The series “What Matters Most” Pastor Josh doth continued
Relationships help but can be challenging if misconstrued
Josh said that a major Relationship Killer is selfishness
Per James four, our covetousness can get us in a big mess
Our selfish nature can then lead our hearts to hardened be
“The evil heart of unbelief”, as is stated in Hebrews three
Sin actually trains us to be hard and thus bitter we become
Which hurts ourselves and defiles others, so is really dumb
Josh said bitterness to betterness God's grace does turn
We must “guard our heart”, from Romans four we do learn
For from our heart flows all that we say and all that we do
In how we respond to hurtful offences, this is especially true
Our heart is where our treasure is, Matthew six does remind
Hoarding earthly treasure leads to greed, putting us in a bind
The Venn diagram intersection of guarded and giving is best
Our growth comes from “guarded giving” Pastor Josh stressed
"Let light shine out of darkness", per Second Corinthians four
Since into our hearts the knowledge of God’s glory does pour
And if we do walk in the light, per First John one verse seven
We will have fellowship with others on earth and in heaven
Dear God, please help me remove bitterness from my heart
And in bringing light to this world, help me to do my small part
Let me be thankful for all the blessings you have given to me
And in line with your intentions, let my words and actions be
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