Sunday, November 3, 2019

3 November 2019 - ENCS

Pastor Josh today spoke about Genesis twenty eight
Jacob had left home and was just in a survival state
He stopped for the night and took a stone for a pillow
Angels going up and down a ladder, a dream did show
Of Abraham and Isaac his father, God did Jacob remind
And the Lord's promise to Jacob was very well defined

Remember His promises and blessings are massive
And we can claim them even if our actions are passive
Jacob’s family would be blessed and would bless others
God wants His blessings to expand beyond our brothers
Even in toxic situations, our presence should be a light
Jesus’ miracles often happened out of normal eyesight

Jacob awoke and realised the Lord God had been there
For God is omnipresent, Pastor Josh did then declare
Even or perhaps especially when we feel most alone
God will never forsake us nor will he ever us disown
Jacob said that that place must be heaven’s entrance
Building an altar, Bethel is what he named the expanse

But then Jacob reverted to his simple survival mentality
He tried to make a deal with God, as was his normality
But an encounter with the Lord is of a journey, one part
Obviously important, while often serving as a kickstart
Per John one, Jesus is the ladder which gives us access
Per Romans five, this access is ours by faith not stress

In summary, Josh reiterated four steps for our life’s trip
We should often pray, mediate, proclaim, and fellowship
By doing this, Jesus’ light in us will to others be evident
And thus our lives will reflect why to earth we were sent

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