks” from Paul’s letter Vicki did pore
Paul provided the recipients practical keys to living a godly life
Something that was very hard given the persecution and strife
There were several critical truths that Paul wanted to impart
For the church in Philippi had a very special place in his heart

“Stand firm in the Lord in this way”, as stated in verse one
For there will always be disagreements, which are not fun
“Let your reasonableness be seen by all for God is at hand”
That is what Paul in verse five does instruct, if not command
Showing gentleness to our enemies is a sign of moderation
Instead of judging, we can listen and engage in conversation
Remember that Jesus shared the truth with love and grace
In the Asian context, this could involve showing others face

Verse four states that we should “rejoice in the Lord always”
The onus is on us to act, perhaps moreso these stressful days
Remember that we have free will and can exert our druthers
For when we rejoice, it strengthens us and influences others
Per Habakkuk three verse eighteen, there is an admonition
The prophet also said to rejoice despite his tough condition
For as Vicki said, we can always find things to be thankful for
The chance to worship, our family and friends, and more

Verse six is one of the Bible passages that is most oft-quoted
So “do not be anxious about anything…but pray”, it is noted
Because God cares about us, our praying gives us peace
Out strengths will increase while our stresses will decrease
As Vicki moved on and highlighted excellence per verse eight
That which is true, honourable, pure, and many a similar trait
So “be content whatever the circumstances”, per verse eleven
Verse thirteen says we can do all with strength from heaven

23 July 2022 - Faith-based Entrepreneurship

Today’s Faith-based Entrepreneurship had food platters
The focus of the video and talk was “Excellence Matters”
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart” we see
In Paul’s letter to the Colossians three verse twenty three

It is critical to remember that excellence is not perfection
And it should be considered relative to one’s expectation
Perhaps the most important element is to generate trust
To do that internally or externally, transparency is a must

And since we all report to God, the real higher authority
We should approach negotiations with a win/win mentality
It is better to suffer for doing good per God’s will, it is seen
Than for doing evil, per First Peter three verse seventeen

If we act with integrity whether or not others can see
In the long run, relationships form our enduring legacy
It was aptly pointed out that if we successfully live love
We will assuredly impact others and please God above

Sunday, July 17, 2022

17 July 2022 - ENCS

Pastor Josh continued the series, looking at Philippians three
Halfway through the letter, the first word is ironically “finally"
“It is no trouble…to write the you again” Paul said
It is an important safeguard he will repeat until his deathbed

Rejoice in the Lord and beware the dogs who to flesh do evil
The enemy whispers in our ears in order to cause upheaval
If we listen to him, our blessings from God we surely miss
That is the equivalent of falling from a peak into the abyss

We do this by worshiping God in the Spirit, per verse three
Rejoicing in Christ, not having confidence in flesh, we see
These are the internal marks that now replace circumcision
For we no longer require external proof of God’s provision

Paul pointed out his previous supposedly strong credentials
The right heritage, teaching, and actions - Jewish essentials
But those gains he now considered a loss, per verse seven
They pale compared to a relationship with Christ from heaven

It is important to note our value comes from this relationship
Rather than our performance or possessions, Josh did quip
We should forget the past and “strain toward what is ahead”
If we follow Paul’s example, God’s glory will no doubt spread

Sunday, July 10, 2022

10 July 2022 - ENCS

The Philippians series Pastor Josh did today continue
He started by reading from the first verse of chapter two
But note the first word “therefore” implies a continuation
“Believe…and suffer for His sake” the preceding quotation

So in challenging times, Josh asked, how we we thrive
He said that to “be one”, not be alone, we should strive
Per verse two, we should be of one accord and mind
Start by reaching out to others as well as being kind
Look out for others and their interest, per verse four
Complaining and disputing things, we should abhor
By adopting this attitude, to the world we can be light
Even brighter at night, like the stars shining at night

To esteem others better than one’s self, per verse three
Should be done from a position of self-love in actuality
For if we look at Jesus’ actions in John chapter thirteen
Despite His position, He washed disciples’ feet clean
That is a reminder that we should always be humble
Being passionate can bring suffering - do not grumble
We should be ready by holding fast to the word of life
Being obedient to God even when temptations are rife

We should be fearful and tremble, per verse twelve
A semicolon implies that into the next we should delve
It says that God works in us to fulfil His good purpose
Input from any other source is therefore superfluous

Sunday, July 3, 2022

3 July 2022 - ENCS

On the book of Philippians, Pastor Mark today did speak
Fifty one mentions of Jesus serve to add to His mystique
Understanding more about Jesus helps us His lens to use
Our perspective will change and life will no longer confuse

Many different contrasts in chapter one we clearly see
Servants and saints, life and death, good will and envy
Beginning and completion as well as confidence and fear
As Pastor Mark said, using Jesus’ lens makes them clear

Paul and Timothy were a team despite the big age gap
About their strong relationship Pastor Mark did recap
We should each have a Paul and a Timothy, Mark said
To be discipled and disciple others we should not dread
His points once again serve as a good reminder to me
To life’s events through an appropriate lens try to see
To obey God’s word rather than follow my own druthers
To be open to both learning and teaching from others 

1 July 2022 - ENCS

Pastor Mark shared at worship just the other night
His words were brief but the message was just right

From Second Chronicles chapter seven he did refer
We should humble ourselves and wicked ways deter
For then we will receive forgiveness from God’s hand
And the verse says He also promises to heal our land

Pastor also spoke about Philippians chapter one
From Paul and Timothy, who was his spiritual son
The term “servants’ implies obedience and humility
That tells us the attitude that in us God wants to see

Pastor Mark then spoke about different generations
And the importance of building strong foundations
Each generation can and should both learn and teach
And in that way we continue the church’s outreach